Page 55 of Conquer or Die

“You want a fight Italy? That’s exactly what you’re going to get.” I threatened.

He stormed towards me axe in the air, I push kicked him in the stomach once he got close enough, he stumbled back slightly bending over I took the opportunity to kick him in the face. I smirked feeling proud of myself he stood up snapping his jaw in place he looked me dead in the eye anger evidently radiating off him.

He swung the axe aiming for my head I moved back pulling against the chains putting it in direct line of the hit. The blade made contact with the chains snapping it in half, “finally” I breathed out. He looked at me even more furious than before because I outsmarted him.

“You made a mistake” I mocked. He smirked at me, I can feel the tension in my muscles, as they prepared themselves for the fight that was about to come. We circled around each other, both of us waiting for the perfect moment to strike. “Isabella!” I heard Lorenzo yell from a distance as everyone huddled around us wanting to take Vincenzo down. I yelled for everyone to stay in place, Vincenzo looked at me like a lion looking at its prey waiting for the perfect moment to pounce. “These are my men” he reminds me, I let out a throaty chuckle “then lead them” I retort.

He charges for me again swinging the axe, I duck down and uppercut him in the ribs and hooking him in the jaw as I stood up slightly. He fell to the ground before quickly getting back up again. Upon his second attempt to hit my head dead on with the axe I catch his arm halfway, bringing it down I twist it outwards until he drops the axe screaming out in pain. I grab the axe from the ground throwing it behind me at the tree.

“ENOIGH!” I shout! “Vincenzo enough” I spoke exhausted staring at him, but it was like talking to a stranger it was worse than the moment at the hospital where he asked who I was, the moment he forgot me at least then he still had that little voice in the back of his head who was telling him to trust me, that little voice from his old self.

Looking at him right now it was clear that, that little voice no longer knew me either. I felt my throat close up as I choked back tears reality sinking in that this time I might of really lost him, looking at how much hatred and fury was beaming from him how much hatred filled his eyes as they pierced through me I knew he was gone, I knew no matter what I did now he was gone for good and it will all be in vain. I lost him for the third time … you know what they say three strikes and its game over, and I finally accepted it.

Its game over for Isabella knight.

I looked over at Lorenzo who was looking at me with concern and anger he knew exactly what I was thinking, and he knew It was game over, no matter how much he pleaded with his eyes … he knew I was tapping out for good.

“Take care of my son, and when his dad gets better take care of both of them. Never let Dante forget his mum, tell him stories about how loca I was, how much of a fighter I use to be and teach him to never give up no matter what. You better make sure he knows how much his mum loves him, and how badly I wish I was here for him. Dead or alive I will always watch over him, so if he does anything bad I’ll haunt him and if anyone messes with my boy I don’t care if I’m dead or alive ill unleash a dragon on them.” I sniffled a laugh I looked between both Lorenzo and Vincenzo “take care of my boys and make sure Dante knows how much I love him. You tell him that every day!”

Lorenzo shook his head refusing to allow me to simply give up, “you can tell him yourself, make this fair” he pulls something out of his boot “Isabella catch” Lorenzo throws me my knife, well technically its Vincenzo’s knife.

I didn’t even flinch or reach for it, but Vincenzo did. Swiftly catching his knife, he charges for me, and I take a deep breath and stay put.

He pins me against the side of the house the tip of the knife on my chest one push and it goes through my heart, normally I would fight back. I would scream and cry and do everything in my power to kill whoever dared to put a knife on me.

Never in a million years did I ever think I would simply surrender, and some might think I surrendered because I knew I couldn’t win but that wasn’t the case, I could easily get out of this especially with his current state he may be paranoid and a ticking time bomb, but he was physically weaker. Plus, his men stand ready for my signal to assist me, but as I stared into his eyes those beautiful grey eyes, that hypnotised me from the moment I saw them I knew deep in my heart I would rather die than see him dead or hurt.

He stared at me not moving a muscle confusion glanced over his eyes as he probably wondered why I wasn’t doing anything why I wasn’t fighting back. I didn’t clarify nor did I move I took my last few moments to look at him, behind those eyes I saw Vincenzo … my Vincenzo.

The man who sings to me, who forces me to have water when I get too drunk, the man who reads me Greek mythology, the one who on our first date organised lanterns because he knows how much I love tangled, the man who cares for me, the man that knows my soul, the father of my child … and the man who truly owns my heart.

He stood there the tip of the blade pointed at my chest. Lorenzo ordered for the men to help me, but I put my hand up keeping them in place despite Lorenzo’s pleas. Vincenzo’s face was emotionless as he asked, “any last words?” My eyes filled with tears as I couldn’t bring myself to open my mouth. The sting of the blade being pushed harder against my chest made my cry out in pain, it broke skin and he was going extremely slow to torture me he wanted me to feel this. I knew this was it and I was never going to get another chance I blinked back the tears that filled my eyes as I whispered three words to him. “I love you”.


Isabella’s POV

He dropped the knife the minute those three words left my mouth. He took a step back shutting his eyes as he gripped his head. He groaned out in pain dropping to his knees. I gasped watching him in so much pain, Lorenzo and the men immediately rushing to their brother and leader, trying to support him in whatever way they can. I stayed put observing him for the first time not knowing exactly what to do, so I did the only logical thing a woman in shock could do … I froze.

“MOVE” He shouted trying to stand up on his feet, he shoves everyone off and away from him as he catches his breath, he was still blinking rapidly his hands gripping the sides of his head like he was trying to supress something, trying to stop the headache that was suddenly coming on, “Vincenzo?” I called out for him softly, the men made way letting me walk up to him. He finally let go his head looking up at me slowly, tears welling up in his eyes he lets out a relived sigh.

“Leonessa?” he whispered softly. My gasp caught in my throat as I looked at him a million and one emotions rushing through me, shock, relief, excitement, confusion … happiness? I stepped closer to him letting out soft laugh “what did you say?” I questioned looking him up and down carefully not wanting to get my hopes up.

He stood up straightening his posture looking me up and down “Isabella?” He called out but this time he was scared. “You’re bleeding” he points at my chest before his eyes went wide, dawning on him that he was the reason why. “You remember me?” I called out running towards him. “Leonessa, I promised you id be back it took me a while but … I’m back” I jumped into his arms feeling a burst of emotion as I held onto him for dear life.

“I missed you” I whispered into his neck, he let out a soft chuckle nuzzling his head into the crook of my neck letting out a relieved sigh “I missed you too Isabella”.

I laughed “I don’t like it when you call me Isabella” I whispered. He let out a laugh “Leonessa” I moved back stilling keeping my arms wrapped around his neck “that’s better” I pulled him in for a kiss, a soft and tender moment before I turned seeing a bright light heading towards us. Breaking the kiss, I see one of the men in the car charging towards us, before I had time to process Vincenzo threw me out of the way. I rolled on the grovel on impact, I felt the rocks tearing my skin the sting making me wince. I looked up towards Vincenzo and saw him ahead lying on his face, “no” I whispered.

I stood up seeing the men gather around Vincenzo while the man behind the wheel goes to run, I grabbed the knife from the floor and run after him. Feeling so much anger at the world, at the universe at everything.

I stopped running and threw the knife aiming for his back thigh, he rolls over and falls to his knees then on his face. I stood over him swiftly taking the knife out of his thigh and turn him over, I rolled my eyes furious to see him. “Giovani” I call out looking at him squirming around in pain, “I would kill you and make you suffer for what you did … but you’re lucky you’re not my dad … and this isn’t my place.” I spoke up, pulling him up by his hair I throw him to the men “throw him in confinement” I gave them orders quickly obeying they take him away. I watch as the men put Vincenzo in a car and rush him to the hospital, Lorenzo grabs me by the hand and drives off while Vincenzo’s car stays close behind us.


We got to the hospital and the doctors rushed Vincenzo into the emergency room, turns out they ended up buying the hospital and everyone who works here are on his payroll. The wound on my chest and the cuts on my arms made Lorenzo worry so he forced me to get checked up and stitched up before going to Vincenzo. I eventually caved in and got checked out because I could feel my wound worsen.

The doctor asked routine questions but avoided the one question about how I was stabbed for obvious reasons, after he finished stitching me up, I jumped off the bed walked towards Vincenzo’s room before I heard screaming it was Vincenzo calling out my name, panicked I ran towards the screaming. Stopping a few doors back when I saw Lorenzo comforting his brother, “She’s okay. She’s just getting a few stitches fratello” I smiled watching how concerned he was “its my fault. I did so much to her fuck! I need to go to her” he cursed trying to get out the bed and find me, Lorenzo pushed him back into the bed “you can’t look for her, she’s fine and you need to get that wound stitched up before the blood loss is too severe and we go from a simple procedure to a life threatening one” He ushered for the nurses and the reeled him in the room, “Lorenzo … come here” he calls for his brother.