Page 52 of Conquer or Die

End of flashback

I sniffled holding my tears back as much as I could before it came pouring out, how badly I missed her and how badly I need her here. So, I did what I knew she would want me to do I ran to the open field and danced in the rain.


Isabella’s POV

As I danced in the rain, I felt someone watching me, I froze in my spot and scanned my area, but it was so dark, and the rain made it almost impossible for me to see anyone. I wanted to call out for his name to see if it was him but then I’d be no better than those stupid idiots who scream hello when there’s someone in the house like the person whose planning on killing them is going to shout out hey what’s up.

I mentally rolled my eyes at the thought and refocused on the task at hand, looking around I let out a frustrated sigh no longer feeling anyone watching, I stomped my feet on the muddy grass and kept walking down the path to the horse ranch. The closer I got the more nervous I became, unsure if it was simply the fact of facing Vincenzo in his current state or just fearing his reaction when he sees me, would he think I was just following him or that I was hunting him down. This whole situation is so fucked that it’s making me go insane.

After having a mental battle with myself about if what I’m doing is a smart move, I ultimately decided it was definitely not the right move but when did I ever listen to that rational voice inside my head anyway?

I stood in front of the horse ranch only now dawning on me that what I’d be facing as logic finally hit me in the face that Vincenzo will only grow more suspicious at how I found him so quick at a ranch that he probably thinks he hasn’t told anyone about, even though he took me here on the first day at the estate … and our first date.

I heard a branch snap making my body jump, my heart racing as I looked around trying to spot him. I know it’s him but fuck when he wasn’t paranoid, he was hard to track now it’s almost impossible, if he didn’t want to be found nothing and no one can find him. I exhaled feeling my nerves worsen the closer I got. Approaching the horses in their stall my horse started to visibly panic moving further back into her stall neighing on her feet, like she didn’t recognise me. “Hey girl it’s okay” I tried to sooth her reaching my hand out to her, but she only seemed to get more and more panicked. That was when I felt a presence behind me, spinning around my eyes widen as he slammed a piece of wood over my head. My body hit the floor hard and once again the darkness consumed me.


I slowly opened my eyes, but wherever I am it was dark extremely dark. I went to move feeling my panic begin to worsen realising I was handcuffed to a metal pipe, no, no, no.

Not again, “NO!” I screeched fighting against the pipe trying to desperately look for light something! Anything. Feeling the panic in my chest begin to rise my throat slowly started closing up the worse I panicked, I can’t survive this again, I won’t make it out of here I know I won’t. I screamed hot tears rushing down my face as I desperately tried to free myself just as the light suddenly turned on, my breath caught in my throat as Vincenzo looked down at me with a concerned expression “Vincenzo please!” I begged looking up at him, but his concerned expression was immediately replaced with anger.

“Who the fuck are you? Who sent you!” he yelled bending down to my level hatred radiating off every word he spoke as he sat there accusing me once again of betraying him and once again because of his memory loss. Xavier knew exactly what he was doing, he knew it would make him do this to me … again.

For the first time in forever I was petrified of the man standing in front of me, his eyes were unreadable his next move unpredictable, a man with as much power as the mafia king was scary enough but now with his cynical smile as he thought of ways to punish me was enough to send anyone into cardiac arrest.

“Vincenzo, you know me. It’s Isabella, the girl who wanted nothing to do with you then suddenly couldn’t breathe when you were far from her. The girl that tried to escape and run from you but always seemed to run back to you. The girl you sing to and the shoulder you rest your head on. Isabella the only girl you can be vulnerable with, it’s me! I know you’re still in there Vincenzo King, I need you to fight like you never fought before.” I tried to reason with him as the tears flowed down my face which he probably presumed as a guilty conscious.

“I don’t like repeating myself” he warned his voice dropped to a dangerous low.

I inched back hitting the metal pipe burning my bare back, I yelled out in pain as I jumped forward.

His face softened as he reached out to aid me before catching himself and shooting up, he backed away slowly from me before he shut the lights and ran out. “Vincenzo no! Please! Don’t leave me in the dark, I can’t survive this! I won’t be alive when you get back!” I yelled starting to find it hard to breath.

“Please, not again” I cried softly to myself before looking up seeing him in the door frame putting the light on and leaving once more.

I let out a relieved sigh closing my eyes softly as I regained my composure, I don’t know what to think or what to feel. I want to scream, I want to cry, I want to throw a rock at someone. I can’t seem to wrap my head around how quickly everything went south, just the moment we finally get back together get back to a comfortable sync this happens.

Was it a sign? Is it the universe once again telling me that I’m just not destined to be happy? That I’m not destined to fall in love? My breathing hitched when I mentally said the word love. I didn’t even say it out loud and it made my throat close shut.

Did I love Vincenzo? Did I even know what love felt like? I chewed on my bottom lip as if my head wasn’t already in chaos, I just had to make it worse. Although, I never really thought about it before sitting here right now, I have no idea how I feel, I mean given the situation I’m in you can guess why it’s hard for me to really get a clear view on my feelings, but one thing is for sure I don’t hate him. No matter what he does, I can’t seem to fuel the hate that should have been there from the moment we meet. Nothing he does makes me hate him. In a twisted way it only makes me understand him.

Understand why he does what he does, why he thinks the way he thinks, why he behaves the way he behaves. People can call it Stockholm syndrome, but I went through it, I know how he is because I was him, I am him. I know there’s more to it than me just simply being able to relate to him, I know what this feeling is as much as I want to deny it, I know deep down what the answer to my question is.

Within a second, I see Vincenzo standing in front of the doorway staring me down holding a knife in his hand, my eyes widen my breath caught in my throat as I try to speak but no words were coming out other than random heavy puffs of air, “Vincenzo what are you doing?” I blurt out anxiously feeling my heart about to burst out of my chest my eyes keep wandering down to the tight grip he has on the knife.

As a drop of rain glides down the blade stopping at the tip before dropping to floor. “If you know me, then you know exactly what I do to traitors.” He breathes out coming closer to me, “I do know you! And this isn’t you!” I shouted desperately trying to get him to stop and think for a second. He stopped in front of me cocking his head to the side, that same smile came on his face. The smile before the kill.

I took in a deep breath accepting my fate as I watched him stop in front of me, the smile never leaving his face “this is my favourite part, watching them beg for mercy” he mocks placing the tip of the knife under my chin forcing me to look up at him. Our eyes locked and I felt all my worries disappear I know it’s weird and screwed up, but if I had to die under someone’s hands I rather it be him than someone who will benefit from my death. Forgetting everything I sighed, “I don’t beg for mercy” I stated feeling calm … too calm.

He looked slightly taken back but didn’t say a word. I exhaled softly and continued needing to get everything off my chest, “When you recover and start to recall these events, I want you to forgive yourself because I forgive you.” He takes a step back looking down at me, “I never asked for your forgiveness” he spat looking disgusted.

Rolling my eyes, I shook my head annoyed, “well tough I’m giving it to you anyway.” I sassed rolling my eyes again, hey I was going to die no use in being polite now.

“When you remember, you are going to switch and go into full self-destruction just like I know you will, you won’t leave anything or anyone in your path and eventually it will result in you loosing everyone and yourself. I need you to take care of yourself after I’m gone because I won’t be around to pull you out of it anymore and I need you to okay for everyone’s sake. Especially our sons.” Once Vincenzo set his mind to something there was no turning back, so I needed to make sure once he regains himself, he remembers my words and knows I forgive him because I know this isn’t him.

“Make sure my baby doesn’t forget me.” I chocked out trying to regain my composure. It took everything in me to imagine a life where my son doesn’t have me, if I could fight my way out of this I would, it’s bad enough he won’t have me I can’t leave him without a dad as well.