She does.

“Climb up on my lap like you’re a fucking cat. All fours.”

The humiliation of my order doesn’t faze her and she does it. Her thighs spread open, on either side of mine. I can smell that sweet musk of her arousal. This close, I can see the thin landing strip on her pussy, the shadows over her lower lips.

I raise my gaze. Her nipples pebble against the flimsy fabric, a deep blush staining her skin. She reaches for me to steady herself, but I shake my head.

“Hands on your fucking thighs.”

Ivy does as asked.

I run a finger down the front of her body and then slide it up under the hem of the see-through baby doll.

“Good girl, Pollyanna. Fuck, you have a sweet cunt. Soft and hot. It’s wet, too. For me.”

“Master.” Her voice is breathy and there’s a drunken quality to it. She’s gone deeper, which is good, because there are a lot of people in here that I want to see me.

I keep stroking her, touching her, slipping my fingers under the lace of her panties. I graze her fevered flesh. Her folds are thick and swollen, and her small sounds of need and pleasure are like music.

Is that Henderson? I look past Ivy. Yes, I think it is. There are three young women all over him, and if taking him out wasn’t complicated, I’d…I’d fucking hold off to keep indulging in the carnal delights of Pollyanna.

Fucker is back in town after making Christ only knows how much money on young, innocent girls he kidnapped and sold into sexual slavery to a host of lowlife scumbags at auctions around the world.

My pulse slams into the side of my neck, rage gathering force. I push a finger into her. “Ride me slowly,subtly. And don’t come. But squeeze my finger like my cock’s rammed into you and I’m telling you to make me come.”

Henderson being back isn’t exactly a shock, even if I hadn’t heard the rumors tonight. Men like him, and like me, want to keep an eye on things. And there are some parties coming up at some of his clubs. Private, very private in that way things are when you absolutely need an invite.

None of those events interest me. I want the big one down the line, the one that’ll put me and him into his private rooms, where I can get all the information I need so I can kill him.

Whoever has that holds the cards. And getting all of his dirty secrets will expose more of the people who need to be taken out by the Knights…people who deserve the most excruciating torture and death imaginable for crimes they’ve committed.

My client isn’t going to get the whole package. I doubt he’ll ever know what’s missing. But there are things to be removed, things I’m betting have to do with Orion and Malone and a few others I know. The Knights have a sole purpose of protecting the innocent and avenging the lives we couldn’t save. But we also do other things outside of our mission that definitely fall outside of legal lines. We’re all guilty of crossing them and this information can help blur those lines and protect our covers.

My thoughts fizzle.

Fuck me, she’s tight.

If I concentrate on her, I’ll lose it completely.

Ivy moans, so soft, so carnal and dirty, my cock throbs in response, growing harder, my balls tight.

Right, so because fucking Henderson just happens to have the right cards and stepped on the wrong toes, he’s here. And when he’s done, he’ll see my pretty little toy trying her fucking damnedest not to get off on my hand.

There’ll be invites that I’ll ignore.

I’m wondering if he’s here to find out if I’ll show with my toy. I don’t usually go to these things, but I have in the past. Another trick when you put yourself in it is to do things you’ve done before, but with a slight twist. Don’t shock, don’t step completely into another story.

And I get it. I’m fascinating to men like him. They play at recluse, but unlike me, they’re actually hiding, so they’re drawn to it when I get a new plaything. It’s happened before, in the past, when I did have someone like I have Ivy now. But she…she pales compared to this little gem.

It’s going to be a pity when I ruin her.

If she was anyone else, I’d keep her for myself.

I don’t want to be caught staring at her. As she starts to tighten, move faster, a little more erratic, I slide in the knife. “Tell me, Pollyanna, about your first time.”

That almost stops her in her tracks and half drags her back, but she’s still chasing the tail of pleasure. Even though her moves slow and settle in response, she still wants it. “No.”

“That’s master or sir, slave.”