Page 17 of Broken By the Alpha

“Are you okay?” she asked.

“Better than okay. I’m going to be a dad!” he exclaimed, taking her face in his hands and kissing her before he jumped up.

Adria watched with delight, as he threw his hands up in the air and danced around with joy. She could feel tears of relief and happiness well up, as she saw the father of her baby celebrate. It felt so good to have such a huge weight lifted off her shoulders. Not having to worry about keeping such a big secret, one that would have been given away when her belly started to get bigger, when she wouldn’t be able to hide it from anyone. When he sat back down again, he hugged her tightly.

“I want you to know as well that I want you to be there every step of the way. I would never keep this baby from you. I never had a mother and father growing up. Aunt Lily did her very best, and I’ll always be grateful for that. But our child will have both of us as he or she grows up. I don’t know your thoughts about us, but, right now, that’s not the most important thing to worry about. We're going to be parents.” She smiled and giggled.

“What I know right now. What I feel right now is that I love you, Adria.” She gasped, hearing those words from him. Words she never thought possible, words she never thought he would ever say to her past being a friend. But she couldn’t help but wonder.

“Because of the baby?” she questioned him, not wanting him to feel obligated to feel something he didn’t have to. She wanted his feelings to be authentic.

“No, not because of this. I realized earlier today that I love you, that I always have. I just didn’t admit it to myself. When you went away, it tore me apart. Not having you beside me, there was no worse feeling, and I don’t ever want you gone again. I can’t handle the thought of you not being with me.” Adria felt a tear slip down her cheek. She closed her eyes, as he gently brushed it away.

“I love you too,” she whispered as she opened her eyes. Spencer kissed her softly, letting it linger. She loved the feel of his soft lips on hers. The warmth of his hand caressing her cheek, and the gentle look of love in his eyes.

“And I am so happy you want me to be a part of Spencer Junior’s life. There’s nothing I won’t do for you or him,” he told her. Adria couldn’t help but burst out laughing.

“Spencer Junior?” she asked, “And you’re sure it’s going to be a boy?” She giggled, wiping the tears from her eyes. She then realized she was not just carrying their baby but the future Alpha of their pack.

“Why wouldn’t it be? And Spencer is an amazing name,” he told her, as she saw he was trying to be serious.

“Yes, but what if it’s a girl?” she asked, raising her eyebrows.

“Then we can name her Stephanie.”

“What about Garnet or Lily?” she offered, leaning into him.

“Or Sylvan or Sadie,” he counteroffered.

“I’m sensing a pattern that all your name suggestions will start with an S.” She laughed as he held her.

“You are very smart as well as beautiful.” He laughed and kissed the top of her head.

They sat in the garden, nestled into each other, and watched as the sun finished going down. Adria felt so safe in hisarms, knowing that she and the baby would be well cared for. She would always have Spencer there for anything they needed. She knew she had nothing to worry about as long as he was around. And she had her pack, her friends, she couldn’t wait to be able to tell them the happy news.

When he dropped her back off at her aunt’s, he promised to call her in the morning to see how she was doing. With a quick little kiss, she waved goodbye and walked up to the house. With a full heart and beaming smile, she went inside, where she found her aunt, Moira, Beth, and Everley sitting in the living room, waiting. It was more than a little odd to see them all sitting there staring at her as she entered the room. The serious looks on their faces had her stopping abruptly, she didn’t know whether to be worried or not.

“Is everything okay?” she asked slowly, panic starting to rise, as she looked around the room, and no one’s facial expression changed. Thoughts of her father, the hunter raced through her mind,was he here? Did he find her? Did he threaten any of them?

“We need to talk,” Beth started.

“You’ve been acting very strange lately,” Moira added.

“And we are very worried about you,” Everley finished.

“I’m fine,” Adria replied, steadily as she sat down across from them. Her mind raced with more thoughts that maybe it had something to do with her father.Was he in town already? Was he out looking for her? Did anyone see him, or maybe they captured him? Was he dead and the threat was over?Adria shook her head and tried to reel in the scenarios that kept popping up.

“We only want to make sure you’re okay. I'm sorry, my dear, but I know something is going on. Your doctor called today. He said he couldn’t get ahold of you and wants you to call him as soon as you can. I didn’t even know you went to thedoctor.” Her aunt looked sick with worry and like she was about to cry.

“Madox said that you’ve been acting strangely during drills, that you’re not your usual self. Taking more breaks, getting winded. If you are sick, you need to tell us, so we can help you,” Beth said bluntly. They all looked at her like she was crazy when she burst out laughing, not able to keep it in. She was so relieved that it wasn’t anything she had been thinking. That it was just her friends and aunt wanting to make sure she was ok. She knew she had been acting off lately, and she could finally let them in on what was going on.

“I don’t think this is a laughing matter!” Moira scolded her. “This is serious. What kind of treatments are you going to need? How bad is it?” Adria tried to calm herself by taking deep breaths and fanning herself with her hand as she sat on the couch between Moira and Beth. She was so happy that her friends were so concerned for her wellbeing. They said that they would help her in any way they could. She was also very happy she could finally tell them.

“I’m not sick,” she finally got out. “Sorry, my hormones are a little crazy right now because I’m pregnant,” she finally admitted. The room full of shocked faces had her laughing again. She gave them all a minute to take it in before she continued.

“You guys can’t say anything, though. This is something that needs to stay between us. With what's coming up, I don’t want that kind of information getting into the wrong hands,” Adria told them with all seriousness. She knew that they would understand that she could be an even bigger target being pregnant with the future Alpha.

“Oh. My. God!” Moira squealed. “Spencer knocked you up!” She covered her mouth with her hands with the revelation. Her aunt raised an eyebrow at Moira as she also tried not tolaugh. Her aunt was as real as they got but was still a little old school sometimes.