Page 71 of Deadly Protector

Me:Not like you’re making it sound! Sam is family, not a boyfriend.

Victor:Does he know that?

Me:I know it, smartass. If you don’t like me being alone with Sam so much, give up trying to dig up my past and come home.

Victor:I told you I would if I don’t uncover anything in the next couple of days.

Me:You didn’t say that. You said you’d come home--period. You have to let this drop.

Victor:We’ll talk about it when I’m there and you’re not out with another man.

Me:You’re acting nuts.

Victor:I let my woman go out with another man, so I fucking agree.

Me:You can’t see me, but I’m rolling my eyes.

Victor:Tell him if he tries anything on you, I will kill him.

Me:Victor, you’re being unreasonable.

Victor:No, Kitten. You are unreasonable expecting me to be ok with you being out with another man.

Me:He’s not another man. He’s my brother.

Victor:Except he’s not. I have to go.

Me:I can’t believe you’re mad at me, Victor.

Victor:Text me when you get home, Gia.

Me:Victor, I don’t want to fight. You’re the only man in my heart. You’re the only man who has ever been in my heart. You know that right?

I wait a few minutes and he doesn’t reply. There’s not even those three dots that tells you that someone is typing.

“Damn it,” I growl, feeling fear moving inside of me. I don’t know how to handle Victor’s silence.

“Something wrong?” Sam asks, as I put down my phone.

“Victor’s upset.” I’m pretty sure that’s an understatement, considering he never responded to my last text. Heneverdoes that.

“He didn’t like you being on a plane with me?”

Guilt hits me with his question. “I didn’t exactly tell him.”

Sam laughs so hard that one could call it a ‘guffaw’. He’s deriving entirely too much pleasure from this actually, and it’s kind of annoying. I shoot him a dirty look but that just makes him laugh harder.

“If I told him, he would have had a stroke or something. Victor would have hunted us down and made good on his threat to end your life.” I’m not exaggerating. I’m just grateful that when I got in Sam’s car, he had his bodyguard go talk to Sloan to explain I was safe. I thought it weird, but if we had Sam’s bodyguard with us, we hardly needed her, too. I’m definitelygrateful for it now, because if Victor knew I was in an airplane with Sam, he might kill us both.

“Runt,” he replies, still laughing. He takes a minute to gain his composure and then looks at me unrepentant. “You more than most know what I do for a living. I can handle your ex-boyfriend with no issue.”

“He’s not my ex. I don’t think. I’m not sure what he is.”

Sam frowns like he doesn’t like my answer, but in the end just shrugs. “Either way, I can handle him.”

“I wouldn’t be so sure. I think Victor was holding back at the house. He’s just as trained as you, maybe more so.”

I think I’m right. Earlier, over the phone, I made sure Victor knew how well-trained Sam was, just in case he didn’t know and his ego was hurt because of the punches Sam got in against him when they fought. I was afraid that was where part of his anger about Sam was coming from. I may be inexperienced, but I do know a male psyche can be fragile at times.