Page 60 of Deadly Protector

“Good. Now, I’ve been listening to Niko, Marco, his brothers, and Antonio since early this morning going over our directives, dying to leave just so I could spend a little more time with you. I need some good, and you’re everything good in my life. I need your mouth.”

“It’s really unfair how good you are at sweet talking,” I mutter.

He bends down to whisper in my ear. “Give me your lips, Kitten.”

I lean up, meeting him and as our lips touch, Victor kisses me with a sweetness, a gentleness that I can’t remember ever experiencing. It’s an enticing combination, making me lose myself in the man I thought I had lost, but a man I’m starting to think might be mine completely.


. . .

“Are we going to get there in time?” Levi asks.

I look over at him and Zane and don’t really know what to say. We had plenty of time to get into position, but after a two hour hold up with the plane, we’re running late. Air traffic control had several employees that didn’t show up and were too short staffed to allow us to take off safely. Then, on top of that, their computers inside went down. We were stuck until it was all fixed and extra staff finally dragged their asses inside.

I sigh, turning my attention back to Levi. “EZ and his men are already there. She’ll be okay,” I tell them, and I hope I’m right.

Helena has herself in some very hot water. Zervas has apparently gone off the rails. He has Helena as a hostage right now and is traveling with her. I don’t know all the details. We’re the grunt work. We’re meant to track her down and extract her. I need to make sure we do that. Marco is flying down, but I’m not sure he’s going to get there in time either. He’ll be later than us since he’s coming from Greece.

Our plans are in motion and Helena has managed to get a message through to EZ’s woman, Liberty. She’s given her some clues and I guess we’re chasing those. EZ is supposed to brief us when we rendezvous and go after the son of a bitch.

I look out the window of the DeLuca private jet and wish I were back home. One good thing about taking over Niko’s former position, I won’t be going on any more of these missions unless we need extra fire power. I don’t mean to sound like I don’t care about Helena, I do. The thing is, I need to be with Gia. Walking in and seeing her in another man’s lap shook me. I still don’t know how I didn’t kill that son of a bitch. The only thing that stopped me was the fact that I knew it would hurt my woman. That’s the last thing I want. Besides, I was the idiot which had inadvertently caused her pain. She’s right. I should have known that hiring someone I had slept with in the past would hurt her. I’ve never had a relationship, so the feelings I have for Gia are as new to me as they are to her. I don’t question them, though. I was telling the truth. She is everything to me and I don’t want anyone else—ever.

In my defense, When I saw Morgan again, I just saw someone who was good at her job. I didn’t like that Antonio got information I wanted before I did. This wasn’t family business. It wasmybusiness. That meant I wanted everything reported directly to me. Hell, our past meant so little to me that I didn’t even think about it. We had been doing a job together for Maxwell. It involved a stakeout and being snowed in. Sometimes you just need to let off steam. She was there, I was there and it just kind of happened. The second time it happened, she began taking about how we could still see each other when the op was over. That was when I set the record straight. I’m not sure how Morgan got things so twisted.

I’m a man, everything is cut and dry. I’m learning now that I am in love that women are not the same. Their reactions and thoughts follow so many turns and curves that I’m going to need a fucking roadmap.

I turn my attention back to matters at hand. We’ll be landing in Phoenix soon and we need to be prepared. My gaze movesover to look at Lodi and Stone. They’re talking off to themselves. I’ve had my eye on Lodi for a bit. Antonio and Niko were putting him into an empty Capo position. They want him working with me, but something is off about him. I can’t put my finger on it. I don’t have any reason to feel this way, but I do just the same. I shrug off my thoughts. Niko and Antonio vetted Lodi carefully, I’m sure. I’m just being uptight because I’ll be taking on a new position and I can’t afford anything to fuck it up. Besides, this operation will show me all I need to know about the men I’m thinking of including in my circle.

I need to concentrate on what’s ahead of me. We will be landing soon. I need to be ready. Just as I decide to put all thoughts from my mind and spend a little time focusing and preparing, my phone buzzes. My lips move to a smile without a thought. The only person that would be texting me right now is Gia. Anyone else is either here with me, or just finished a phone conference with me. I frown when I see the number flash on the screen.

“Sloan? What’s going on?”

“I’m here at the address you provided, but there’s no one here, Boss.”

Fuck, she went to dinner with that asshole. “Stay there. I’ll get back with you.”

“You got it.”

I frown as I click the button to end our connection. Then, I immediately dial Gia. It rings a few times before going to her voicemail.Damn it.

The phone dings as I get a text message and when I see it’s from her, I get pissed.

Gia:Hey what’s up?

Me:Where are you?

There is a minute or two where all I see are three little dots, telling me that she’s responding, but hasn’t sent the message yet. I try to control my anger. I don’t like Gia being around this Sam asshole, and I know without asking he’s with her. I should have killed the bastard.

Gia:At the theater with Sam. We decided on a movie before dinner.

I just bet ole Sam was behind that decision.Jesus, if I didn’t need to desperately be in Phoenix right now, I’d have them turn this damn jet around.

Me:Sloan is at your house, wondering where you are.

Gia:Sorry, but I did tell you that I didn’t need a babysitter. I’m fine and if anything was to go wrong, Sam is trained. He can protect me.

Me:What do you mean trained?