Page 59 of Deadly Protector

“And is it?” I ask, suddenly very worried.

“Is what?”

“Shit going down?”

He frowns. “Helena has herself in some trouble. So probably. We’ll get it taken care of though. Sloan is flying in. She’ll be here in a couple hours.”

“Victor, I don’t need or want a bodyguard.”

“I don’t care. I can’t rest if I don’t know you’re okay.”

“Then, you don’t need to worry because I’m here. I can take care of her.” Sam delivers that news with a cocky grin, indicating he knows exactly how much Victor is going to hate that.

“You have got to be shitting me. I don’t even know you. I’m sure not going to trust you with the most important person in mylife. Besides, I want someone trained to watch over her.” Victor is back to looking pissed. There’s not much I can do about it. “Sloan can take care of things.”

“Hmm…” Sam says. He’s not arguing, but I can tell he’s not agreeing to letting Sloan take his place making sure I’m safe. I don’t tell Victor that, however.

“This is all silly. I don’t need a bodyguard, what I need is food. Are you taking me out for food, or what, Sam?”

“Definitely. I found this quaint little eatery that you’re going to love. They make the best Stroganoff I’ve ever tasted.”

“Even better that Anya’s?” I laugh as I ask.

“I can’t say that out loud. I swear that woman knows if someone is disparaging her cooking.”

“I still remember when she threw a shoe at you and I swear it curved the table just to hit you,” I giggle.

“Right? It was my own fault. I should have never told her that her Mikoyan was dry.”

“You really shouldn’t have. You know it was a perfect cutlet.”

“I did, but I was a kid,” he replies with an easy smile. For a second, we’re both lost in our memories.

“I hate to interrupt a trip down memory lane,” Victor growls. “I want a kiss goodbye, Gia.”

“Victor, I mean, things are better, but you did…” I stop talking. He didn’t lie, but he kind of did by omission. Plus, he just plain hurt me. He might not think hiring that girl was a big thing, but it clearly was.

“Baby,” he whispers, pulling me into his arms.

“You hurt me,” I respond.

“I know, sweetheart. I promise, I’m going to do my best to make up for that. It won’t happen again. From here on out, there will be no secrets.”

I do my best to smile at him. It might not completely reach my eyes, but it mostly does.

“Okay, but there better not be.”

“I do have one request, however.”

“What’s that?”

“Make sure you don’t end up inSam’slap again. If you do, I will kill him. It’s my right as your man.”

“You’re acting insane,” I breathe out.

“Just do as I ask. You may not understand this, but right now the need to cut the bastard in pieces for even touching you is raging through me.”

“I…promise.” I don’t know what made me readily agree, other than the fact I was afraid for Sam’s life. I look over Victor’s shoulder, but apparently Sam has disappeared—maybe to check his nose and get rid of his washcloth. That’s probably a good thing. I’m not sure he’d like the way Victor is calmly talking about killing him.