Page 38 of Conquer or Die

Hitting my foot on the accelerator I speed out of the garage, reversing back and taking a sharp turn to get on the street, zooming and swerving past cars I smile at the familiar feeling creasing through my veins. The adrenaline rushing back to me, being back home in my element and knowing I was back to doing what I use to do it brought back nostalgia, I missed it so much, I missed the interrogation, the fights, bullets flying everywhere the rush it gave me and how it made my heart skip a few beats the sparkle id get in my eyes.

It's ironic how you can feel most alive when your facing death on a daily basis, once you get into it and I mean really get into it, it is an adrenaline, like nothing you’ve ever experienced before, a high so addictive that once you get a taste of it, it’s very difficult to not want more and wanting more is where things begin to get dangerous.

I eased my foot off the accelerator and the car came to a steady safe speed as we drove past my old hunting ground, once people got a proper look at me, everyone began whispering, pointing, recording and calling everyone and anyone. Dragons back and that was something my people loved, but the crime world hated. Even if my stay is temporary, they know I can do a lot in a short time.


After a long drive we finally arrived in one of my favourite cities in Spain. “Welcome to Ronda, Málaga” I cheer looking over at Vincenzo excited and giddy. He chuckles shaking his head as he admired the beauty of the city. I unbuckle my seat belt jumping out of the car like a child going to Disney land “vamos” I laughed out ushering him to hurry up. We started walking through the city and with each passing moment, I was emersed in the views of my old safe haven. This city is by far the most beautiful in all of Spain.

“The agriculture is beautiful” Vincenzo speaks up breathless. I smile nodding my head admiring the old buildings.

“The detailing in the carvings is gorgeous, it was during the invasion that such building was built by the Arabs” I smiled.

“When people say invasion, it has such a negative relation to it, but truth be told the Muslim invasion of Ronda brought a lot of good, thanks to them Ronda became a city that was in control of an entire region.” I pointed out as we walked pasted various restaurants and flower gardens.

“Ronda became the Taifa ‘the nation’, an independent kingdom, and it was said that during that time, was when the city flourished and was developed greatly.” I explained the history behind this beautiful city, Vincenzo looked around absorbing the beautiful sight as well as my speech.

“Speaking of. This is known at the Arab baths” we walked into the old historic building seeing the architectural structure that was left behind and well preserved for us to see, the stone floors and tall archs made out of what looks like stone but could be something else.

“Woah” Vincenzo breaths out looking around, smiling I nod my head “they invaded back in 711, to think this place is still standing is crazy” I point out the very big gap.

“Come on I want to show you another building they did the Mondragón Palace!” I squeal excited grabbing his hand and rushing him out.

“I wonder why you’d be excited for that” Vincenzo calls out sarcastically “it’s the dragons palace and your sarcasm is overlooked!” I exclaimed guiding him through the busy streets.

We stopped in front of the palace, out of breath but excited. “This is one of the town’s most visited and most important monument in Ronda.” We walked inside seeing the exhibits all around, this palace houses the municipal museum.

“You have to see the courtyard, Maria loved it she used to spend hours sitting and admiring the structure, said it was extremely clear it was from the Arab period. It’s truly a beauty the Arabs have gorgeous taste” he smiled sadly at the mention of Maria, before nodding his head. I smiled at him nodding my head letting him know I’d be fine visiting the garden without her.

As we made our way I looked up at Vincenzo with a sheepish grin, rolling his eyes he laughs “go ahead” he ushers for me to talk. “Okay! Legend has it that this building was the residence of the King Abbel Malik or Abo Malik. The son of the sultan of Morocco.” I spill another fun fact feeling all giddy, Vincenzo eye roll turned into a sheepish smirk he couldn’t help overtaking his features.

“Say what you want Italy, but you’re enjoying this” I point out he shrugs his shoulders muttering a “maybe” but I was to entranced by the gorgeous garden to listen or care.

“The garden as it is today would have been part of the Arab period as would the gallery on the front. The most important work was carried out on the building. It is a unique courtyard in many ways” I pointed out as we walked around looking at everything the way a triple series of low arches which stand on some web-built brick walls and marble columns and capitals.

I moved towards the small water fountain in the middle and smile sheepishly gliding the tips of my fingers along the water.


“Maria mira que linda”(Come see the fountain)I shouted at Maria to come see the water fountain, “dios mío que bonito”(oh my god how pretty)I ran my fingers through the crystal-clear water, getting an idea. I smirked looking up at Maria before splashing the water on her completely soaking her. “Isabella!” she shouted, laughing I bent over holding my stomach.

“Isabella! No hay postre por salpicar a tu hermana”(no dessert for splashing your sister)Mama yelled but I was too busy laughing at Maria and her death stare to care, “valió la pena”(it was worth it)I laughed, finally starting to calm down. Maria lunges for me both of us falling in the small fountain.

Looking at each other we both burst out into laughter as Mama and Papa shake their heads exhausted. “te tengo”(got you)Maria smiled, rolling my eyes I laugh. “no está mal niña de las flores”(not bad flower girl)


“Isabella?” I snapped out of my trance and looked up at him “sorry, I just remembered something” I smiled at the bittersweet and distant memory of us being innocent ten-year-old’s not knowing what life was about to hit us with.

“I have one more place to show you” I smiled grabbing his hand and guiding the way to the Tajo de Ronda. Standing on the edge of the bridge I smile looking out at the view and the water beneath us crashing against the rocks. “I’ve always loved this spot, it holds so much history including destruction and yet it is the one thing that makes Ronda unique, popular and special.” He leans against the stone barrier admiring the view.

“What destruction?” he questioned looking confused, I smiled nodding my head “when this bridge was first built it couldn’t withstand the traffic and weight of the two cities being co linked. So, it collapsed taking fifty innocent souls with it” I explained briefly.

“The town wanted to rebuild it, so they did in 1759, they made sure to take their time and not leave a thing to chance. The bridge we are now standing on took roughly 34 years to build, and it is now stronger and even more breathtaking than before”.

“Sounds like someone I know” he whispers looking at me, I turn to face him moving the hair out of my face as I let a smile overtake my lips, “It’s strange to connect and have so much in common with a bridge but whenever I come here it gives me hope, that everything takes time whether its healing or rebuilding yourself. Whatever it is this bridge is a symbol of rebirth for me. I always felt calm when I visited it” I take in a deep breath, really letting myself enjoy the moment.

It's been years since I was here last, and my soul was yearning for it without me realising it. “We should bring Dante here.” Vincenzo piped up.