“Oh yes…Even better, let’s take a good old picture, shall we? What better way to surprise her, her life for yours!” He takes the phone from my hand, slides his hand from my hair and moves it slowly, wrapping his cold hand around my neck, turning me around to face him. I close my eyes, I don’t want to see this, but curiosity gets the better of me, and when I open them, the look of pure evil stands before me. Dark hair, dark eyes, pale skin, he looks like he’s not slept, the redness around his eyes; he’s dirty too, like he’s been sleeping rough. Then the words come out before I can stop them.
“You piece of shit...I won’t do it, she’s happy...I won’t let her do it. No.” I cry, this can’t be happening, not now.
“She doesn’t deserve to be happy.” He raises his hand with the gun and strikes the side of my face with the handle of it. I try to scream but he shoves his hand over my mouth, and pushes me against the wall so hard all the breath leaves my lungs. The gun moves up, coming into contact with the swelling of my cheek and he takes a picture of me, pressed against the wall. I don’t know what’s happening, but I feel so unbelievably sick, but this time, it’s not the baby making me nauseous.
“Now send that message to her, tell her it’s your life or hers…or you’ll see what the other end of this gun can do.” Pure hatred for her, that’s all I can hear. I try to protest again, but he moves the gun under my chin, closing my eyes for a brief second. I wish or even pray that someone finds us, so I don’t have to bring Millie out here. But when they open, it’s still just me and him. The evil that stands before me and his gun, pressed so hard under the soft skin of my chin, I can feel the bruise forming already. He presses the phone into my hand; I don’t want to do this. I cry silently, I’m so sorry Millie, I hope you forgive me.I find the picture and type the words with blurry eyes.
Em:I’m sorry…he said it’s my life or yours.
It’s all I could manage; I can’t stop the tears now.What have I done?
Chapter thirty-one
Shit Hits The Fan
Standing at the side of the stage, leaning against the wall. I watch Jack walk out to the centre of the stage. He always gets a good cheer and even the odd whoop when he does these, especially when it’s the employee ball. They love it, it’s such a testament to the type of boss he is. I can see out to the crowd from here, they can’t see me though. I can’t see Em. Odd, maybe she’s got held up with something. There are so many familiar faces in the crowd. We had all the staff from the club in Ibiza flown in last night. They have all worked so hard to get the club back up and running, and it’s paid off; we open the new and improved version next month. Now that’s going to be one hell of a party. We’re making a pit stop during the honeymoon to celebrate the reopening too. I know it’s work, but it’s the best kind of work.
I say the speech word for word as Jack says it to everyone. I can’t help it. We’ll be handing out Employee of the Year in a bit, and this guy deserves it. Isaac has been with us a few years now, but this year, he’s really proven himself, worked hard, helped when he was needed, and has been an amazing help to other members of staff, even letting us know when one of our own wasstruggling, he stepped up. And that made us proud to have him on our side.
I get drawn back to Jack as he looks around and frowns at me, nodding for me to look out; I watch Millie walk towards the doors, I shrug back at him, she’s probably just going to the loo.
My phone buzzes in my pocket a few minutes later. Reaching for it, I see it’s from Millie…my heart plummets.
Millie:Em’s in trouble, you need to take her to hospital…
It’s like all the air gets sucked from my body, just seeing those few words.What the fuck!My heart races as I race out the stage door and down the steps. Taking them a few at a time. I don’t know where she is. She never said, I have no idea what’s happened.Why didn’t Em call me herself? Oh god, maybe she can’t, is she unconscious?A million scenarios run through my mind. But nothing prepares me for what I see next. I’m just coming out the stage door that levels into the reception area when I see them, my heart sinks. Fuck. It’s him, a little rougher looking but it’s him.
“Em!” I shout and she looks at me with fear in her eyes. My eyes run up and down her body to see if she’s hurt, I can see marks on her face. He’s holding her by her hair. Walking her towards me. Em’s eyes dart to her side, I follow them and see a glimpse of what he’s holding to her side. Although I can’t see what it is, not from here.
“Hey! Let her go!” I yell, running forward to meet them. When I spot Millie, she steps directly in front of me, her hand stretched out towards me to stop me.What’s she doing?Looking directly at me. She takes a deep breath and moves towards them. Stopping in my tracks.
“I’m so sorry, Dan. Just do what I asked okay?” She says, her eyes full of fear and regret.What’s she talking about?I try to pull her back but she pushes me off, shaking her head.
“There she is, I knew it would work, you can thank Emma for getting you out here,” Glen says, eyes on Millie.
“Millie…don’t, he just wants to hurt you...” Em shouts as Millie walks towards them. Millie shakes her head again, “it’s ok” she says, “I won’t let him hurt you, I promise” she raises her hand in front of them.
“Let her go, take me…” her breathing evens out “I won’t let you do this to them, she’s pregnant.”
What…she’s what...did…she just say…it all makes sense… pregnant, my world almost shatters, my wife-to-be and my unborn baby…in his hands. I’m stuck, I don’t know how to deal with this, I can’t let Millie do this, but I also want Em out of that shit heads hands and safe in my arms. My body takes over, my fingers move and I speed-dial Owen. We have a code for shit hits it the fan. “RED” it’s all I say down the phone, I don’t hear anything else. I focus my attention back on Millie and Em, I need to stop this…
“I don’t care about her, I’m here for you,” he shouts, his voice full of anger.
“It’s ok Em” Millie says, like she knows how it’s going to end. She’s so calm. My eyes darting between them. Reaching out, I say, “Millie, please think about this…” my words are cut off. Owen comes rushing through the door, stopping next to me and holding me back just as I make up my mind to take him down myself. He tries to reach for Millie, but she’s further forward and just out of his reach.
“Take me, Glen, I know you don’t want Em,” she says firmly, moving forward slowly.
“I don’t fucking want you either bitch, but you have to pay for everything you’ve done,” he says, pressing whatever is behindEm’s back into her harder; she whimpers biting her lip, trying not to cry. He then shoves Em so hard she almost falls over, but Millie catches her, telling her to “go.” A tear slips down Millie’s cheek, her shoulders sag slightly, almost like she’s relieved. Em tries to grab her and pull her back but Millie shakes her head, “I’m done running,” she says as Glen grabs her. Em runs to me, as Owen steps in front of us, trying to get to Millie. I take Em in my arms, my hands wandering all over her, checking she is okay and then finally wrapping my arms around her and holding her close. Closer than I think I ever have before. She’s okay, I can’t help but hold her as tight as I can.She’s okay,I think looking into her eyes,she’s safe.
“You’re okay, I’ll get you to hospital.” She shakes her head and turns her tear-stained face to watch as Millie’s grabbed by the throat and pulled towards Glen; he turns her around and puts the gun in his back pocket.
“I should have dumped you in the river when I had the chance.” From behind his back, he pulls out a knife, pressing it into Millie’s side, covering her mouth with the other. He slides the knife down her hip, slicing her dress and her skin with it. Her stifled scream emanates from behind his hand, tears running down her cheeks. Glen presses the knife harder into her side, causing Millie to scream again, then throws it on the floor behind him. He reaches back and pulls out the gun, seeing it, Millie goes silent.
“Millie, don’t move…” Owen says from behind me and we all watch as Glen presses the gun to the side of her head.
“Millie…” Em screams and sobs into my chest, clutching my hand like I’m the only support she has. I’ll never let her go.Where the fuck is Jack?