Page 417 of Fated to be Enemies

I linked arms with Kris as we exited the Box and found the darkened stairs leading into the cellars. A parade of Morgons and a few humans were doing the same. I sidled up next to Kris with Kraven on the other side of her.

The house music pumped loud and hard as we descended into the basement. Nearly packed, the party must’ve gotten started early. The most shocking difference was the aura of blue light flickering from the sconces and black wrought iron chandeliers.

“What the heck?” exclaimed Kris. “How is that even possible?”

Kraven winked. “A Morgon trick.” He glanced over Kris’s head, giving me a knowing look. It was Morgon magic, not a trick. “They do this when the Riptides from Cloven play our team.” The Riptides had vibrant sapphire-blue wings. For the first time, it dawned on me that most teams outside Gladium represented one clan, while our team bore members from several different ones.

“They’re the Skyshadow clan, aren’t they?” I asked Kraven.

“Yeah. They all live in Cloven.” Kraven nodded toward the Pit arena. “I’m going to catch up to you ladies in a while. I need to check on the fighting match for tonight.”

“Sure thing,” I said, scanning the room.

I didn’t recognize anyone. No sign of Kol or Lorian. Of course, the plan required them to stay hidden. Everyone knew Lorian and Kol’s link to the Morgon Guard. We wanted the crowd to feel uninhibited. Kol informed me they’d be close, monitoring from a secure room with access to the hidden cameras.

“Come on, Kris. Let’s go get a drink.”

Weaving through the dancing crowd, I wasn’t surprised to have to push my way through to the other side. A voluptuous brunette, human, had her arms wrapped around the neck of a Morgon man who had his tongue shoved down her throat. From behind her, another Morgon pressed close as his hands hiked up her skirt and trailed underneath. I hid my disgust as I pressed forward.

Damn, the sexual tension in this place was amped to a new level. Last time, I’d sensed the escalating sensuality following the fight, but tonight, there was an aura of sex heavy in the air. And the fight hadn’t even started. This place would transform into a full-on orgy after the scintillating blood-bath. Now I understood why Jessen’s face fell ashen when I’d mentioned the Pit. This place attracted the dregs of Morgon society. Not your typical nightclub party people, but the kind that let their beast roam to the surface, satisfying their animalistic urges without hindrance or regret.

“Moira,” hissed Kris close to my ear as we finally made it to the bar. “Some dude just grabbed my boob.”

I grinned. “Welcome to a Vaengar after-party.”

“Yeah, but not all Morgons behave like that.”

Kol flashed to mind. No, they certainly didn’t.

“Kraven’s nice,” added Kris. “Why aren’t you dating him again?”

I shrugged. “He’s just not my type.”

She snorted as she waved over the bartender, the same green-winged Morgon from last time, her hair dyed bright fuchsia. “What? A tall, fine hunk of male isn’t your type? He’s a gentleman, too. Best of both worlds.”

The waitress brought us two Brevettes on ice. I clinked my glass against Kris’s.

“You have a crush on him.”

“What? Me? No! Pfft.” She waved me off and gulped down half her glass.

“Whoa. Brevette is a sneaky drink. I wouldn’t drink it so fast.”

“Sure thing, Mom.”

I shoved her with my shoulder. A roar of masculine laughter erupted from near the body-shot table. It seemed someone was entertaining the lascivious crew as usual. I caught a glimpse of a bare feminine leg between the Morgon bodies pressed close around the table. A girl squealed, then more laughter.

“What’s going on over there?”

“You don’t want to know.” Some unfortunate girls giving up their dignity for a cheap thrill.

I sipped my drink, slyly checking out the room, not recognizing a soul. The grinding house music slowed to a more somber song.

“Kris.” I turned at Kraven’s voice to see a big smile beaming down at her. “Would you care to dance?”

She knocked her drink back and took his hand. “You don’t mind, do you, Moira?”

“No. Of course not.” I waved them off with a smile, happy Kris could enjoy herself while I grew more tense by the moment. “You two have fun.”