Page 57 of The Devil

Without looking at her, I march out feeling determined to make things right once and for all. When I reach the staircase, I take hold of the rail and put on a mask, one I will have to learn to perfect if only so I don’t look as bad as I feel.

Evan is waiting for me at the bottom of the staircase, along with my father. I feel like I’m walking into some kind of arranged marriage, suffocating by what little choice I have now that everyone officially knows that he is her father.

“Helena, you feeling ok?” Evan asks as soon as I reach him.

“I’m fine. Just letting the stress of the last few days get the better of me.”

I smile tightly and stand beside him, showing both men that I am submitting to what I know I must do.

“So, how about it, honey? You gonna put the boy out of his misery and agree to marry him?” my smug father laughs. Evan laughs alongside him and at that moment, I hate them both. In fact, right now, I despise both Evan and my father with everything in me. Which isn’t fair on the father of my child, but hormones, exhaustion, and a future that’s been decided for me, are all making me feel like I could scream at everyone here.

“If Evan will still have me,” I whisper instead. Evan steps forward and kisses me right in front of my father, Meri, and my mother, who is looking sadly at me from behind Evan’s shoulder.

“Nothing would give me greater pleasure,” Evan says with a smile that I can’t even begin to try and reciprocate. “And sooner rather than later if that’s ok with you? Make Baby Girl official and all?”

I want to scream at him, to yell at him and ask him what the hell does that even mean? Is she not official now?

“Of course, whatever you want,” I utter. “I’m sure you and my father can arrange something between you. I have to go and see to Baby Girl.”

I immediately turn to leave but Evan’s voice soon stops me in my tracks.

“I was wondering if we might call her Jessica? After my mother?” he asks, and it feels like another knife stabbing at my heart. I had wanted to call her Elena, after my nonna, but, feeling defeated, all I do is smile and submit.

“Jessica it is then,” he sighs with a beaming smile, excited after having gained a baby daughter and a wife-to-be, all in the space of about ten minutes.

My mother follows me into the living room where I break down inside her arms.

This is it; it’s done.

Chapter 23


“Send her up,” I snap into the intercom when my secretary informs me that Merial has arrived. I’m putting a few days in at the office before I return to law school next week. Honestly, school is the last place I want to be when I’m already so involved in the place I’ll be heading one day. It all seems so pointless, and yet, I need a damn piece of paper to say I’m qualified.

Being interrupted by my vapid step-sister is the last thing my patience can deal with. What the fuck is so fucking urgent that it can’t wait until the weekend? She practically screamed at me when I told her I was busy, so against my better judgment, I decided to relent and meet her just to get her out of my hair. My mood is for want of a better word, shitty, so she best be quick. Ever the drama queen, she walks in looking like a wild woman instead of her usually perfectly coiffed self. It piques my interest a little but not nearly enough to alleviate my dark mood.

“What is so urgent, Merial?” I ask her in a bored tone of voice while fiddling with paperwork on my desk.

“Helena, you fucking idiot!” she barks at me like a rabid toy dog; the type that’s carried around in a purse because its legs are too small to handle a walk down the path. However, it’s the mention of Helena’s name that immediately gets my back up. I’ve made it clear to everyone around me to never mention the one woman who I can’t get out of my head; it’s too damn painful to admit to feeling so strongly about her. I can’t be with her and having to explain myself to others is just an infuriating waste of time and energy. Case in point, right now.

“What has that name got to do with me?” I growl, showing only a fraction of my irritation.

“Everything, if you were man enough to admit it!” I stop what I’m doing and look at her through narrowed eyes and with my jaw clenched in rage. “Yeah, you heard right, fucktard.”

“Careful, Merial,” I warn her.

“She’s getting married to some guy she doesn’t love, doesn’t even like, if you ask me,” she shouts. “She doesn’t love him because she’s madly in love with you. God knows why.”

“I’m confused,” I sigh, rubbing my forehead before I hit something with it. “Why is she marrying him?”

“Because she’s just had his baby and thinks you will have nothing to do with her now. She actually said she may as well marry him because her life is basically over now because you don’t want her!”

She’s openly fuming with me. It’s probably fortunate that she can’t see what I’m thinking right now. I can assure you, it’s not pretty.

“Smart girl,” I mutter calmly, acting as though I don’t care, when deep inside, I want to find this guy and rip out his vital organs. “I wish her well.”

“You don’t mean that!” she gasps with shock in her voice. “She is distraught, Lucius. You should see how lost and broken she is. Please don’t abandon her, Lucius!”