"What's it doing?"
"It was making this clicking sound, and then nothing."
"That sounds like your battery." I groan again and he chuckles. "Two options. I can give your car a jump now, or, and this ismy preferred option, I can take you to my house, feed you some breakfast, we can get some sleep, and when we come back here later, I'll jump your car after we see Shawn."
Pick the first option.My mind immediately tells me. This will only make things worse. Going to his house, having him cook for me, sleeping... where? In his bed? In his arms? No, no. Bad idea on all fronts. And I know it. My mouth opens, ready to tell him to just jump my car so we can go our separate ways. But instead, I hear myself say, "Let’s go to your house."
Chapter 9
“We can just pick something up,” I say as we drive to his house. “You did say you were exhausted."
"There are two things I am never too exhausted for. And one of them is cooking."
Don't ask. Don't ask. Don't ask.
"What's the other?" I ask anyway.
He grins over at me. Completely devilish, downright sinful, and absolutely charming.
"I'll tell you that later," he answers.
I have a feeling he'll show me after he tells me too. Swallowing, I look out the window, watching the houses go by, convincing myself that when I get inside of his house, I won't ask too many questions, I won't think too deeply on the things that I see, I won't read too much into me being there at all.
"So, any requests for breakfast?" he asks.
"Whatever you have is fine with me."
"Well, I have just about everything."
I look at him with an arched brow. "Everything?"
"I never know when inspiration will strike, so my fridge and pantry are always very, very stocked." I chuckle and his brows furrow. "What?"
"I just can't even picture you walking around a grocery store?"
"Why the hell not?"
"You're too damn..." I motion up and down his body. "Sexy. You walking around is like a freaking sex ad. Everything about you is what someone would expect."
"Uh, what the hell does that mean?"
I groan. "How do I explain it? Okay, when I first met you, in an instant, my mind had imagined so many things about you, and they turned out to be true, because your mere presence conveys a lot."
"What did you imagine?" He smirks, enjoying this conversation way too much.
"That your voice was deep and sexy. Check. That your face would entirely change, becoming even more handsome when you smiled, and downright sinful when you smirked. Check and check. I imagined..." I trail off, biting on the corner of my bottom lip.
"Go on."
"I imagined the way you would fuck, although that one was most likely shaped by my own preferences."
"And I fuck the way you imagine?"
I ignore the way him sayingfuckmakes heat rush through me and nod. "Better." I chuckle and shake my head at the face he makes. "You don't have to look so smug about it."
He shrugs. "I mean. But why does all of that make it hard to imagine me walking around a grocery store?"
"It would be like turning into an aisle and seeing some fantasy man standing there. Tall, that damn hair down, smirk in place, and muscles on display. It's not fair to have to walk past that and not be able to have it."