Page 37 of Conquer or Die

I need a second to take in what she just said because that must be the most mind fucking thing I’ve heard ever. I took in a deep breath and calmed my facial expressions as she slowly rose to me, “is that what you heard them say?” she nodded her head “and there the reason you passed out?” I asked my tone getting more aggressive, she hesitantly nodded again. “Okay” I shot up ready to walk out before she jumped in front of me “wait!” she rushed out, “move Isabella” I warned her. “It may not be true” I looked at her confused waiting for an elaboration “it can be the drugs there on, it is possible its messing up their memory along with ability to tell what’s true and what’s not” I shook my head “how would such statement make any sense in any hallucination, a scenario like that wouldn’t even be said if it wasn’t true. Isabella what if what they said is true?” she chewed on her inner cheek visibly stressed.

“There’s only one way to know for sure” she looked at me, a look I haven’t seen in a long-time determination. “What are you up to now?” I asked cautiously, “were going to Spain.” Laughing I shook my head “no” smiling she looked up at me “yes” shaking my head “did you forget about your son?” she shook her head “Ariana and the thousands of armed men can watch and keep him safe. This is something I must do, and I prefer not to do it alone.” I sighed shaking my head again “no”


Isabella’s POV

I sigh buckling my seatbelt looking out the plane window, “I kept saying no how are we here?” Vincenzo blurts out abruptly, smiling I turn to him “no one ever tells me no” I wink. I sighed looking back out the window feeling the air being knocked out of me.

“Okay what exactly are we planning on doing in Spain?” he looks over at me waiting for some sort of plan, I looked out the window avoiding his question “hello?” he called out, I hummed keeping my eyes on the pretty clouds. “You don’t have a plan, do you?” he sighed exhausted shaking his head as he rubbed his temples with his fingers. “Not exactly, but I’ve been known to do things on a whim, and when have I ever let you down?” I smiled.

“How about the time-” I put my hand up immediately “it was a rhetorical question mafia” He huffed a subtle laugh and leaned back into his seat, “we are going to die” he breathed out “always thought I’d be the one to kill us” he smiled, “just when you think you got it all figured out life throws a pink knife straight at you” I rolled my eyes “are you done?” I called out rolling my eyes, smiling he shook his head no. “A loaded pink bomb” his eyes were closed with that stupid smug smirk on his face that I always shamelessly found attractive.


Finally landing in Spain we made our way to our hotel room, putting our stuff in the room we decided to plan for what I needed tomorrow seeing it was too late to do anything now. I called Ariana to check up on Dante, my stomach was in knots being this far away from him. “You okay” Vincenzo’s voice snapped me out of my daze. I nodded my head softly admiring the moon from our balcony, joining me he put a blanket over my shoulders. “The view is gorgeous huh?” I whispered, nodding his head he smiled looking at me “breathtaking” I looked over at him smiling sheepishly.

“There’s always something about the moon that draws me, it gives me serenity in the mist of chaos.” I smiled admiring everything about the night sky tonight, “I think I know why you romanticize the moon” Vincenzo speaks up, I hum interested in his theory “go on” I encourage him.

“I’ve noticed when you get sad or go through a bad time you turn to the moon, because it is the one thing that never questions you or begs you for answers to problems you have no solutions for. You never had to prove yourself to it, it was always just there, shining and in most ways, humans can’t understanding and listening to you. Reminding you that to be hole again we must go through phases of emptiness, and even in those phases the moon always rises providing light in the mist of darkness.” He smiles in the distance admiring the moon.

While I stand completely stunned admiring him and his ability to read me like a book, I shake my head slightly looking back at the moon. “How’d I do?” he whispers, smiling sheepishly I nod my head slowly “you never disappoint Italy” I smirk at the old nickname I use to call him.

“So, what’s your plan for tomorrow?” I sigh nodding my head “I have a few contacts with Xavier’s ex men the ones who left when I left. If there is any truth to my parents’ involvement there the ones who will know” I started explaining my thinking. “I’ll call them in the morning and arrange a meeting, it’s time to let my hometown know Dragons back” I eyed him mischievous “this should be fun” he smirked pulling me in for a side hug.


I slowly opened my eyes seeing Vincenzo’s muscular arm wrapped around my waist holding me tightly pressed against him, I lowered my head back on my pillow slowly smiling to myself. I wish this could be an everyday thing, not sharing a bed but feeling like one. I missed him, I missed Vincenzo on an emotional level. As much as I thank God for bringing him back to me and I know his trying to remember … I just wish he was mine again I want him so damn much and sometimes it feels like I have him and then it vanishes in an instant.

Vincenzo woke up and slowly removed his arm, he leaned over to see if I woke up and I quickly shut my eyes faking sleep, I heard him sigh relived trying to get out of the bed without waking me up. Feeling a shadow above me my bedside dipped, “I’ll get there eventually Isabella, I’ll remember you and I’ll make everything right … but truth is” he takes a deep breath, obviously nervous. I wanted to open my eyes and hug him but the only reason he was talking was because he thought I couldn’t hear him, so I decided to keep up the act, it’ll good for both of us if he gets this out, maybe it’ll finally shine a light on everything.

“I’m scared Isabella, I’m fucking terrified I’ve done a lot of messed up shit when I woke up from that coma because I didn’t know you, the moment I laid my eyes on you I was taken back, and when I met you, I was even more shocked, at how someone like you could’ve ever been with me. After everything I put and continue to put you through, you always manage to understand me, even if I don’t understand myself. You never gave up on me even when you really should have. Now if I remember you every fucked up thing, I did is going to gut me, if not kill me and I’m so fucking scared for everything to come flooding back at once …” I felt myself start tearing up as he spoke.

“I promise you this Isabella, memories or no memories I’ll fix everything, and I’ll make it right.” He stood up placing a tender kiss on my forehead. I stayed still for a few moments until I heard his footsteps start fading away. I opened my eyes as a tear flowed down my cheeks “you already made up for it” I whispered to myself quietly. He may have not remembered me, but I knew he was always there for me, and seeing him with our son made every doubt and hateful thought vanish. I yawned stretching out my arms before slowly sitting upright, “Vincenzo?” I call out softly, “bathroom” he yells back. I grab my phone and call upMateo, he along with Alex were the only ones I was very close to in the gang, but of course the line goes dead.

I try one more time and get sent to voicemail, “hey Mateo, it’s drag- uhm it’s Bella. I know it’s been years, but I really need to see you, if by any chance you get this message meet me at our spot,es importante y sobre la mano que mis padres tuvieron en todo llámame por favor” (it’s important and about the hand my parents had in everything call me back please)

I hang up the phone and start calling up the only remaining men I know who would know if my parents had a hand in everything.

“Hola Samuel hablando.” He answers his phone, “Hola Samuel es dragon”(it’s dragon)the only person I could be myself with was Alex and Mateo, if I said my name, it would show weakness and right now, I needed them to be fearful that I’m back not that I have softened.

Dragon had the fear and respect that I needed so it was time to welcome my old self back … temporarily.

“No hice nada!” (I did nothing) I roll my eyes, idiots. “Lo sé, pero tienes información que necesito. Trae a Ángel y encuéntrame en el Viejo esconditie.”(I know but you have information I need. Bring Angel and meet me at the old hideout)“Si, como quieras dragon”(yes, as you wish dragon)

“Samuel no me hagas esperar tienes una hora”(don’t keep me waiting you have one hour)I hang up the phone and look over at Vincenzo who was now fully dressed and ready for the day, “you’re not coming” I pointed my finger at him waving it back and forth before getting up to get ready. “Yes, I am” he insisted, I huffed closing the door to the bathroom, “when I made you promise to take care of Dante if I’m gone, I meant it, how is that going to work if you die with me?” I grabbed my toothbrush brushing my teeth.

“You insisted on me coming with you, and now you don’t want me with you?” he calls out confused, I roll my eyes “you came because I needed you for the private jet” I spat in the sink and rinsed my mouth out. Opening the door, he stands in front of me “These are my contacts and it’s risky they won’t speak with an outsider, the only reason they agreed to see me is because if they didn’t my punishment would be far worse than what Xavier would do if he found out” I pushed passed him going straight for my suitcase.

Rummaging through the clothes I finally found my outfit. I fling my loose cargo pants my bodysuit lace singlet along with my combat boots. “Turn around” I swirl my fingers around indicating for him to spin. He rolls his eyes turning around while I change.

“I’m coming with you and don’t waste your breath trying to stop me. You’re not the only one who can be stubborn” he shrugged his shoulders and I’m assuming that arrogant smirk also took place on his features.

“Fine but don’t say a word!” I moved past him fixing my hair in the mirror, “as you wish, I’m only going to make sure you’re safe” he whispered probably so I wouldn’t hear him. I smiled to myself choosing to stay quiet, “if the meeting isn’t for an hour why are we going now?” he questioned, I turned around smiling “I thought since I dragged you out the least, I could do is show you around.”

“Oh really?” he mocked. I rolled my eyes smiling sheepishly.

“This doesn’t mean I like you” I pointed out and grabbed the rental car keys on my way out. “Vamos!” I shouted out, hearing his low chuckle made me smile like a little girl with a crush. Shaking it off we both get in the car, I turn the key hearing the engine come to life, I smirk mischievously looking at Vincenzo who gives me a weary look in return, “what are you do-”