Page 18 of Broken By the Alpha

“I wouldn’t put it exactly like that, but yes. He did.” She smiled.

The room erupted with shouts of joy and hugs all around, promises of keeping it quiet, and talk of a celebration when the time was right. Before they all left, she made them promise again that they wouldn’t talk about it, even when it was just them. They all agreed like she knew they would. News traveled too fast sometimes in their town, and, with the hunter being close, it wasn’t the right time to let the world know. When the time was right, she would announce it. The last thing anyone wanted was for the hunter to find out and for her to become a target. Adria knew that they would all protect her with their lives, but she didn’t want anyone she loved to be harmed because of her.

Chapter 10 - Spencer

Spencer woke up in the morning with a whole new list of worries. He was going to be a dad; he was going to be responsible for the life of a tiny little shifter wolf. The heir to the Alpha position of their pack. He had to keep his pack, him, and Adria as safe as he could. As he got up and dressed, he made up his mind to convince Adria to take a step back. She needed to be hidden away so her father could never find her. If anything happened to her and the baby, it would destroy his life.

There was no way he was going to let her father, or any hunter, get ahold of her. He would rip his throat out before he ever let that happen. He felt a level of protectiveness he had never felt before, it empowered and scared the hell out of him. He just hoped Adria would agree with him, that she would listen to reason and, essentially, go and hide. He knew how headstrong she could be, but he hoped with this, she would agree with no arguments.

He had made arrangements for her to stay at one of the council member's houses in their panic room. Theirs was equipped with everything she needed and more. Most panic rooms just had the basics, but this one had a full bathroom, kitchen and, living room, and bedrooms. The Council member had a shipping container buried deep in the ground before their house was built. They were the ultimate prepper, and he was so thankful for that. They were suspicious about why he wanted to hide her, but thankfully, they didn’t question their Alpha. He didn’t want to lie to a council member, but he would, given the circumstances.

She was downtown, just leaving the doctor's office, when he called her. He told her to sit tight as he needed to talk to her about something. Thankfully, she agreed and said she would wait by the oak tree. As he left his house, he took a deep breath,smelling something in the air that was faint and unfamiliar. The last report he got was the hunter was still a few days away, possibly a week, no one was completely sure. He took a moment and looked around but didn’t see anything out of the ordinary. His sense of urgency pushed him to get to Adria as soon as he could. Something wasn't right.

When he arrived downtown, she was sitting on the bench like she said she would. His heart swelled with love as he saw her glowing in the sunlight. She looked so beautiful, and he was so happy she was his.

My future Luna, he thought to himself,carrying the future Alpha, carrying our child. He couldn’t help but smile ear to ear. When he got out of the car and started walking toward her, he stopped and sniffed the air again. The scent was back, and it was stronger; the hair on his arms and on the back of his neck stood on end. Every one of his senses was on high alertSomething is wrong!He thought as panic gripped him tightly.

“Adria! Get in the car! Now! Get out of here!’ he yelled, his senses going wild. All of a sudden, he could hear them coming, running to the middle of town, he couldn’t tell how many just yet, but he knew the time had come. He pulled out his phone and set off the town hall alarm. A high-pitched siren that only shifter wolves could hear filled the air.

Adria’s eyes went wide as she looked in the direction of where the hunters were coming from. People on the streets made a mad dash for their homes. Businesses slammed and locked their doors, pulling down the protective metal sheets that covered the windows. In less than a minute, the entire town was in lockdown. The streets were completely empty except for him, Adria, and the fast-approaching hunters.

“Spencer!” she called, the fear in her voice kicked his protectiveness of her into high gear. He could see them now,and there wasn’t just one hunter. There were many, he quickly counted fifteen to twenty, and they were in front of them faster than he thought possible. As Adria raced over to him, he grabbed her and shoved her into his car.

“Don’t argue with me. Leave now!” he turned and growled at the group he was facing. There were more of them than he thought there would be, more than he first counted, all holding long knives and swords. Ready to attack. But so was he and his pack. He was happy to hear his tires squealing on the pavement as Adria sped away. He didn’t get a chance to tell her about the council member's house, but there was no time for that. They were here. He felt a little better knowing that she was getting farther and farther away from them and hoped she found the safest place possible to hide.

They stopped just a few yards in front of Spencer, sneering and grinning maliciously. Spencer could smell the stink of their hate and rage emanating off of them, almost choking him. He knew that there was no way to reason with them. He didn’t feel they deserved to see that they were peaceful, respectful, wolves. They had shown no mercy to his kind, and the hunters had never tried to understand them, so he would treat them the same way. Spencer knew he was in a till-the-death situation, and he knew it wouldn’t be his death that ended it. He had even more now to live for, more now to protect, and he was going to use all of his strength to do just that.

“Looks like it’s just a lone wolf we have to deal with, boys.” The leader laughed as he took a step toward Spencer. A look of cockiness spread across his face that made Spencer’s blood boil.

“That’s what you think,” Spencer growled at him, low and full of rage. Within a second, his pack was behind him, all intheir wolf forms, bellowing and pawing at the ground, now, the table had turned with numbers.

All of them were in an attack stance. They were ready to do what they had trained so hard for, what they had prepared for the last few weeks. They were all ready to lay down their lives to protect their families, their pack, their homes, and way of life. Spencer saw the leader take half a step back and was sure he saw a flicker of doubt cross his face.

“Good, now this might be a bit of a challenge, but I doubt it,” the leader sneered. “I want you to know that I am Braddock, sent to rid the world of you filthy beasts!” he yelled, “you will know my name for years to come. Your generations will fear me and quake with the thought of my clan destroying your kind. Taking back the world that is ours and ours alone. You are all an abomination and need to be eradicated!”

“Just like how you killed your wife? Was she a filthy beast when you laid down with her?” Spencer took joy in the shocked and pained look that crossed his face. Getting inside the head of his enemy was a good strategy to throw them off, a good lesson his father had taught him at a young age.

“You know nothing, you piece of trash. Your kind kills the innocent and destroys families.” The other hunters' cheer behind him helped fuel Spencer's rage. Their ignorance had him shaking his head. He never thought humans could be so closed-minded, so fanatical. He saw no resemblance between Adria and him and was so thankful. He wasn’t sure if Adria saw him, but he wanted her to think only of her mother, how sweet and kind she was. He only wanted Adria to associate herself with her mother, not the monster her father was proving himself to be.

“Your ignorance is astounding, hunter. You’re one to talk, considering you destroyed your own family because of it.” Again, the look on Braddock's face gave him joy. Spencer knew he was messing with his head even more, and he loved every second ofit. He hoped Braddock was replaying in his mind what he did to the suppositive love of his life, and how he had missed out on the life of his only child. Spencer hoped that he was feeling pain and misery for what he did. He hoped he felt sorrow for how he took Adria’s mother away from her, all because he refused to listen, refused to even try and understand.

“Enough of this! I’ll make you a deal. Give me your Alpha, and I’ll let make your deaths quick and, maybe, painless.” His cockiness made Spencer shake his head. “Where is he? Where is your Alpha?!” Braddock demanded, looking a little shaken, Spencer smiled knowing that what he was doing was working.

“I’m right here.” Spencer gave a sarcastic little bow and challenged. “Come get me.”

Braddock’s lips turned into a snarl as Spencer shifted and howled. The pack howled along with him, showing their unity. Braddock raised his sword above his head and yelled as he and the rest of the hunters rushed toward Spencer and the pack. Spencer lunged first and was caught by two hunters from his left as Braddock veered to the right out of his sight. One tried jumping on his back, causing Spencer to lift his front up and flinging him off easily. The other tried to slash at his throat with his sword a few times till Spencer came crashing down on him, crushing the hunter's chest with his front paws and ending him. He turned to see his pack fighting valiantly. They were howls of pain and rage as they attacked any hunter approaching them. Spencer saw Mitchell trying to shake a hunter off his back a few feet away from him and lunged. He hit the hunter full force and pinned him on the ground. Spencer saw the look of terror as he ended his life with his fangs.

It went so fast but seemed to happen in slow motion, as the hunters were defeated one by one. They didn’t stand a chance. The pack outnumbered them two-to-one, and they wereprepared and well-trained. They were ready to fight for not only their lives but the lives of their loved ones and their way of life. Spencer stopped and looked around at his pack. The hunters’ bodies littered the streets, their smell of death choking the air. Seeing the threat was gone, Spencer shifted and called for his pack to assemble. It was time to assess the damages. A few pack members had some cuts deep enough to need medical care.

Spencer quickly looked around the dead hunters, searching for Braddock’s ugly face, but couldn’t see him anywhere. His adrenaline was still pumping, but now it was with making sure the leader was taken care of. The threat wouldn’t be completely gone until Braddock took his last breath, and Spencer wanted to make sure he saw that happen.

“Madox! Call the medic and get these ones patched up. Benet! Check all the bodies and find Braddock! I want to make sure that poor excuse of a human being is dead,” he commanded in full Alpha mode.

He helped the hurt wolves gather in one area as they all shifted, then went to check on Benet. He was still turning over bodies one by one and shaking his head, a look of fear and disbelief on his face.

“What is it? Where is he?” Spencer demanded. He hoped that he had just missed him, that he was crumpled up somewhere like the garbage he is. He tried not to let panic set in as he tried to find Braddock, as he hoped that he was already among the dead. But Spencer knew that it couldn’t have been that easy.

“He’s not here, Spence,” he told him, still shaking his head, worry spread across his face.