Page 54 of Conquer or Die

He let out a scream so loud and powerful I heard the horses start to panic. I took in a deep breath and walked up to him slowly lifting my arms up and placing it over his neck pulling him closer to me. At first, he tried resisting but every time he tried to push me away, I held him tighter until he eventually relaxed. “Isabella?” he whispered softly in my ear. “Yes” I answered, “It’s me baby” I whispered holding him tight. “I’m so sorry” he whispered holding me tight. “NO!” he yelled and pushed me off him switching up as fast as a switch being turned on and off, “Vincenzo” I called out for him, but he shook his head hand out “stop with the mind games! I know what you’re trying to do. You want to kill me, to finish off the job. I won’t let you I’ll kill you first” he stepped back “I’ll be back to deal with you later. First, I need to get my son”.

My eyes widened as the fear finally settled “No!” I shouted running towards him, but he ran out and locked the door behind him, making sure there was no way out. “FUCK! VINCENZO DON’T TOUCH HIM! LET ME OUT OF HERE MY SON NEED’S ME” I screamed banging on the door, falling down on my knees feeling a mix of vulnerability and rage. If one hair on my son’s head is out of place, I will burn down anything and everything in my path. “I CAN’T LOSE MY SON! VINCENZO OPEN THIS FUCKING DOOR.”

My head snapped hearing the door unlock, but nothing prepared me for who I saw on the other side of it.


Isabella’s POV

“Now you know the feeling of losing a son my dear Isabella” my eyes widened still in shock at who was standing in front of me, never in a million years did I ever think I’d be seeing him in front of me again. Especially after the betrayal, “Giovani?” I breathed out. Vincenzo’s father stood before me, drenched from the rain, his beard had grown out like he wasn’t able to groom himself for months and the smell that came off him made me gag. It was a mix of alcohol, dirt, and cheap cigarettes.

“Would it have killed you to shower?” I coughed out waving my hand in front of my face to save my poor nose.

“Really not in a position to make fun Isabella” he warned me annoyed.

I shrugged my shoulders “I’ve never been one to read the room in my defence. Plus, you really stink” I took a few steps back, “now I’m going to take a shot in the dark here and say you’re working for Xavier … or doing his dirty work. Pun intended” despite the circumstances I was on a roll. I was trying to keep my cool not wanting to tip him off that I desperately wanted to push past him and run after Vincenzo and get my son, the second he senses I’m desperate whatever he has in mind will worsen.

“Xavier just helped me get a room to do what I needed to my dear boy, once I finally had the space, I went out looking for resources. Besides from hearing you talk about Xavier and his tactics in these situations I made sure to mimic it to send you off my trial until I got what I needed from him.” I took in a deep breath waiting for him to continue what he was saying instead he stayed quiet probably wanting me to probe him further. I rolled my eyes his exhausting, I can’t master up the facial muscles to seem interested in what he had to say now he wants me to add oos and aahs to his dramatic reveal.

I let out a sigh and played along “what exactly did you want from him?” I questioned.

He smirked feeling victorious “you” he answered bluntly. I widened my eyes shocked, what could he possibly need from me. Seeing my confusion, he laughed “don’t you get it Isabella? You are my ticket back into the underworld, besides you’re the reason I lost Vincenzo. Before you came into our lives everything was fine! Vincenzo was ruthless making our name the most feared in all of New York. My boy gave me the power I so desperately craved, the power was in my hands then you came along, and he turned his back on me like I was nothing!” he shouted throwing his hands in the air.

“You are nothing” I commented calmly looking him up and down, “you said so yourself” I pointed out.

I know what I was saying was angering him, I know what I was doing was making him furious, but I figured if I bought myself enough time, I could make a swift escape besides I’m sure Lorenzo and the men have the estate on high alert. Vincenzo is smart and resourceful but surly he couldn’t get in and even if he did, he wouldn’t dare hurt Ariana to get Dante.

Catching myself drift I shake my head and focus back on Giovani, “Vincenzo is ruthless, merciless, and fucking powerful. He managed to make the King’s name a name to be feared, a name once heard out loud sent the underworld into a fright. He single handily managed to take over and be the boss of bosses, taking over the underworld and the top mob bosses who now rule beneath him. He did that, not you. You aided him in none of it. As a matter of a fact all you did was piggy ride on his back. The only contribution you could plausibly argue is the fact that you gave him the surname King.” I explained and the more I spoke the angrier he became.

“You would think after all he did, how was able to take over the mafia and rise it from the ashes that you would quietly sit and behave. Instead, you worked with his enemy and for what? To get rid of the one good thing in his life!” I felt myself starting to get a little emotional recalling the events that not only lead to Maria’s death but my own.

The moment I knew she died was the moment I died with her.

I let out a breath calming myself down looking back up at him, “you only created problems for my son! I was doing him a favour” he shouted pointing at me.

Rolling my eyes, he stormed towards me pinning me against the wall my by throat, “it wasn’t his enemy, it was yours. My son was fighting a fight he didn’t need all in order to protect you! And for what? All you did was cause problems the moment he grabbed you off the street” he spat. I tensed my jaw grinding down on my teeth, “Xavier may be my enemy, but he was Vincenzo’s as well.” I spat. He looked at me confused and I let out a throaty laugh. “Oh, you don’t know?” I laughed even harder at his oblivious, “I’m sure Vincenzo mentioned it you before, but I think you were too drunk to remember or comprehend what he was saying. You probably just yelled and tried to take ownership of the man Vincenzo became.” I laughed shaking my head, he tightened his grip on my neck but that didn’t stop me from mocking him. “WE MADE YOU WHO YOU ARE!” I mimicked what I imagined he would have said to Vincenzo.

“I WAS” He yelled.

“Vincenzo made himself the man he is today, because he was sick and tired of his weak father allowing anyone and everyone to walk over them. He became the boss of bosses because you failed to protect your family, he took it upon himself at such a young age to be the man of the house because the supposed man of the house wasn’t man enough to do it.” I chocked out feeling his grip on my throat finally about to cut my airways. With my last breath I dropped the bomb “Xavier is the one that killed Dante” his eyes widened immediately letting me go as I gasped for air. Breathing in heavily I took a minute to watch him, he was in shock.

His body shaking, his face turning red from the amount of tension his putting on himself, the veins in his neck bulged out finally screaming letting out all his anger.

“You’re lying!” he turned to me refusing to believe the man he betrayed his son for was the cause of Dante’s death.

I shook my head no, “you didn’t just betray Vincenzo you betrayed Dante” I added, just as he was having an episode, he knelt on the floor holding his head in his hands rocking back and forth. I looked at the unlocked door seeing my opportunity and slowly walked around him, my heart was racing it was pounding against my chest so fast I was convinced it was going to burst out. The adrenaline kicked in, and I felt a sudden burst of energy course through my blood.

Without giving it a second thought, I ran as fast as my legs could carry me, this time I wasn’t stopping I needed to get to Vincenzo before he got to Dante. I know the men wouldn’t be able to detect him and if they did, they wouldn’t be able to detain him.

I approached the estate and quickly scanned the area. I couldn’t see him anywhere and all the men were still calm. Where the hell are you Italy, I ran around the corner the men were calling my name trying to get my attention, but I was too focused trying to spot Vincenzo in the shadows, if he didn’t want to be found he won’t be found. I looked up at my bedroom and saw Ariana holding Dante while she grabbed him some clothes, I looked around my bedroom window and saw a shadow climbing up the window. “Ariana take Dante and run!” I shouted as loud as I could, she looked out the window and saw me screaming. I gestured her to run, Vincenzo turned around facing me even in the dark I could tell he was furious.

I ran inside the house and met Ariana on the staircase “Vincenzo is coming to take Dante. Take him get in the car and don’t stop until I call you” I ordered her quickly kissing my son I whispered in his ear “prometon amarte y protegerte por siempre hijo mio” (I promise to love and protect you forever my son)

Ariana looked up at me worried, I gave her a reassuring nod giving her a quick hug watching her run past me to the car parked outside, “Ariana!” Vincenzo’s voice boomed through the house, Ariana stopped dead in her tracks terrified she turned around looking at her brother “Amo tuo fratello” (I love you brother) the pain in her eyes made my soul ache, turning her back on her brother she takes off. He jumps over the stair railing running after her, I chased after him tackling him to the ground we rolled over the rubble for a few minutes I finally pinned him down both of our heads turning to watch Ariana’s car speed off. I let out a sigh of relief knowing his safe. I turn back to face Vincenzo, I was met with his cold, calculating sate. His eyes bored into mine, piercing my emerald, green eyes with his grey eyes intensely. I could see the anger simmering just beneath the surface, the fury that was vibrating off him.

“Don’t” I warned him, he lets out a grunt and flips us over. Hovering above me he pins my hands above my head. My hands still in cuffs he shakes his head mockingly “stop me”.

He got off me and looked around while I tried getting up, he stopped staring dead straight at something in front of him. I stood up and tried looking over his shoulder to see what he was looking at before my eyes got sight of it, it was an axe that was on a tree stump. He turns to me a wicked glare in his eyes.