She quietly took the step up the dais and sat beside me. Her arms rested on the chair, and her hand flinched as though she were going to move it, then she changed her mind and thought better of it. Turning to look at her, I struggled with words. Rage had taken over every emotion I had, but she knew nothing of what it meant. Instead of finding a way to speak to her, I stared.
Whatever our silent exchange meant to her, she reached over and took my hand in hers, lacing her fingers through mine, gently squeezing.
Warmth I couldn’t explain spread up my arm, sending a calmness to tame the raging fire inside me. Her touch tempered my anger. That was . . . new.
“There’s been a development, and that’s why you’ve been called today,” Ysa said, addressing the room after everyone had settled in their seats.
I snapped my head to attention, releasing Danni’s hand and standing up. I didn’t plan on wasting time.
“Fuck the formalities,” I said, projecting my voice across the room. “Each vampire present is privy to knowledge that no one else is. Someone has been feeding information to our enemies, and I’m finding out right now who it is.”
Jaws dropped, and audible gasps filled the room. Members of the High Court looked at each other, wide-eyed shock crossing their features.
I stormed off the dais, reaching my nephew in record time. Lifting Kieran out of his chair, I shoved my hand into his pocket. He didn’t respond, throwing his hands up slowly in surrender while I searched, my fingers touching the parchment. I knew he wasn’t stupid enough to fight me, and testing my patience while I was in this state was unwise.
“Elias,” Marisa shouted, backing up from her chair. “What are you doing?”
Paper in hand, I ripped it open, reading silently.
· Strawberries.
· Rock climbing—acquire additional equipment.
· Potatoes prepared any way.
· Sunrises.
· Coffee, the strong kind.
· Knives—do we need a private space for throwing? Provide variety, including sheaths.
· Size 8 boots, no leather laces.
· Also, don’t be an asshole.
My brows furrowed, and I held it up, looking directly at Marisa. “What is this?”
“It’s—” Her eyes shot between Dannika’s throne, Kieran, and me. Lowering her voice, she added, “It’s a list of our future queen’s preferences, per Bianca. We were trying to make her feel at home here. Kieran was handling some details and”—she cleared her throat—“I included a reminder for him to use manners when interacting with her.”
I took a step back, completely thrown off my guard. Danni flushed, struggling between averting her eyes and remaining focused.
Marisa gestured for me to settle, putting her palms down midair and pushing them toward the ground. “Elias, please. Tell us what is going on,” she said, keeping her voice low and even. “I can’t help you if you don’t explain what you need.”
I ran my hands through my hair as I turned away from Marisa and Kieran. I reclaimed my place on the dais in front of the thrones, but I didn’t sit down. I cast my gaze out amongst my Court, wondering who had betrayed their House . . . and their king.
“I’ve just been informed by one of our allies that critical information was leaked. The source is undeniable.” I put my hands on my hips, digging my fingers in to keep myself grounded. “The knowledge within this court has been confidential, and no others have been involved in the strategies in place against Mathis.” I shifted my gaze around the room, looking at each of them as I spoke. “One of you has shared details. One of you is a traitor.” The final words spilled out in a venomous tone.
Jaws slackened and heads turned as each examined the vampire sitting next to them. I watched the exchange with interest. From my periphery, I saw Ysa and Dannika doing the same. Nova sat, nose bobbing in the air, as though she were tempting to sniff out the culprit.
But no one spoke.
“Uncle,” Kieran began, “may I ask if what was passed on will ruin what we have set in place?”
I shook my head. “No, but we also don’t know how long he’d been getting information from our side.”
Alaysia held her hand up, looking to speak next. “And the messenger?”