Page 72 of Deadly Protector

Heck, I think that’s true with anyone. I know I felt horrible, and not good enough, when that Morgan woman called Victor’s phone. Even after the way he spoke to her, I find myself wondering what she looks like. Is she gorgeous? I bet she doesn’t have an ugly scar along her face. I puff out an annoyed breath, angry with myself for my own thoughts.

“Are you okay?” Sam asks, and this time he sounds worried.

“I don’t like lying to Victor. Where are we going, anyway?”

“I told you. I’m taking you out for dinner at a famous Michelin star restaurant with an amazing view of a city below. You’re going to love it.”

“What city?”

“It’s a surprise.”

“I’m sure they have Michelin star places in Miami. I don’t understand any of this. You didn’t tell me we were going to fly anywhere, Sam. I have to be back tonight. You know that right?”

He grimaces and something in the way he looks at me sends off warning bells. I study him for a moment and that feeling only increases.

“What aren’t you telling me, Sam?”

He lets out a sigh. “You know who my father is, right?”

“That’s kind of a stupid question.”

“I want to make sure you remember what he is, Angie.”

“Yeah. I mean, I was young, but seeing the armed guards around the house and meetings he always had, I kind of knew something wasn’t normal. Plus, I mean my dad had a similar life, although I had a feeling your father’s was a little more intense,” I explained. “I knew for sure, though, because I heard the conversations he had with my mother.”

“Those two did like to spread their evil around each other,” he answers.

“They did. I’m not sure why they ever broke up. They’re just alike.”

“Yeah. Trust me, they had their reasons for every single thing they did. Anyway, my uncles have been training me to take my father’s spot in the family.”

“I didn’t realize he died.”

“He hasn’t.”

I inhale deeply, almost afraid to let it out. “Sam, he would kill you before he let you take the reins.”

“I’m aware,” he quips with a sad smile. “It’s not like ole’ Abram felt much family loyalty to begin with. In his eyes, he owes nothing to the son who murdered his own mother.”

“You didn’t do anything to your mom,” I argue, reaching out to grab his hand, pulling it to me so that I can grasp it with both of mine.

We’re sitting beside one another in luxury leather seats in a small private jet. The seats are more like state-of-the-art recliners. I’ve never seen anything like it. When we first got here,I had no idea what we were doing. Sam explained he wanted to take me somewhere special. I told him I’d have to be home by nightfall and he agreed. I knew it would piss off Victor, but we could always discuss itafterhe got home. By then, it would be too late for him to stay mad. Sam would be gone—safe from being murdered. I had no doubt that Victor would kill him, none at all. That’s the reason I lied. I mean,technically,we were in luxury seats watching a movie on a big projector screen with surround sound speakers. It wasalmostlike a theater. I bite my lip, knowing Victor will be understandably mad at me and I can’t blame him.

I look up at the screen in front of us, the movie paused and wonder how hard it would be to convince Sam to turn the plane around now. I should have never agreed to come in the first place. I’m regretting my impulsive decision more and more by the minute.

“What are you going to do? Do you even want to take over for your father?”

“I do. My uncles are the ones that are holding the family together and their dealings together. I would be working with them. They both want our family name to be strong and stand for something—besides the shame my father has brought to it. It’s not the kind of life I imagined, but I can see what they’re doing, and it needs to be done.”

“Sam, people go to jail every day for doing stuff your family does.”

“I know.”

“They die,” I remind him.

“And sometimes, I’ll be the one to order those deaths, Angie. I have no problem being the man I need to be. Especially if that means making sure men like my father don’t have the same power. There’s a difference between ruling for family and ruling for greed.”

“Your father will likely have you killed before you even get a chance to test that theory.”