Page 418 of Fated to be Enemies

Kraven gave me a sharp nod and guided her into the crowd. He was letting me be a lonely, morsel of Morgon bait all by myself. I’d nursed my one glass of Brevette for several songs and was on my second before the fish finally emerged from the murky waters and nibbled on the hook.

“We meet again, Moira.”

I swallowed my breathless gasp and cooled my features before turning with a sensual smile. “Mr. Borgus. How delightful to see you again.”

As before, he was dressed impeccably, from well-groomed hair to gold cufflinks. A starched, white Primean silk shirt, glowed under the blue light. A dark suit, finely tailored. A thin tie that shined silver in the dark. Even a triangle of handkerchief stuck out of the front lapel—an older fashion that certain members of the nobility still clung to.

“Please. Just Borgus. And the pleasure is all mine.”

I extended my hand for him to shake. Instead, he took my hand and pulled me in, placing a kiss on my cheek, lingering close. I had to tamp down my urge to cringe.

When he pulled back, a glint of cold fire sparked in his eyes. He angled his head in an assessing manner, putting me on high alert. “You’re dating a Morgon.”

Oh, shit! How did I not realize he would smell Kol’s scent on me before the planned abduction? I didn’t even know what marking really meant in the crazy-ass mating rituals of Morgons. Did it mean I was taken? Or that I just liked one of their kind? Or that I’d just fooled around? Kol had tried to reconnect with me before tonight, but I had some “emergency” to deal with every time he had called.

I shook my head. “Not really. I was seeing someone, but I don’t think he’s the Morgon for me.”

His mouth quirked up on one side, the one that didn’t twitch. He seemed appeased by my answer. “Are you here alone?” One dark eye made the tic motion with his mouth.

“No, I’m here with a girlfriend, but she’s, well, preoccupied at the moment.” I waved in the general direction of the dance floor. “Would you mind keeping me company for a while?”

I shrugged out of my jacket, confident that my strapless corset would do the trick and reel him in. My dark hair slipped over one shoulder in a silken sheet. Though it had been several days, I still had to use concealer to cover the bruise from Kol’s bite during our make out marking session.

Borgus shifted his body closer. “I would be delighted.”

Seducing a possible murderer was new for me, making me feel as dirty as the girls doing unspeakable things in the dark corners of this room. But I blinked away my fear, thinking instead of the three girls pinned to the bulletin board in my office. I had a job to do, so I pasted on my sultry smile and lured him in.

I focused on maintaining calm, even breathing. Kol had warned me that Morgons could sense fear. Hopefully, if my heart accelerated with the look I had fixed on my face, he’d think I was only excited and aroused by his magnificence. This was tougher than I thought.

I waved over the bartender, forcing myself not to think of those girls, not to think what this man did to them. She slid me another Brevette on the rocks.

Borgus tossed down a large bill and waved her away. “So, Moira. Tell me about yourself.”

I leaned my elbow on the bar, jutting out my hip. His face was split—half in shadow and half in hazy blue light, morphing his features to grotesque angles. Last time I’d seen him, I knew he was of the Morgon nobility, his features almost handsome. Now, the sharp contours and high cheekbones contorted into something frightening. Black eyes glinted in the low light with an unnatural luster. Matching their namesake, glossy black wings appeared like shards of glass sticking up over his shoulder. Coalglass.

I fingered an ice-cube, pretending to stir my fresh drink. “Well, I’m a student at GU, so that takes up most my time.”

“What are you studying?”

“Multicultural Studies.”

“Ah.” One of his hands lifted a strand of my hair, twining it slowly. “And what made you choose such a field?”

“I’ve always been curious about other cultures and races. Especially Morgons. But now I’m interested in learning more firsthand.” I gazed up from beneath my lashes, willing him to take the bait.

“Really?” His chest brushed mine. “I can certainly teach you whatever you’d like to know.”

“I’m sure you can.” Holding eye contact over the rim of my glass, I sipped the Brevette. “Don’t you ever wonder about the other half of the population?”

He let my hair slide through his fingers and rested his hand on the curve of my hip.

“All the time.” His mouth and eye ticked in unison. I pretended not to notice as his hand squeezed my hip, inching me closer. “Tell me what else you do with your time.”

“I practice body boxing.”

His eyes widened in surprise and obvious appreciation. “Human women do such a thing?”

“Oh, yes. Some do, anyway.” I gave him my sexy smile. “A girl’s got to keep in shape.”