Page 442 of Fated to be Enemies

“What did he say to that?”

“Well, he didn’t do a lot of talking.”

“I can see that. You look exhausted.”

“And hungry.”

As if on cue, Ruth bustled in with a silver tray and set it on the coffee table. “Here you are, dear. I’ve brought you some coffee and orange juice as well.”

“Gah, Ruth, you’re an angel.”

I caught her smile before she clip-clopped back to the kitchen. I pulled the dish into my lap and started devouring the omelet. Pure heaven on a plate.

“Worked up an appetite, did ya, Muffin?”

“Shut it,” I muffled with a mouthful of food.

She watched me as I finished it off and started on the coffee. By gradual degrees, I began to feel like a human being again.

“You said the guards were acting skittish around you?”

I gave a stiff nod, sipping my coffee. “Yeah, why?”

“So you haven’t shared soulfire, yet.”

Somehow, that made my heart twist. “How’d you know?”

She rested her hand on her belly. “When Morgons mark their mates, there’s a period of time before the female accepts him that’s sort of precarious. Most would-be suitors back off, especially if the marking was done by a dominant male.”

“I’d say Kol is fairly dominant.”

“I’d agree with you.” Jessen giggled. “Any pursuit of you would be considered a direct challenge to Kol.”

I realized then that Kol had marked me first under the ruse to protect me from the Devlin Butchers before our botched operation. He must’ve known even then that I was meant for him, choosing not to tell me.

“What’s wrong?” Jessen placed her hand over mine.

“Nothing. It’s just a lot to take in. I mean, just a few weeks ago, I was perfectly content to remain single, shoot for a successful career in journalism, and live my life blissfully free of complications. Now, I’ve got this extremely dominant Morgon man suddenly at the center. It’s almost too much.”

I sighed heavily, confused for the first time since last night. Everything was so clear when I was in his arms. When I wasn’t, I only saw the problems that would arise in a relationship with someone like Kol.

“Is that what Kol is to you? A complication?”

“Yes…I mean, no.” I shook my head, pulling on the tassels edging the pillow. “I’m just afraid of things being difficult for us. For me.”

“How would they be difficult?”

“Well, for one, can you imagine him allowing me to enter harm’s way to do my job as a journalist?” I scoffed. “Would Lucius let you?”

Her expression softened to one of sympathy. “No man, Morgon or human, would let the woman he loves enter into harm’s way.”

I set my coffee down, the cup rattling in the saucer. “That’s what I’m talking about. Everything gets all muddled and confused when…when your heart gets all tied up with someone. Then you start doing things and making decisions based on their wishes and not your own.”

Jessen laughed. “You mean when you love someone. I’m afraid that does tend to happen.”

My heart skittered. Was I? Was I speaking of the famed four-letter word I’d avoided for so long? Was I in love? Mikal had confessed his love for me many times in our relationship, but never had I returned the gesture.

Needing to escape this conversation before my head exploded, I changed topics to something I was more comfortable discussing. “Speaking of Lucius, where is he? I wanted to talk to him this morning.”