Page 17 of I Dreamt Of You

“Shit,” I mutter to myself. I need to try and keep that under control as I look down at the reaction I get just thinking about her, imagine… No, don’t imagine. Forcing myself to get dressed, I head to the kitchen and make a coffee. When she opens the bedroom door ten minutes later, I’m surprised to see she’s still dressed.

“Umm… could I ask you something? You can say no.” She looks embarrassed and really uncomfortable. “Forget it, don’t worry, it’s too much…I’ll just…”

“Ask me, what do you need?” I cut her off as she tries to back out of saying it to me.

“I need some help…” Her cheeks flush that wonderful shade of pink again. “I can’t… I can’t get… I can’t get undressed. It hurts when I bend, or move...” She drops her head and holds her side.

“Sure, tell me what you need me to do.” Walking over to her, she turns and heads back into the room. Following her, I close the door behind me, just standing there waiting for her to say something. When she doesn’t, I move a little closer and hold her hand.

“Don’t be embarrassed Millie, I’ll help you.”

“Okay… but…” She’s shaking a little. “Could you not look, or look away please?”

“That might be difficult, I’ll need to see what I’m doing, but I promise I won’t look at the best bits.” She laughs, then winces.

“Aww… Don’t make me laugh, it hurts,” She mutters, standing awkwardly “This is so embarrassing!”

“Sorry, promise I’ll be good.”

The next few minutes are the most tense of my life. Dropping my hand, she turns around and unbuttons her shirt standing in front of me, hiding herself.Where has the Millie I knew gone?She never hid her body from me six years ago.What has this guy done to her?My hand moves up to her shoulders and I slide the shirt down her arms. The bruising she has is clear, all over her arms and back. Most of it faded, there are cuts and scars old and new. I don’t make a sound, but my mind only goes to one place. I want to hurt the bastard that did this to her. I unclip her blue lace bra and she holds it in place with one arm while she undoes her jeans. I’m still standing behind her, my hands on her shoulders. I lightly touch one of the bruises.

“Please don’t…” she whispers to me, her voice so small and so sad. “I’m not the person I used to be Jack.” I’m glad she can’t see my face right now, it’s torn in two completely different directions, lust and hate. She’s still so beautiful, yet she can’t see it. It’s hard to look away when I pull down her jeans, my fingers lightly brush the backs of her thighs, and it’s taking all the power of the gods to hold me back from touching her more. I don’t know what to say, so I don’t say anything.

I hook my fingers in the side of her knickers but she steps away before I can help her.

“I’ll do that, thank you. It’s more than you should be doing, given the circumstances.”

I leave her to it after that; I don’t want to upset her or overstep where I’m not wanted but so desperately need to be.

In the kitchen, I make some more coffee. Dan walks in right on time, ready for the day, when he hears the shower running. His eyes light up like a puppy, knowing he is going to get a treat.

“And how was your evening?” he says, nodding towards the shower, a smug smile on his face.

“Mind your own business, here, have a coffee.” I hand it to him, but his eyes are trained on the door to my room. I know he is waiting to see who comes out.

“Sit down, it’s not what you think.” Sitting at the table, I start to run through my day.

“No, of course not, the man who doesn’t do relationships has someone in his shower, and you expect me to believe you didn’t have a good time last night? Who is it? Anyone I know?” I ignore him. He’ll see soon enough, if she’s brave enough to come out of the room.

“Paperwork for today, this is yours, what else do we have on? I’d like to try and free up this afternoon if I can, and maybe the next few days?”

“You mean you want some time off? Are you okay boss?” I know he’s joking. He’s known me long enough to know I don’t have time off.

“Yes, I want some time off. Is that so bad? I’ve got a few personal things I’d like to take care of.”

“Personal things? Really? This just gets better. Who is she? I don’t remember the last time I saw you with someone, let alone someone who stayed the night.”

“Work,” I scold him. He chuckles and gets on with plans for the day. Half an hour later, my bedroom door opens and Millie steps out wrapped in just a towel. I stand up, almost knocking my chair over, when I see her. Dan’s mouth is wide open when he realises who she is.

“Ha, that’s twice I’ve seen you almost naked!” he says. She stops in her tracks, turns around and walks back into the bedroom.

He just looks at me with a massive smile on his face, nodding his head.

“You’re an idiot! Like I said, it’s not what that stupid sappy brain of yours is thinking… I’ll tell you more about it later. I’ll just check on her,” I said, almost stomping away from him. I can hear him laughing at me.

When I open the bedroom door, she is pacing the room. “Sorry about Dan, he’s a little bit special, but a good bloke. He’s marrying my sister actually,” trying to keep my voice casual.

“I need my case, did we pick it up last night? I can’t find it?”