Page 79 of I Dreamt Of You

Her eyes close for a long second before opening again, like she’s trying to gather all the courage she can. He holds the gun up and fires it into the air. A warning shot for us to stay back.Just then, the ballroom door slams open, and I watch as Jack comes flying through. Owen runs at him, stopping him, but Jack keeps fighting to get to her. The pain on his face is indescribable as he watches what’s happening, realising Glen’s got the love of his life.

“You son of bitch!” he screams, “if you lay one finger on her, I’ll kill you myself,” but stops when Owen whispers something in his ear. Owen continues to say something to him, but all my focus is on the need to get Em away from this, but I know she won’t go. Not while Millie and her brother are faced with this.

“It’s okay Jack,” Millie says, her voice cutting through my thoughts, her voice edging on the side calm.

Chapter thirty-two

Fears & Nightmares


I’ve never felt fear like this, it feels like all my fears and nightmares rolled up into one. I should have known he would never stop until he got what he wanted. I should have known he was devious enough to trick the police. Watching Jack do his speech was amazing, god I love him so much, it’s like falling in love with him never stops. He caught me at my weakest of moments, he saved me, he loves me. And what do I bring? Nothing, other than the pain of his family being in danger, and right now as Jack makes his speech in front of all his employees and friends, this world he has built, that danger is right outside.

The picture of Em chills me to the bone, and I stand frozen in place for what feels like forever. I know what I have to do. I love them all like my family, I can’t let this happen to them. As I walk out the room, I need to let Jack know how I feel and how sorry I am that I have to do this. I know what Glen wants, and it won’t end well for me, but Em’s worth more, her and the baby.

I know Jack won’t answer, but that’s okay, if he did, he would never let me do this for him, for them. So when his phone clicks to voicemail, I’m already walking through the crowd, everyoneis full of smiles, cheers and love for the man and company they work for.

“Jack…I want you to know just how much I love you, I fell for you the moment I laid eyes on you six years ago. I’m sorry it’s taken me so long to say those three words to you. I’m sorry Jack, I have to do this, I won’t let him hurt you, or your family. Thank you, for showing me I could have it all again, but I can’t let him do it. I’m sorry… I love you.” My voice breaks as I reach the end, and walk out the door.

I can’t see them, I don’t know where they are, the photo looked like it was outside. But as I run towards the back doors, I spot them walking towards the ball room, from the corridor. I need to make sure Em gets to the hospital as soon as possible. So before I step out I send Dan a quick message, that will have him here within a few seconds.

Me:Em’s in trouble, you need to take her to hospital…

I watch them walk slowly forward, when I see Dan running out of the stage door, heading towards them, I won’t let him get hurt either, this is all my fault.

“Em!” he shouts. “Hey! Let her go!” running forward to meet them. He spots me as I step in front of him, I stretch out my arm, my hand stopping him, looking directly at me, confusion setting in. I take a deep breath and move towards them.

“I’m so sorry, Dan. Just do what I asked okay?” My voice was almost breaking at the pain in his eyes. My eyes are full of regret for what I’ve bought for this family. They don’t deserve this. I should have left, when I first had the chance to go. I could have prevented all of this. If I had stayed and never left him. These wonderful people would be out of harm’s way, living their life, none the wiser.

Em stares at me, fear and panic written all over her, as Glen shoves something into her back. I edge forward.

“There she is, I knew it would work, you can thank Emma for getting you out here,” Glen says his eyes trained on me.

“Millie…don’t, he just wants to hurt you,” Em shouts to me, but I shake my head, “It’s okay,” I say, “I won’t let him hurt you, I promise.” It’s far from okay, but he can’t hurt me anymore than he already has by coming here and threatening my new family. I take a deep breath, raising my hands in front of them as a gesture for him to look at me and away from Dan.

“Let her go, take me,” I say, my words coming out as steel, as I gain confidence. “I won’t let you do this to them, she’s pregnant.”

All of my focus is on the two people in front of me; I have to get Em out of his hands, and back into Dan’s.

“I don’t care about her, I’m here for you!” Glen yells at me, and it brings back all of the memories I have of him. And at that moment, I think I shut down. I feel numb, I won’t let him do this anymore, I’m ending this right now, so I step forward with only one goal in mind, this ends today.

“It’s okay Em,” I say quietly, trying to remain as calm as I can. I’ve got myself between Dan and Em now, at least that’s something, I think.

“Millie, please think about this.” I hear someone rush in, but don’t look around, my eyes on Em. I can see the gun in Glen’s hand now, my heart rate picks up, thinking of what she might have been through already.

It’s all my fault.

This has to end.

“Take me, Glen, I know you don’t want Em,” I say moving a step closer nodding to Em that it’s okay.

“I don’t fucking want you either bitch, but you have to pay for everything you’ve done!” Em whimpers, biting her lip as he presses the gun into her back, trying not to cry. A split secondlater he shoves Em so hard away from him, she stumbles and almost falls, I manage to catch her just before she hits the floor, lifting her up. “Go!” I say as she tries to take me with her. Shaking my head, “I’m done running,” I say, letting her go, when he grabs me by the throat, his fingers digging deep, causing me to wince, I can feel his nails breaking the soft skin on my neck as he pulls me into him. But all I feel is relief as Em runs to Dan, taking her in his arms; she’s safe and I let out a sigh of relief.

“I should have dumped you in the river when I had the chance,” he says into my ear, his voice laced with hate, his cold skin on mine. I can smell the alcohol in his breath mixed with dirt.Has he been sleeping rough?

His hand comes up to cover my mouth when I feel a sharp blade cutting into the skin over my hip. It burns as the pain radiates through my lift side. I let out a scream but it’s almost silenced by his hand. I can feel my tears spilling over as he moves the blade down, digging deeper into me.

“That’s just a taster of what you deserve.” He throws the knife behind him. “You’re worthless,” he says pulling out the gun, his other hand tightening in the back of my hair. I can’t move.