“Well, that was too much info, she’s my sister dude! And that’s something you will have to sort out between you and her! I never want to hear words like that again from you!” I wince, moving to an easier subject. “Why doesn’t she want to drink? She loves a glass or two…?” I add.
“I know right, she says it will just be better if we have a clear head over the next few weeks with everything going on.”
“Umm, makes sense, but still doesn’t sound like her. Do you think she is okay?” She would have told us if something was wrong. She’s never been any good at faking it.
“She seems fine, her normal bossy, workaholic, organised, sexy self. I just have a feeling like something’s off, I can’t explain it.” Sitting in the chair opposite me, he puts his head in his hands, like it’s the only puzzle he can’t crack.
“I’m sure it’s just wedding stuff. Maybe she has a surprise planned for you? Do you have a gift for her for the morning of the wedding?” He sits up straight with a massive smile on his face, nodding at me.
“Yep, but I can’t tell, she is going to fucking love it!”
“Good, now what’s this feeling you have about the fuckwit Glen then?” In all the years I’ve known Dan, I have to admit when he has a feeling, it’s usually right, he can never pinpointwhat it is, but the feelings he has normally mean trouble or something unexpected. So I trust him when he tells me something doesn’t feel right.
“I don’t know what it is, just that it’s not right, I know the police say he’s in Spain, and can’t find him. But I’m not so sure.”
“Fuck, I hate it when you have a feeling…” My heart sinks.
“I know, but I need to voice it,” he cuts me off.
An hour later, I’m on my way to see Mike. I’ve left Dan to his own devices with ball stuff, I just can’t handle it right now. I still want to cancel but Millie refuses to let him win. I get it, but I have the safety of everyone coming to think about and it’s stressing me out. I have a meeting with Owen and Leon later to talk through the final prep for the security for night, and with Dan sharing his feeling about the whole Glen thing, it has me even more on edge.
When I walk into the pub, Mike waves me over and we sit adjacent to each other at the bar. He hands me a stack of paperwork and we slowly make our way through the new licensing agreement, and the new brewery contract.
“How’s Millie?” He asks when he stands to grab us both a drink from behind the bar. I know what he’s getting at; everyone knows there is something going on, and Mike knows more than most about Millie’s past.
“She’s okay, I think. Doing what she normally does, burying herself in work, trying not to think about it,” I say honestly.
“So what’s happened…I know something has changed, she’s putting on an act again, I can tell. Over the last month or so, she has been so different, I mean in a good way.” He hands me a coffee and sits back down.
“Well to put it in a nutshell, her ex, the guy that beat her, he knows about her and me. He was the one behind the arson attack on the club in Ibiza. The police think he is in Spain but I don’t know.”
“Jack, that’s tough! No wonder she is edgy, and working so much. I can only imagine how she feels about it all.”
“Yeah, she tried to leave when she found out it was him, and it was only by accident that she saw his picture on my desk. She said it was the only way, if she left then everyone else would be safe.”
“But you managed to convince her otherwise?” He sounds worried, and he should be.
“I did, for now at least,” I say glumly. I’m not sure what she will do if he’s not found soon.
“I’ll keep an eye on her as much as I can. She is working tonight, and tomorrow night, but I’ll let her leave early Friday. She needs some rest, maybe you can plan something for the two of you?”
“That sounds like a brilliant idea, thanks Mike. And sorry to offload onto you.” I shrug at him.
“It’s all in the job description boss! Plus I’ve known you a long time. I think you’re good for each other.” Smiling, he picks up all the papers and puts them into the file.
“I’ll send these off and get it all sorted, that should be it from now on, everything else I should be able to sort out myself.”
“Thanks Mike, you’re making it easy, I wish all takeovers were like this.” I laugh and head for the door. The idea of doing something with Millie tomorrow night sounds great, but I think she needs to be reminded of who she has around her, of who cares for her. And with that, I dial Em’s number. She always takes so long to answer the phone, it’s irritating.
“Finally!” I say when she answers. And I hear her laugh.
“You know I only do it to bug you right? I know how much it annoys you.” She laughs again.
“I should have known, you okay? What’s this about you and Dan not drinking before the wedding? Is everything alright?”
“Everything is perfect, I just want us to have our heads together with everything going on, that’s all.”
“Umm…” She’s lying, I can tell; something is definitely up, but she sounds happy enough, so I won’t push it.