Page 34 of Her Protector

"I know, baby girl." I ran my hand up and down her back, trying my best to soothe and comfort her. "But it's for our peace of mind."

"Kaleb, we need to get up for our management meeting." Andrei glanced down at his watch after it chimed with an alert.

I nodded and stepped away from my girl. Anxiety made me swallow hard, and I loathed having to leave her. "You call if anything funny happens, alright?"

She cocked her head to the side as her brows formed a perfect V between them. "Viktor already got his message across. I don't think he's going to try and take me again."

Andrei took my place and drew her into a hug. "You never know,kroshka. With my grandfather, you can't predict the next move."

"Okay," she said with a deep sigh. "Now, shoo, I have work to do."

"Someone is getting sassy." I playfully slapped her ass.

"At work, I'm always sassy." With a smirk, she stepped away from Andrei and placed her hands on her hips.

"I have a good way to keep that sassy mouth occupied," Andrei growled.

A delicate flush spread over Lottie's cheeks as lust blazed to life in her blue gaze. "Promises, promises."

A growl rumbled to life deep within my chest as images of Lottie on her knees before me flashed in my mind. She'd have her hands behind her back and her mouth open, waiting for me to feed her my cock.

"You're sleeping with me tonight, so I'll make good use of that little mouth of yours."

"Now, you both really need to go." Her breathy voice betrayed her lust. I loved that husky rasp she got when she was turned on. "I won't be able to think and concentrate on work. Remember those slave-driver bosses of mine."

A smile spread over my face. "I think your bosses wouldn't mind you using your talented mouth for these purposes. But we'll leave you." I kissed her on the lips briefly before moving back to the door. Andrei did the same and joined me.

With a final wink, I blew her a kiss, and we made our way up to our floor.



Icouldn't concentrate in our meeting; the benefits director droned on and on about something or another. Maybe retention rates? Why did we even discuss that anymore? The stats were leaps and bounds above comparable business, so we were going pretty well. Bryanna boasted the numbers proudly any chance she got.

No, my thoughts were centered on the curvy brown-haired beauty currently on the thirtieth floor and the implications of my family.

We'd agreed to go to dinner on Saturday.

I had three days to mentally prepare myself for facing off with my grandfather again.

My sick grandfather. Who had kidnapped my woman just to get in touch with me?

Fuck, why did my past have to come back and haunt me like this?

"Andrei, what do you think?"

Kaleb's question drew me back into the present moment and away from the endless questions flowing through my mind.

"Uh, I agree with whatever you suggest."

A smirk tilted up one corner of Kaleb's lips. He knew I wasn't paying attention to the inherent dribble being spoken around me.

"Perfect, then we'll choose the better medical plan for next fiscal year. Great job to Bill for negotiating the excellent rate so we can get better coverage and pass savings onto our employees."

Now, the discussion of retention rates made sense.

I scrubbed a hand over my face and tried to focus as the discussion continued on and on. Each director spoke about their wishes for the new fiscal year. I didn't know how Kaleb always kept a smile on his face through these endless meetings.