Page 62 of Conquer or Die

“Xavier!” I snap losing my patience.

“He is at another location across town” he answers me. I nod my head slowly eyeing him trying to get a read on him. He was never good at hiding his emotions and I know he has a twisted game planned.

“Go on” I lean back in my chair. He looks at me skeptically not sure what I’m referring to.

“Gloat about your flawless plan, what you’re planning on doing and how you know this will be the time I chose you” I elaborate further, he huffs “you will choose me” he sounds so confident that it makes me involuntary roll my eyes.

“You see Vincenzo is faced with two options. He has the chance to save one of you not both. He will be given the location of one person upon his choice, and he can go save whoever it may be. You know Vincenzo already lost one sibling do you think he can go through it all over again? Even if that meant he had to sacrifice you to save his brother. I will sacrifice the world to save you and only you, but he will sacrifice the world to protect his family, and you know when it comes down to it, he will choose his own blood over your life.” I looked at the ground and winced, knowing he was right.

I flicked the hair out of my eyes and took in a deep breath, “good” he moves his head back clearly not expecting my response. “If I was given the same ultimatum, I would choose my sister over anyone, given the chance to save her life or another I would always choose her. So, I don’t expect any less from Vincenzo or anyone else for that matter, but that won’t prove anything for me. It doesn’t prove he doesn’t love me, no matter how deep your love runs for someone it’s never as strong as a sibling bond.” I clarify meaning every single word, but I know one way or another he will save me. Vincenzo just got his memories back; he just got his life back … we just got each other back and we will be dammed if Xavier is going to try and ruin that. His going to come for me … I mean he can’t leave me here. Can he?

Vincenzo’s POV

I look around the hospital room hoping to see Isabella waiting for me, but I was met with an empty room … to empty. I look around seeing no guards or any of my men outside either. An unsettling feeling decides to settle deep in my gut, “Lorenzo?” I call out but am meet with silence.

“Fuck” I hiss sitting up slowly the stitches still fresh. I look over my shoulder and see a note resting on the table next to my bed. I groan reaching for it seeing my name written in cursive handwriting signed with an X. My jaw automatically tensed knowing that whatever was in this letter was going to drive me insane, without waiting another second I tear the envelope open mentally preparing myself for what I was about to read but nothing could have prepared me for this.


A little birdy told me you managed to somehow survive the drugs and a car accident. I must say you have more lives than a cat, nonetheless I intended to make sure that this is your last life. As I sit here next to you watching you sleep, I realize just how easy it is to end your life right now, but once I tell you what you must face you will wish I just ended it all. I’ll stop toying with you now, as we both know Isabella is the reason for all of this, from our first encounter I told you my only reason for coming to New York was to reclaim what is rightfully mine, with your help I will get her back and show her no one, not even you will love her more than me or choose her over everyone even if that means choosing her over my own brother.

Will you? I have both Lorenzo and Isabella tucked away they are both alive and well for now.

You now have a choice to save only one of them. Behind this letter I give you the address for both locations, Isabella and Lorenzo but remember this is my game and you can only choose one person to save, whoever you pick you can take and the other will face the same fate as Dante, they will be killed by my hands with the same knife. Just keep in mind, in my game I hate cheaters, if you send men to both locations, they will both be killed.

So, choose your next move wisely King, I’ll see you soon.


I flipped the letter around seeing two locations each one labeled with their names, my frustration built up like an intense pressure within me, threatening to burst in every direction. I felt the veins in my neck bulge out as I tensed up curling the note in my fist, my knuckles turning white as I tried to hold myself together.

It was useless, the pain and anger that was boiling inside me demanded release, I felt my throat contract, and my voice quivered for the first time with such raw emotion as I let out a scream that seemed to echo through the depths of my soul. My voice cracked and strained under the weight of my emotions, revealing the depths of my agony.

It was as if every hurt, every disappointment, and every failure in my life were all packed into this one cry for help. The intensity of my scream made my body tremble uncontrollably, it wasn’t just a scream of anger, or pain it was a desperate cry for help, a plea for relief from the relentless torment that seemed to follow me my whole life, and now it followed the two people I loved the most. I was just thankful Ariana, and my son were somewhere safe.

The sound of my scream was deafening, drowning out everything else around me. My throat felt raw and hoarse, as if I had swallowed a piece of broken glass, but I didn’t stop. I couldn’t stop the pain in my voice was too real, too raw, and too profound to be silenced.

Gradually, my scream begins to drop, leaving me gasping for breath, my chest heaving. My head is scattered for the first time in my life I had no idea what to do. Nurses and doctors rushed in as I stood up needing to get dressed and back at the house immediately. I grabbed my phone and called Hacker telling him to get men to pick me up, and to get everyone ready for what is about to come. I pushed past the staff who were trying to force me back in bed but at this point I didn’t care if death was staring me in the face I needed to go, Grimm reaper can wait I have shit to do.


I got into the car as my head went through a million scenarios, I could just send men to both locations but if I cheat, he will kill them both. For the first time in my life, I just … I have no idea what the right move is. I cannot imagine a life without either one of them, trying to fathom a life without my brother the person I vowed to protect until my last breath and who has never left my side or the one person who breaths life back into my soul, the only one who saw my demons and didn’t run away instead she kissed each and every one of them. We are two broken souls, scarred with the wounds from our demons, playing a dangerous game of trust and love … and look where it led us. A dangerous love ended with a life-or-death situation and impossible decision.

I stormed out of the car and went straight up to the office, I looked around and saw my men anxiously waiting for me including Garcia and his men, he nods his head at me I return the gesture looking around the room.

“Lorenzo and Isabella have been taken and are being held hostage” I announce, everyone in the room shared gasps, anger and one emotion that stood out most was the need for blood, we want revenge.

“I have a plan” I announced getting them all to quiet down, I sighed knowing whichever decision I was going to make would end with blood, “I need you all to trust me on this one. I’m making the only decision there is, I can’t live without-”

Lorenzo’s POV

I’ve been stewing for hours trying to get anyone to come down and fucking speak but no one’s showing their fucking faces. I let out a reckless yell feeling hopeless, I’ve been banging on the door for hours, but it won’t budge, and no one will come, I curse under my breath holding my head it’s still spinning from whatever they did to knock me out.

“I see you finally woke up. Poor Isabella is still knocked out cold.”

I looked up immediately matching the voice to a face, “Xavier!” I shouted looking for him, “where is she!” I yelled out.

“She’s safe with me” he responds.