Page 35 of Her Protector

I had to callBabushka. I needed to get to the bottom of this, or it would drive me crazy. Saturday was both an eternity and imminent at the same time.

"Great discussion team. I'll review all the proposals with Andrei and get back to you next week. Thank you for all your hard work." Kaleb rose, everyone else around the table following his lead. There were handshakes and bullshitting, but I'm sure the sour expression on my face kept everyone away from me.

"You really need to work on your poker face." Kaleb turned to me after the last person left the conference room.

"Too much going through my mind to try today," I replied and closed my laptop. As I rose, Kaleb placed a hand on my shoulder.

"We've got you, brother. Remember, you don't have to face these burdens alone anymore. We'll all be there with you on Saturday."

I nodded, his logic beginning to break through the stubborn wall I'd built. I pinched the bridge of my nose. "I want to call mybabushka. Something is bothering me about all of this."

Kaleb inclined his head as we made our way back to our offices. "Do you want me to sit in with you while you talk to her?"

Letting out a deep exhale, I shook my head. "I'm good. I'll let you know what she says."

"Got you. Just a wall away." He held his hand up, and I gave him a fist bump before going into my office and closing the door behind me.

I set my laptop on my desk, placed my elbows on the solid wood surface, and held my head.

Man up, Volkov. It's time to get this shit straightened out. If not for you, then for Lottie.

I lifted my head and pulled out my phone. I pressed the contact and held it to my ear as my heart rate ratcheted up, and I tapped my foot on the plush carpet.

"Andrei."Babushkasounded relieved. "I'm so glad you called. I was over at Sergei's today, and he said he spoke with you."

"He did." I let out a breath, debating about what to say next. "Is it true? Is grandpa ill?"

Babushka let out a soft sigh, and I heard a door open and close in the background. "He is. He doesn't want any of his underbosses to know right now. His excuse for being in the States is to visit our grandchildren."

"How long?" The depth of emotion emanating from my voice surprised me. I cleared my throat and started over. "How long has he been sick?"

"He was diagnosed a little over a year ago and underwent a few treatments in Moscow before deciding to come here to seek better care."Babushkasniffed, and I imagined her sitting in a chair, tears silently falling down her face. For all my grandfather's faults, he loved mybabushkadeeply and would burn the world down if something ever happened to her.

As a hotheaded eighteen-year-old, I had a much different view of the world and realized my assumptions of my family may not be the same.

"How does it look?"

"So far, it isn't responding to treatment, but it's not been very long. He's been getting affairs in order, not believing he'll beat this."

The agony in her voice felt like a knife slicing through my flesh. Despair flowed from the wounds like blood, and I was rendered incapacitated.

"He's a proud man and was desperate to get your attention."Babushkapaused and composed herself. "I told him not to get your Lottie involved, but he believed it was the only way. You wouldn't talk to him otherwise."

My free hand clenched into a fist on top of my thigh. "He hurt her."

She let out a string of Russian curses. "Believe me, I've already made my displeasure about that quite clear. I won't go into any details, but suffice it to say he won't be hurting her or any woman again if he values his manhood."

I cringed and reflexively cupped my cock and balls. That was one reason I'd never cross mybabushka. She was a fierce woman when she was angry. Definitely not one to be crossed.

I pinched the bridge of my nose. "I don't want to get into a fight at Sergei's on Saturday. It's Maxim's birthday, and nothing should ruin it."


"I'm not going to be able to forgive and forget overnight." I rubbed at a spot over my chest that was beginning to ache. "But I'm willing to try. If being with Lottie has taught me anything, it's that we must let go of our past in order to embrace our future."

Without her, I would never have even thought I'd be talking about this, much less actually agreeing to be civil with my grandfather.

But for hers andBabushka'ssake, I would do my best.