Page 441 of Fated to be Enemies

Two brawny Nightwing Security guards stood outside the door in the foyer. The one with hunter-green wings and short-cropped hair gave me a tight nod.

“You’re clear to enter, Ms. Cade.” He tapped a code into the alarm panel on the wall. His eyes swept to the mark on my neck before gliding away just as fast. The other guard stepped visibly away from me, avoiding my gaze altogether. Weird.

“Uh, thank you.”

As soon as the door closed behind me, I heard the alarm reset. Shuffling into the kitchen, I found Ruth rolling out some dough on a marble cutting board, flour dusted on her apron.

“Good morning.”

She glanced up and out the window, the sun high overhead. “Well, now. It’s nearly noon. Don’t know that it’s morning anymore.”

“Right.” I smiled. “Ruth, you wouldn’t happen to have some of that delicious dinner left from last night, would you?”

She arched a brow at me, pounding her rolling pin right to left, then up and down, then the other way again. “I’m afraid not. But as soon as I get this crust on the chicken pies, I’ll whip you up a bacon and cheese omelet.”

My stomach growled just thinking about it.

“Seems you need sustenance sooner rather than later.”

“Thank you. Yeah. Much appreciated.” I ducked back into the living room to avoid her scrutinizing looks of I-know-what-you-did-last-night.

My sister walked into the room from the bedroom quarters. “There you are.” She smiled, stopping in her tracks when her eyes saw my neck. “Whoa. Someone was a little…aggressive.”

Self-consciously, I touched the mark, knowing my concealer did little, if nothing, to hide it.

“Sit down, sister,” she ordered, pointing to the sofa. “We need to talk.”

I didn’t resist. Now that I’d settled in my mind I wanted more than a fling with Kol, I didn’t care who knew we’d crossed that line.

“Spill it.”

I folded my legs under me and snuggled a pillow into my lap. “There’s nothing to tell.”

Jessen threw her head back with a hearty laugh. “Um. Yeah. There definitely is. Kol has marked you in a way that screams to everything with a penis to back-the-fuck-off. And from what I can gather by your mood, you’re pleased about it. There’s butt loads to tell. So let’s hear it.”

That was something I could always count on with my sister—she was blunt and to the point. It was a comfort to know she’d always give it to me straight. No beating around the bush.

“Tell me something first. This whole Morgon marking, scent thing. Does it really make other Morgon men back off?”

She grinned at me, nodding. “Oh, yeah.”

“That explains the two guards at the door. They acted like I had the plague or something.”

“Of course they did. They don’t want Kol stringing them up and flaying them for ogling or touching his woman.”

“He wouldn’t do that. How did you know it was Kol, anyway? And I’m not his woman.”

“Puh-lease. The sexual tension between you two is ridiculous. Lucius and I had bets on how long it would take for you both to give in.”

“What? You bet on my sex life?” I punched her in the arm.

“Ow! Don’t punch pregnant ladies. We’re delicate.”

“Yeah. Right.” I laughed but felt a tad remorseful as she was starting to get that soft roundedness of expectant mothers. “Sorry.”

She waved me off. “I’m fine. So you’re pretty serious if you’ve slept with him. I know you. You’re not the sleep-around kind of girl.”

I laughed. “That’s what I told him.”