“Please, Master, I don’t want to talk about it.”
Interesting. This calms down the rage of my erection. Something happened. Sixteen is too young. For her. She was thinking of rainbows and unicorns and hand holding when she tried to kiss me.
I’m not saying this girl wasn’t on the cusp, and at that age time moves fast, but with her upbringing? The sheltered perfect bubble of a life? Fuck, no. She wasn’t there yet. Not by a long shot.
I rub her clit with my thumb, and this time when I look at her, she’s rocking on me with her eyes down. The telltale streak of pink on her cheeks isn’t pleasure. It’s something else.
“How old, Ivy?”
A beat. “Eighteen.”
She stops. “Mercer?—”
“Right now you’re not fucking worthy of my name. Work my hand, sweet little cunt. Bring yourself to that edge and tell me.”
“Fifteen. Okay? He…” She shakes her head and she starts to bounce on my finger in a frenzy, driving her clit into my thumb, her body desperate to get off.
I grab her hip and control her movements. Slow, undulating, light. And I work my finger in her. It’s not quite enough. She wants two, so I keep it just at one finger until she gives me what I want.
“That’s around the time I went to prison, your brother had taken off to join the military, and…” I look at her. “Where was your father?”
“Busy. Mom, too. I wasn’t…I wasn’t the favorite.”
“Fifteen? You lost it to some fucking virginal guy?”
She doesn’t answer and the misery blooms. The tightness inside me surges, grows darker, nastier, deadlier.
“How old was he?”
“How fucking old, Ivy?”
She’s about to come, the slow, controlled movements have intensified the sensations, and I could make her come right now.
I’m not going to. Call me fucking cruel, a bastard of the worst kind, but I want to heighten that misery in her.
Because I don’t think I’m going to like what she’s about to tell me.
“It was my fault.”
Four whispered words.
I pull my finger from the tight wet heat of Ivy’s pussy and lay it against her slit. Then I push against her clit with my thumb and hold her there. Like that. Not letting her come, not letting her crash. Suspending her in that space of arousal.
“What was your fault?”
“H-he…I kept tempting him. And he said I knew what I was doing.”
My mind spins terrible thoughts. “How long from when you met him until you fucked him, Ivy?”