Page 80 of I Dreamt Of You

“Millie, don’t move!” Owen says from somewhere, as Glen presses a gun to the side of my head. So this is it, I thought it would be worse than this. More painful. If he does it at least it will be quick. And Jack’s not here to see it happen. Something in me clicks, a wave a calm takes over.

“Millie!” Em screams, it’s like I’m not here, and I’m watching it happen before me.

My eyes close for a long second before opening again. Taking the gun from my head, he holds the gun up pointing it at the ceiling and fires it into the air. The sound is deafening, making me flinch backwards. The room falls silent around me. I watch as everyone stills.

The door to the ballroom bursts open, I watch Jack come flying through as Glen places the gun back at the side of my head. Owen runs at Jack, stopping him, but Jack keeps fighting to get to me.He’s safe too,I think to myself,As long as Owen can hold him back.

“You son of bitch!” Jack shouts, his eyes all over me, trying to tell me something. “You lay one finger on her, I’ll kill you myself!”

“It’s okay Jack.’’ My voice is calm, the pain in my side getting worse the more he shoves me around, I can feel the blood dripping down my thigh, Jack spots the wound on my side and tries to break free of Owen’s grasp to get to me again. I can’t let that happen.

“Jack stop!” I say, as his eyes locked with mine. “Don’t.”

“Did you get my flowers Emilie?” I can feel his warm breath on my skin, and it makes me feel sick. “I wanted you to know I was here, I’ve been here all along watching you, as soon as I found out you were fuckinghim.You don’t get to be happy Emilie, you took everything from me. You humiliated me! You’ll regret leaving, you ruined everything! You’ll fucking pay for everything you’ve done!” I ignore him, nothing I say now will make any difference. He’s lost it, the anger just pours off him, every fibre of him screams hate, and it’s all aimed towards me.For what? Money? Is it really worth all of this?But it all makes sense, the stuff I was telling Jack on the way over here thinking I was going insane, losing my mind. It was all him, watching me, taunting me. He’s been here all along. I was never free of him.

“Jack, it’s okay. Don’t.” My words trail off when Glen pushes the gun back into my neck, harder this time and I wince as it pinches into my skin. He starts to move backwards, dragging me with him. Painfully pulling my hair to make a move. I almost stumble at the unexpected movement.

“You’re coming with me.” He laughs in my ear. “You thought you’d got away from me, you thought last time was the worst, you haven’t seen anything yet.” He spits into my ear, moving us towards the door. I know if I get out of this room, they will all be safe, that’s all I care about right now. This is all my fault, I have to end this, but I don’t know how. So I walk with him, I just need to get myself free and then…I have no idea. I don’t want to die like this, not by his hand, he will have won if I let him do that. I just don’t know what to do. We’re still moving backwards, I have no other option but to go with him, whatever he has planned for me, it won’t be nice.If I don’t go, what would he do? Hurt them? I can’t risk it.

“If anyone’s tries to come after us, I’ll hurt her quicker than you can call her name!” I watch as everyone stands back, Jack still fighting to get to me, looking at me, every emotion crossing his face, while Owen tries his best to hold him back, almost taking him to the floor. Em looks between me and Jack, anxiety written all over her face. Dan is watching Em, like he will never let her go again, his hand firmly on her tummy. I smiled inwardly, I suppose it wasn’t the best time for him to find out, but look at him. He’s happy.

“You’re going to hurt me anyway.” I mumble, my thoughts coming back to what he might do to me. His laugh chills me, how could I have ever liked or even thought I loved this man? There is no emotion in him, just pure hatred for me, for what he thinks I have done to him.

“True,” he says as the door closes behind us, I feel such a weight off my shoulders knowing they are all safe inside, the relief I feel is overwhelming, tears roll down my face. He can’t hurt them if I’m out here with him.

“Five years of my life I wasted with you,” I say “when I could have been with Jack all that time.” His grip tightens on me as he moves me closer to the steps. What I don’t expect is for him tothrow me down the steps, I reach out a little too late as I land on the bottom step, my face in the gravel. The hard stone digging into my legs and hands, the burn of the gravel from the force in which I fell. There is no relief, when I feel his foot connect with my arm as he kicks me.

“I was only with you for your money, I knew how much your parents were worth, I knew you would be getting the money someday.” He smears as he aims for me again.

“Ha!” I let out a small laugh. It’s so clear now, why he beat me, he thought I would be getting the money as soon as they died, not years later. He kicks me again when I try to stand up and get away from him.

“You can’t even do that right can you?” he says through gritted teeth, pulling me away from the steps. “You can’t even get the money from your dead parents!” The third blow comes and this time I see it coming but I’m too slow to move. He punches me over and over again, each blow hitting my back as I try to turn away from him. He’s losing control, like he always does. I’m on the floor again, facing down when I hear the door being pulled open; I hear Owen and Jack shouting and footsteps moving my way.

“No,” I say, trying to stand again, getting further away from them all. “You would never have gotten a penny from me, you still won’t. Jack is a million times the man you are.” I manage to stand up and he knocks me back pushing me. Collapsing to the floor again, I let out a cry starting to feel the pain creeping in. I know I shouldn’t have said that to him, not while he holds a gun on me, but I’m done being afraid of him. He can hurt me all he wants, I won’t cower away from him again. I’m so much stronger now than I ever was with him. I have a man who loves me.

“Millie!” The fear in Jack’s voice scares me; I know he can see what’s happening, I didn’t want this. And that’s when it all happens at once. I feel the gun against my head as Glen pulls meup and shoves me towards a car, opening the door I’m shoved towards. My vision blurs as he strikes me again, this time just below my eye.

“Get in!” he shouts, shoving me further. Refusing to go I lash out, one attempt to get free of him. I hit and kick him back with everything I have, managing to get him in the crotch; he doubles over, I punch him in the neck just as I hear running and shouting, but I can’t focus on who it is. The voices mingle together. Suddenly I’m not alone, I see what looks like Leon tackle Glen to the floor, pushing me away from them as they fight. Owen joins them trying to contain Glen, the gun drops from his hands, as Glen reaches for it trying to get back to me. I hit the ground with a thud landing on my knees and I watch as Jack races towards me, “You will pay for this, I’ll fucking kill you, Emilie!” Glen shouts. That’s when the gun goes off, I hear shouting and a scream, I feel something hit my side, a heaviness takes over my body, my already blurred vision darkens, I try to fight it, I want to tell Jack how much I love him before I die, it wasn’t meant to be like this. “I love you, Jack,” I try to say. I think my words fail me and I’m lost in darkness, just hearing the sounds around me slide into nothing, I fade to emptiness.

Chapter thirty-three



“Millie, hold on!” I can’t get to her quick enough. The bastard locked the door. It took everything in me and Owen to knock it open. I watch as Leon leaps on Glen, pushing Millie away as he fights to keep him back. She falls to her knees on the floor, I’m running, racing past as Owen joins Leon to get Glen under control, trying to get the gun away from him.

“You will pay for this, I’ll fucking kill you Emilie!” I watch as Glen reaches for the gun, I run faster but it’s too late, the gun goes off.

For a split second everything goes still, a smile spreads over Glen’s face, Leon and Owen pinning him down, and I watch as Millie falls back, her eyes drifting closed, her hands coming to her stomach. Sliding to the side of her, I catch her before her head hits the floor, cradling her to me. What’s happened…why is she…then I see the blood, he shot her. That prick shot her!

I hear the sound of sirens coming down the road, she’s still breathing but it is shallow, there’s blood everywhere, I place my hand over her side, putting pressure on the wound and I justhold her. Fear penetrating my soul and taking over. I can’t lose her, I’ve only just found her again.

“I love you Jack,” she whispers as she loses consciousness, I try to wake her, but nothing works, “I love you more than anything Millie, don’t leave me, not like this.”

After we arrive at the hospital, we wait as the doctors do what they need to do to fix her. She’s been in surgery for hours; I feel so helpless just waiting around. I don’t like it, Dan and Em both join me in the waiting room. I can’t sit down. How can I? I don’t know if she’s okay.

“Are you and the baby okay?” I ask Em and she nods, she looks exhausted.