His gaze softened, and he lowered his voice as he spoke, but the tone was still stern somehow. “No, I wouldn’t make a good leader. I wasn’t raised by one, and I have too much of my own shit to work out. Even though I knew that deep down, Danni is the one who showed me.” He shook his head, never taking his eyes off me. “I belong to Blood and Beryl.”
I looked at Markus, head to toe. The former shifter heir to Fire and Fluorite. Mathis’s eldest son, conspiring with a king to murder his father. It was against the bylaws to outright kill any leader. It could cause a war. It was also the best way to get rid of him once and for all. To avenge my sister. To protect my mate.
I huffed a laugh, gesturing to the chair in front of my desk.
“Take a seat. I’m listening.”
The first time I’d sat in the throne room, I’d felt like a fraud. A liar. I’d known deep down I wasn’t supposed to be there, and I’d hated the way the anxiety had clawed at me as I’d waited for the truth to be discovered. Anticipated the moment that I would be found out.
Not today.
I was the future queen. The king’s mate. This was my throne. Blood and Beryl was my House. This was where I belonged.
Katie was the fraud. The liar. Soon to be the outcast, and I knew I would enjoy showing her the exit.
The table and seating for members of the High Court had been removed. Standing room only. It was about to be a show, after all. One that would require an audience. Bodies filtered in, whispering in hushed tones. Many were confused, but intrigued. Something big was going to happen. They just didn’t know what.
I could hear everything they said, though they weren’t aware of my newer heightened abilities. Some of the High Court knew that Elias had done something to save me. They weren’t aware of what lengths he’d gone. Given Katie’s disloyalty, we thought it best not to share. It was known shifter-vampire hybrids didn’t survive the process of being turned, and it was unlikely they’d assume that had been what Elias had done.
High-ranking officials, members of the High Court, soldiers, guards, and a smattering of those who lived and worked on the estate waited with bated breath.
Nova and I sat in silence. I was frozen in place with my elbows against the armrest. Emotions bombarded me. Anxiety. Trepidation. Excitement. Worry. My confidence wavered for a moment as the negativity threatened to drag me under. Nova nudged me with her nose, seeming to smile at me with her eyes. Elias reached over, threading his fingers through mine in reassurance. Their strength grounded me.
Marisa’s hair was pulled up in a beautiful bun, accentuated with Latin Lady roses. Bianca came to stand by her, winking at me when she looked at Elias’s hand entwined with mine. Then Katie entered, completely oblivious to what was about to happen. Glancing up at the dais where we sat, she smiled warmly.
Angry, bitter emotions came at me from her, and I had to hide my wince. They felt gross, like oil in my veins. She was fuming on the inside, hiding behind her sunny camouflage.
When Ysabeau entered, she held the door open wide. The chatter and musings ceased, and curious eyes shot to the entrance, waiting to see what this was all about. It wasn’t every day that so many were summoned, told they were there to witness a milestone for the House.
Kieran appeared, dragging Markus in behind him. His hair was matted, and his clothes were wrinkled. Disheveled. Anger radiated from him on the surface. Dried blood marred his face from what appeared to be a cut across his cheek. A fight, perhaps. One he didn’t win. Metal cuffs held him shackled at the wrists, the teal glow of magic from the steel preventing him from shifting.
Or so that was what everyone was made to think.
I felt his true emotions. Anxiety. Excitement. An overwhelming desire to prove himself.
I flitted my eyes over to Katie as he was dragged in, and she was already playing her part. Curious. Confused. Sad. No doubt she was already forming the lies she’d tell us if questioned about him.
Her acidic rage turned to interest. The irrational part cooled a degree as cold calculation set in.
Elias stood, beckoning Kieran and Markus forward.
“Markus Del Reyes,” he started, speaking loudly so his voice carried throughout the throne room. “You’ve been brought here today to answer for your conduct.”
“What conduct is that?” he spat.
“You kissed me.” I slammed my fist onto the throne. “Then tried to grope me, asshole!”
“You wanted it.” Gasps echoed in the room, and all eyes turned to Markus in shock. “Your head may say no, but the bond says yes. You’re my mate. You’ve always been my mate. Not his,” he said, angling his head at Elias. “You’re a shifter, and you belong with a shifter. With me.”
“Just because you want something doesn’t mean it belongs to you.” I crossed my arms, digging my nails into the skin. “You said you rejected me. You told members of this House that you were moving on. Trying to form a life here. Is everything that comes out of your mouth a lie?”
“I tried to move on.” He looked down, a faint color creeping up his neck. His embarrassment slammed into me. “But you can’t fight fate.”