“Shit, Jack is going to kill me! I didn’t think you drank that much. You were in here for almost fifteen minutes.” Owen looks over at Leon for confirmation. He nods again, then says, “Three glasses of red, four cocktails and some water in between.” I’m glad someone has been keeping count. Mixing my drinks is never a good idea. Owen lifts my head and checks out my eyes, nods at Leon and helps me stand.
“What did you just do?” I say, looking at him.
“I checked your eyes to see if there was any sign of dilation, but you’re fine, they look normal. I’ll ring Jack and tell him what happened.’’ He sighs, reaching for his phone.
“You think I was drugged?!..” My eyes popped out of my head. “Don’t tell him…please, I wasn’t drugged, it’s my own fault for mixing drinks. Plus I’ve been a little stressed. Just take me home.” I plead, “Jack’s away tonight and I don’t want to worry him anymore than I need to. He has so much on his plate already, I don’t want to add to the stress-load he already has on his shoulders after everything I’ve caused.” I can’t let him tell Jack.
“I have to tell Jack, Millie he’s my boss, and it’s my job to make sure you’re safe. And right now…I’m not sure you are.”
“Please, please Owen, I don’t want him to worry, this is all my own fault. He doesn’t need to know. There was no way I was drugged…I mean I got the drink from the bar myself. No one could have got to them, if they had, you or Leon would have seen.” I have a feeling this will reassure him.
He eyes Leon again, and they seem to share some sort of silent conversation. In the end, Leon shakes his head, then says, “Your call.”
“Okay, but if he even asks you if anything happened tonight, you tell him the truth. I’ll get shit for it. But I hate keeping secrets. Especially ones like this. Even more so because it’s Jack. Are you sure you’re okay?” His eyes are all over me, checking me again for any injuries.
“Apart from feeling a little foolish and a tad nauseous, I’m fine. Let’s go and grab Charlie, and go home.” I say, starting to stand up.
A little smile crosses his lips when I mention her name, but a frown soon descends when we walk out and he spots her still being chatted up by Mr Handsome, although now, his hand ison her lower back and he’s pulled her closer to him, so they’re almost touching.
Leon holds me steady, even though I think I’m fine now, if not feeling a little sick still. Owen heads over to where they are standing and whispers something in the man’s ear. His head spins around to face Owen, removing his hand from Charlie like she is on fire and has just burnt him. He holds his hands up and walks away as quickly as he can.
Both me and Leon chuckle as Charlie glares at Owen, looking like she is ready to explode and rip his head off. But her demeanour changes when Owen tells her about me. She moves away from him, coming to my side and gives me a hug.
After the club, Owen and Leon dropped us back at the cottage; Charlie made herself comfortable on the sofa, insisting she stay the night at mine, even though I told her there was no need. I think she wanted to make sure I was okay. It was nice to not be alone that night, especially when I still couldn’t shake the feeling of someone watching me. It was odd.
I’m watching you Millie. It’s laughable how gullible people are. How someone you have never met will do anything for some cash. Even as they watch over you, I can get to you.
I’m here Millie. I know you feel it.
Chapter twenty-seven
“Dude it’s two days until the ball, Millie has given me a list of things that need to be done today, and it’s huge!” he shakes the list in my face. “She’s working all day and then tonight at the pub, she can’t help, we have to decorate today so the final touches can be put in place tomorrow, ready for the photographers on Saturday morning.” Then, pausing for a few seconds, he says, “She has even arranged for the couples who have booked weddings with us to come round and have a look on Saturday afternoon. The woman is mad! But also awesome,” eyeing me.
I’ve been listening to this for the last two hours; our train ride back down from London has been slow. Well, it feels slow, with Dan groaning on like he is. I want to see Millie so badly; I know she’s not dealing with all this like she should be. I just want to see her to see if she’s truly okay. Owen called me and told me about the security system stuff; Charlie showed him everything. But Millie’s not even mentioned it. She knows I know, but she’s holding it all in. It’s not good. I won’t get a chance to see her until after her shift tonight. So I’ve been bombarding her withmessages and photos of Dan stressing out. She sends me one’s back of how her day is going; it’s mostly coffee, painkillers and water, while she sits in the office.
Although, her pictures from last night of her and Charlie were nice to see. I got an update from Owen when they arrived home, I’m sure he’s not telling me everything. Something was off when he called me, after he dropped them back at the cottage. He and Leon took off and left the B team to cover the cottage. But his update was a little shorter than normal. Something isn’t right, I know if it was important, he would tell me or should tell me but I also have a feeling he is hiding something, and it’s frustrating.
“We’ll get it done Dan.Wedo this every year,you and me.Wedon’t normally have a Millie to help us either. Remember it’s our treat to all of our employees, that’s why we organise it.” I say, emphasising the “we” while pointing from me to him, looking down at the list she has done for us. It’s a lot to do on top of the other meetings we have today.
“I’ve got to go and see Mike this afternoon when we get back, about the licences for the pub. There is also an issue with the brewery that he needs my help with. Will you be able to handle the Ball decorations and this list? I’ll ask Mary to get a few helping hands in for us.” I say to Dan as he huffs at me.
“Dan, what’s wrong? You’ve been edgy for the last two days, what’s going on?” He’s my best friend. I know when something is up, even though we have seats in first class on the train, he wouldn’t sit down, he’s pacing and driving me insane.
“Liar, tell me or I’ll add about that time we went to Thailand in my best man speech.” That should make him spill. It was a good story, maybe I’ll add it anyway.
“Fine, but if I hear one word of that story in your speech, I’ll tell Millie about the time in Wales.” He grins at me, knowing I’dkill him if that ever got out. Shit, that’s the only downside to him being my best mate, he knows too much!
“So… what’s up with you?” I prompt him, eyeing the seat for him to sit down.
“There is something off with Em, I don’t know what it is, but she has asked if I’ll stop drinking with her until the wedding. It’s weird, I don’t like it, plus she is like horny as hell all the time. Not that I’m complaining but it’s like every time she sees me. And that’s a few times a day, yesterday we did it like four times. I’m literally knackered. And I have a really bad feeling in my gut about this Glen dude. Something is not sitting right with me.”