Page 57 of Conquer or Die

When we turned 15 years-old, Maria and I always wondered where he was and why he stopped appearing.

“The day my wife died, and I was in a coma was the perfect moment for you to pick up and move my girls away, and it was the time where all hell broke loose! By the time I regained strength and went looking for them, the both of you were dead and dragon was already born. Trying to find Dragon was like trying to find a specific grain of sand at the beach. She was good at hiding her tracks, I managed to find Maria, but she was only concerned with finding her sister, and I would never tell them the truth at an already tough time. She was mourning the two of you and her sister, I couldn’t tell her without Isabella, so I went on the hunt for her, until she vanished.”

That was when me and Maria were shipped off to that abusive asshole, “do you want a trophy?” Mario laughed out “you cracked the code. I couldn’t use her power for my own when I found out my blood wasn’t running in her veins. When I found out she was yours I knew it was a matter of time before you took her, and Maria. If they went to you, I lost everything and I was fucking mad, mad at Sophia mad at you and mad at them. If I couldn’t have her power no one could, but Xavier misled me the bastard. He was never going to kill her. He wanted her power as much as he feared it, he knew he could use it to his advantage so long as she was working for him. What I didn’t know was how much he feared losing her. The son of a bitch is in love with her and only gave her a reason to unleash her inner demons. She grew more powerful every day and when I knew he fell for her I went to kill her myself.”

“You did enough. Both of you! None of you deserve my angel, you had one fucking job protect her! Instead, what do you do? Instead of being the ones who scare away the monsters under the bed you became the monsters. I will make sure she sees the real you, the one who wanted to kill her because his ego was getting threatened by his daughter.”

“Who do you think our daughter will side with? If she wanted us dead, she would have killed us by now. Isabella has never been one to show mercy the second someone wrongs her they die in the same breath. But we are still here which means one thing, she’s no longer as powerful as she used to be, and her emotions are getting in the way. Besides who would kill their own parents?” Both Mario and Sophia laughed.

“I would” I spoke up confidently making my presence known stepping forward. I looked around the room almost scared at who I was going to find on the opposite end of my parents … the man who is really my dad is. My eyes widened in shock as I gasped out his name “Garcia?”


(This chapter contains graphic scenes which some readers may find disturbing scenes will be clearly labelled for your convenance)

Isabella’s POV

I walked towards him still in shock “You?” I questioned looking at Garcia. Mixed emotions filled me, and it was too much I didn’t know what emotion to focus on. I stood in front of him and took in a deep breath was I relieved staring at his face, was I angry he didn’t tell me sooner? Or was I just in shock that the man who I grew so close to and started seeing as a father figure turned out to be my dad. “Isabella” he called out softly, I snapped back into reality hearing shuffling from behind me I pulled Vincenzo’s knife out of my pocket turning out I threw the knife, it pierced Mario’s hand pinning him to the wall. I rolled my eyes and whistled for the men upstairs to shut and lock the door.

Not saying a word, I turned back around and faced Garcia who had a worried expression unsure of how I’m going to react to his news, so I did what I knew needed to be done something he wasn’t expecting I leaped into his arms wrapping my arms around him burying my head into his chest. He let out a relieved sigh and returned the hug holding me tight, “My Bella” he whispered softly making me smile I looked up at him and nodded my head calming down my nerves.

He looked behind me probably satisfied at my parent’s reaction to how quickly I accepted Garcia as my father, I admit it should have been harder but his been in my life since I was a child even in the gap where we weren’t in contact the second, he saw me with Vincenzo, he has done more for me than they did my whole life. So, no it wasn’t hard to accept as a matter of a fact if I had to pick anyone to be my dad, I would have picked Garcia in a heartbeat and I’m beyond grateful it’s him.

“What do you say? Wanna have some fun?” I smirked immediately knowing where I was going with this, he put his hand out ushering me to lead the way. I spun around on the heel on my foot a wicked grin overtaking my features never feeling more justified and prouder of what I’m about to do.

(TW torture/killing)

“So, you think I lost my touch? Do you think I lost my power? Well dear father of mine, how about I show you personally just how wrong you are. You want to see Dragon in action? You got it” I winked.

“You!” I snapped my heard towards mother, “just because you didn’t talk as much does not mean you get to leave here alive.” I smiled looking at her, was this heartless? Yes. If any normal person was in my position, would they kill the women that gave them life? Probably not but what if that same person who gave you life was the one that tried to take it from you?

Was I going to punish her for all she put me through? Yes, yes, I was. Am I going to kill my parents? Yes, yes, I am.

“You might not have done as much as your husband, but you don’t deserve to live.”

“Isabella, please. I’m so sorry for everything not a day went by where I didn’t regret all I put you through” I huffed rolling my eyes not believing a single word.

“Do you expect me to cave? To cry and make some speech?” I laughed shaking my head.

“Everything that comes out of your mouth is a lie, if that was true you could have freed me from Xavier, you could have made your husband back the fuck off but no instead you joined in on this punishment to cleanse yourself of your adultery … but the only way for you to truly be cleansed is death.” I shrugged my shoulders. “Then Marcel should die too” she yelled, rolling my eyes I shook my head. “Oh mother, I know you all too well. I knew how much you despised dad and just how many men I saw leave your room in the middle of the night when Mario was on a ‘business trip’ and coincidentally your wedding ring was nowhere to be found.” I shot a look over to Mario who was furious beyond belief.

“What about his wife?” She smiled trying to call my bluff, I rolled my eyes “please, they were split up because she couldn’t have kids and was heartbroken the day Garcia hooked up with you was probably the day, he was heartbroken you were nothing but a rebound. One that ended with his dreams coming true having kids, too bad you didn’t have the decency or the heart to tell him. What’s worse is you knew the man Mario was and how he would react when he found out we weren’t his, and you thought you didn’t owe it to the two girls who had no choice but to be born into this world a dad who would love them? No, instead you were selfish and condemned us to live a life without our dad and a world where I singly handily had to be tortured and raped over and over again.” I yelled feeling livid, not realising just how much hate I was bottling up how much resentment I had for not just Mario but for Sophia as well.

I could feel Garcia’s death stare without even having to turn around, “so, you will have to excuse my manners today. I will not leave this basement until your blood covers every inch of these walls, until your so dismembered that people would assume it was nothing but a pile of chewed up meat. I will not leave you both alone until there is literally nothing else for me to stab, shoot, break or tear.” I let out a laugh feeling giddy like a child at a candy store whose been told they can get whatever they want.

“Your eyes” Mario snapped me out of my train of thoughts, I tore my eyes from Sophia and looked at him. “It’s heartless, proud and … animalistic.” I stuck my tongue out licking the edge of my lip smiling wide as I slowly made my way towards him.

I stopped dead in front of him and took a moment to take in his features, his eyes were so wide I could see the whites of his eyes, his pupils dilated making him appear much larger than usual. His eyebrows were raised so high it was causing his forehead to crease, creating deep furrows that showed clear signs of worry and distress. His mouth hung open slightly, with the lips pressed tightly together, as if trying to suppress a scream. His cheeks puff out as he takes shallow, rapid breaths.

“I like this” I whispered finally breaking the silence.

He looked at me confused.

“You scared, the fear and utter powerlessness you’re displaying. It’s my favourite thing, you should know that already dad” I put emphasis on the word ‘dad’ lacing every word with such power that it made him even more nervous.

“Right now, what you’re experiencing is what all my victims experienced, because they knew the end was coming … when it was coming? That’s one thing they didn’t know and that’s what made the kill so much more fun” I smiled taking the knife out of his hand in a swift motion. Watching him fall to the floor, I towered over him smiling.

“I always tried so much to prove myself to you growing up, so let me prove myself to you now. That I haven’t lost myself, my touch, or my power” I picked him up by his throat and slammed his head against the metal wall.