Page 105 of Fated to be Enemies

“For what? Five minutes?” I narrowed my eyes, huffing in annoyance and ignoring his real emotion so I could focus on our plan. “I stuck my neck out for you, Markus. And this is how you repay me? You lied to me, then tried to seduce me. I don’t want you here anymore. I can’t trust you.”

“Danni, don’t do this—” Markus’s eyes flashed, showing his attempt to shift. A deep rumble filled his chest. Nova barked loudly, shushing him as she stood tall. She bared her teeth, putting on quite the show.

“Don’t call me Danni. You’re still the same shithead from Fire and Fluorite. You had me so convinced,” I said, shaking my head. “But that was my mistake. I never should have brought you here.” I looked at Elias, and he was playing his part well. His eyes narrowed and his jaw tightened as he gripped the arm of the throne, giving my mate the appearance of barely contained rage.

“It’s your call,” he said through clenched teeth. “I prefer that he just die, but I want my queen to make her own decisions.”

Inclining my head, I pressed my lips into a forced smile. “I won’t lower myself to his father’s level, but his survival is no longer my concern. Let him fend for himself.” I motioned to Ysabeau, and she stepped forward. “Have the soldiers take him to the border and drop him in No Man’s Land, where I should have left him. He has a backpack with personal items. He can have them too. I want no reminder of him left behind.”

Ysa grinned, her fangs on full display. “With absolute pleasure.”

Several guards stepped forward to handle Markus as he thrashed in defiance. “I won’t stand a chance out there, and you know it!” he yelled, jerking his arms away as they tried to gain control over him.

Elias shrugged. “You’re not my problem anymore.”

I gestured for the guards to continue. “You made your choices, and now I’ve made mine.”

Unable to shift, he growled threateningly as they dragged him from the throne room. The procession passed Katie, and she couldn’t help herself. She left the sidelines, stepping into the path that led to the door. Standing in front of him, she shook her head, eyes filling with tears. Her bottom lip quivered, and she sharply inhaled. I suppressed the need to roll my eyes. Then she slapped him, turning her cheek to him, and walking away.

A lovely performance from a skilled actress.



But we went along with it.

When Markus was gone and the doors had shut, the gasps and chatter filled the air. Soon, rumors would fly, but that was a problem for later. We had laid the foundation for our trap. Now to build on it.

Turning to look at Elias, my eyes spoke for me as I gazed at him and gave him the go-ahead for the next phase of the plan.

Katie was wiping at her eyes, though I saw no tears. Bianca comforted her; an arm wrapped over her shoulder as they spoke in hushed tones. Elias called her name, his voice carrying above all the conversation. She looked up, and he beckoned her forward.

Sullen and in false mourning over the exile of her supposed partner, she came down the aisle, stopping in front of us. No doubt she expected sympathy and support. She kneeled; head angled to the floor as she spoke. “My king, I am so sorry. I took him as a lover, but I didn’t know what he was doing.”

As she rose, Elias dropped the bomb. “Katie, did you or did you not lie to Dannika, my mate and your future queen?”

Her breath hitched. “Pardon?”

“The night I was shot,” I answered. “Did you lie when you said you’d had a meeting with Elias?”

She froze. Everyone in the room stood still. Eyes widened, mouths agape in shock.

Katie stammered, searching for words. “I . . . What I meant to say?—”

“I’m not asking what you meant to say. I’m asking about what you did say,” I reminded her.

Her lips separated, opening and closing like a fish out of water. “I think my words may have gotten twisted around. Confused. I had seen him. Earlier in the day. I had a meeting with him that never happened. That’s all I meant.” Her eyes shot to Elias, begging for confirmation, but he gave none.

“Was that before or after you told my mate that I was likely off fucking another woman?” This time, raw, unbridled anger burned in Elias. He was pissed.

I narrowed my eyes, fixing my hardened stare on her face, daring her to say otherwise.

“That’s not . . .”

Nova cut her off with a deep, rumbling growl.

“Tread carefully, Katie,” Elias warned. “I wouldn’t advise calling Dannika a liar. Certainly not in my presence.”