Page 26 of Lethal Lover

I shake off his arm. “You know, she’s not your property. And since she’s the bride, don’t we all know she calls the shots? Not her fuckinghandler? Because from where I’m sitting, all you do is call out the orders. Maybe it’s time you let me handle her.”

His eyes blaze at that. I swallow a laugh. Big, bad Sev knows what I’m thinking right now and he doesn’t like it. At all. So I play a little harder because why the fuck not? It’s my wedding day too. I deserve to have some fun.

“And you know, once this dinner is over, we’ll be hitting the honeymoon suite. Hitting,” I say with a shrug. “Or hittingit. Whatever and wherever the night takes us. You feel me?”

“She’s too smart to get involved with someone like you.”

“You weren’t.” I waggle my eyebrows at him.

“Agreed. It was a dumb fucking decision to bring you out here. I see that now.” His nostrils flare and his massive hands are balled at his sides. He’s trying to keep things civil since we’re in public. But his head looks like it might explode any second.

“You need me. You said so yourself. And for whatever reason I’m here, you know I’m the right guy for this.” My voice drops. “I want this guy, Sev. Bad. And I want all of the motherfuckers who are in bed with him. So lighten up about me fucking my wife, okay? If anything…” I pause for a second, a half grin lifting my lips. “It’ll make me transform from Clark Kent into Superman.”

“So long as it ends faster than a speeding bullet.” He grimaces.

“Nah, I’m young, unlike you. I’ve got staying power.”

He forces a smile. “If we weren’t in a public place right now, I’d have you on your back and my Zippo in hand, burning off your eyebrows.”

“Well, good thing we’re in public, I guess.” I clap a hand against his arm. “So where’s dinner? Better be someplace good. Is Tommy Marcone out here? Are we celebrating at his restaurant in The Xcelsior? Do we get the penthouse afterward since my sister’s husband owns the place?”

“Actually, no. I got a special request for a very special spot. Heaven’s pick.”

“Ah, shit. You didn’t invite my sister to the wedding. She’s gonna be pissed.”

“She understands the need for discretion. Our families are both well known in this town. You’re supposed to be in disguise. You can’t show up at her husband’s hotel and eat in Tommy Marcone’s restaurant. People will be watching and waiting. You want to stay alive long enough to get rejected by your wife? Keep a low profile.”

“Yeah, like she can resist my Irish charm.”

“I’m thinking it’s going to be more like her laughing at your tiny Irish cock.” Alek smiles and it’s real. Probably the first I’ve ever seen.

“Hate to burst your bubble, Ivan Drago. But my Irish cock is anything but tiny. I’m—wait, what do you call it?—an anomaly. So when she screams tonight, it’s not gonna be with laughter, but with fear of what my cock is gonna do to her. And then later… well, the screams will be different. Keep an ear out. Learn something.”

“You’re a real prick. Now get the fuck out of here. The car out front will take you to see Heaven. She said you’d love the place.”

“You guys aren’t coming?”

“We’re leaving. Remember, Liam. We never met.” With one last glare, he turns toward Kat and rushes her out a back door while Val was in mid-sentence.

Valentina shoots me a confused look. I sling an arm around her waist. “Come on, Lizzie. We’ve got places to be.”

She pulls away. “What was Alek talking to you about?”

“Our next stop.”

“Which is where, exactly?”

“I don’t know. My sister’s pick. I guess she wants to meet my new wifey.”

We walk out of the chapel. Out of the corner of my eye, I see her head jerk left and right. Same direction mine swings in because you just never know. I drop my gaze to her little purse.

I wonder if she’s packing, too.

Or maybe there’s a garter under that dress… with a gun tucked underneath it…

Shit, if I stripped her down and found that, forget it. She wouldn’t see the light of day until next Saturday, at least. That killer streak is sexy as fuck, and I’m curious to know what other ways we can channel it.

When all’s clear, I open the back door to the sleek black Mercedes and she climbs inside. I sweep my tongue over my lips, enjoying the few seconds of that ass wiggling through the door. I jump in after her and pull the door closed. About ten minutes later, we pull up to The STRAT.