Page 63 of Conquer or Die

“Count your days Xavier, they’re numbered” I threatened him, growing agitated as he laughed.

“You truly believe you’re getting out of there? By the time he saves you, Isabella and I will be long gone” he laughs a laugh that made my blood boil.

“Isabella should have killed you when she had the chance.” I spat still looking around the dark room not seeing his silhouette only hearing his unbearable voice.

“And yet she didn’t, Lorenzo stop looking around you are stuck in a room all by yourself, and I get the privilege to watch you go insane.”

I yelled banging on the doors wanting to get out, but I then slowly calmed down as if someone was standing behind me … as if she was standing behind me. I took in a deep breath not wanting to give him the satisfaction of me losing my temper, its exactly what he wants to see me go insane.

I let out a sigh and sat down waiting for the inevitable, it was clear he had both myself and Isabella in confinement he will force Vincenzo to pick between the two of us and I pray with every fiber in my soul that he chooses Isabella.

I don’t know what neither he nor I will do without her in our lives, I know just how much he loves her and how much she loves him, watching the two of them the past year and a half was torment how much they both yearned and wanted one another but neither of them knew it, or knew how to show it.

I don’t think neither of them truly knew how to love the other, I sigh sadly remembering the conversation Maria and I had.

“Do you think he ever loved her?”Maria’s voice rings through my head recalling our conversation I smiled leaning my head back, “Yeah. He loves her so, so much” I whispered to the empty room, I know he did and still does. She was all he ever talked about and the only one he ever saw.

“Then why did he break her heart?”Maria whispered sadly for her sister.

I sighed“he loves her”I pause to swallow,“he just wasn’t ready for it to hit him that hard.”

Since I can remember I’ve known my brother to carry more anger and pain than a thousand armies could ever bear, his childhood was full of ‘training’ that’s what dad liked to call it, it was just torture.

To save his brother from the same fate he took it all on himself not wanting to expose his brother to the same torture. He was betrayed, deceived, hurt. Believe me when I say he has already been to hell and the ones who took him there were the ones who were supposed to protect him from it … and the only time I ever saw peace in my brother’s eyes was when he was looking at Isabella.

She’s the only reason his still alive and after all the years of my brother protecting us it was finally our turn to protect him. So please choose her.

There is nothing left for me anyway, all I could think about was finally being with Maria again. When I first laid eyes on her, I just knew she was the one for me, her big, beautiful Bambi eyes and how her dimples highlighted her face whenever she would laugh and how much she hated how her eyes always gave her away. I wish she was here so I can say how in love I am with her, and how much I miss holding her in my arms.

I sighed looking straight ahead, “I’ll be with you soon Bambi.”


Isabella’s POV

I’ve been sitting here for hours, feeling my insides shutting down. All I wanted to do was run into Vincenzo’s arms and cuddle up to him and breath in his scent, I wanted my son to grow up with both of us.

I smiled sadly as a tear fell out of my eye, I wasn’t going to see my son grow up, but I knew my baby had the most amazing support system around, Ariana is the best aunty so caring and loving always ready to spoil and care for him knowing exactly what to do.

Lorenzo is such an amazing uncle, the perfect balance, teaching Dante kindness, love and most importantly how to navigate our world and still enjoy life.

Then he has his dad with Vincenzo watching over him I knew he will always be protected and loved. He would be taught how to be tough but vulnerable, and most importantly how to love, whether he knew it or not he loved me and our son with every single bit of his heart.

I never felt so loved and protected in my whole life not even from my parents. I sighed accepting my fate knowing he better not let Lorenzo die, even if that meant me dying.

I heard footsteps slowly approaching me I lifted my head up my eyes meeting Xavier’s.

I could scream, I could try to set myself free, I can even attempt to get under his skin, but I was so tired I just chose to look up at him lifeless a blank expression as I stared into his soul.

“Isabella are you okay?” he questioned softly looking concerned.

I huffed nodding my head “just peachy” I replied with a monotone.

“Are you hungry?” he questioned staying quiet he stands up frustrated.

“Isabella, you can’t just starve yourself” he huffs.

I roll my eyes trying to control myself from lashing out knowing it won’t get my anywhere anyway.