I nodded. “Word from the Portal Guard is that no one unregistered has come through any portal, but there’s something new in the air. A surge of power that wasn’t there before. I can sense it increasing as of late. Have you felt it?” A greater part of me hoped he answered no.
“Yes,” he responded, and he left it at that.
I cursed silently. “I’ve never encountered it before.”
“I haven’t either. Not until now.”
I dropped into my chair, leaning to the side and rubbing my temples. “Fantastic.”
“I’m already looking into it,” Vesperus said. “It might reach farther than we know. It would be foolish to assume we’re the only ones aware of it.”
The unspoken words were there. We needed to find the source before another House did.
Especially Fire and Fluorite.
“I’ll find the leak. You find the cause of this energy source.”
“Agreed, old friend.”
The call disconnected, and I looked at Ysa.
“I want the High Court assembled by the end of the day. I want the rat found now.” My voice rattled the windows, and I slammed my hand on the desk.
Her brows furrowed. “You don’t think it was one of them, do you?”
“They are the only ones who know, Ysabeau. I don’t involve anyone else except you.” She kept her posture in place, not moving her face at all. “And I know it’s not you.”
“I wasn’t concerned that you thought it was.” She shrugged. “I’d be dead already if that were the case.” She knew me well. “I’m just not sure who would betray you in the High Court. Treason at that level is . . .”
“Not unheard of,” I finished for her. And it wasn’t, though I was somewhat surprised. Everyone I had appointed held the same common goals, and the same disdain for Mathis. At least I thought they did.
She nodded, pressing her lips together in a firm line. “There’s one more thing . . .” she said, trailing off.
I swiped my hand over one eye to relieve the pressure building. I waved my hand at her, telling her to carry on. “It can’t be much worse than this.”
She blew her cheeks out in such a long breath that I looked up. “I spoke to your mother,” she started. Her hesitation to elaborate was concerning, and the anticipation of what was coming sent a cold rush through my body. “About the flowers.”
My mood darkened further. “And?”
Ysabeau looked away. “Every year on the anniversary of Claudette’s death, Mathis sends your mother flowers.” Her voice was soft, filled with a combination of hesitation and sorrow.
I wished I could say it was anger that filled my core and traveled through my veins. It wasn’t. It was so much more than that. It was a need for violence. An overwhelming desire to end his existence in a slow, brutal, and cruel way. Hatred in its purest form.
“I need to be alone,” I growled, my jaw clenching so tight it threatened to crack my teeth. When Ysa opened her mouth to speak, I shook my head once. She understood, dipping her chin and leaving my office.
After she left, I stewed. Seething. Plotting his death.
When I found the traitor, they’d get the brunt of my wrath for daring to defy everything I had carefully built for a quarter of a century.
Members of the High Court filtered in. I sat on my throne, watching them, all oblivious and unknowing about the purpose of our meeting. Katie and Bianca chatted, sharing jovial laughs between them. Uriah shuffled along quietly, appearing to be lost in thought. Alaysia walked in slowly, looking down at a clipboard and scratching notes. Marisa ushered in with my step-nephew, Kieran, swiftly and discreetly handing something small over to him that he pocketed wordlessly. A flash of anger struck me. I narrowed my eyes, wondering instantly what it was she was keeping secret. And worse, what my nephew had to do with it. My asshole brother had raised him as a child, but he’d attached himself to me early on. After all these years, would he dare betray me?
They’d be the first to answer my questions.
Drumming my fingers on the arm of my chair, I waited. Impatient. Wrath eating at me slowly.
None of them gave away any signs of worry or discomfort. None of them acted like they were hiding anything. That made it so much worse. How long had they been deceiving me?
Ysabeau came in, Dannika by her side, Nova leading both of them. Dannika met my eyes, smiling, but the corners of her lips fell when she saw me. Concern crossed her features as a tiny crease formed between her brows, and she tilted her head slightly. I shook my head in a single, tight movement.