Page 27 of Lethal Lover

Val’s eyes light up and she claps her hands together. “Oh my God. This is one of my favorite places in Vegas.”

I furrow my brow. “Why? It isn’t even on the best part of the Strip.”

“No, but they have Big Shot.”

That high in the air? I don’t even want to think about what Big Shot might mean.

My phone pings with a text from Heaven. No “hey, how are you?” No “congratulations.” Just “meet me at the top of the hotel.”

I hold up the phone. “I guess we’re heading up.”

We walk through the doors and head for the elevator to the top of the building. My neck prickles with sweat and I tug at the open collar of my shirt. My pulse hammers hard against the side of my throat as it tightens.

“Why are you so fidgety?” Valentina slaps the Up button in the elevator bank. “And you’re sweating.”

“It’s Vegas,” I choke out. “There’s no such thing as dry heat. Heat is heat, and I’m fucking dying.”

I take a few deep breaths, my stomach clenching tight. As the elevator sails all the way up to the 108thfloor, my heart pounds harder and harder, like it’s trying to explode from my rib cage. My ears pop, my temples throb. I grip the metal handrails around the elevator car.

Valentina looks more and more excited with every floor we shoot past.

When I think my head is going to erupt in a ball of flames, the elevator finally stops. Doors open and Valentina runs out. The observation deck gives views of the entire city. Since it’s dusk, the view is lit up by a soft glow of lights.

Val grabs me by the hand. “Come on, there’s something we have to do. Right now.”

“We’re supposed to meet my sister up here.” I take a look around, but Heaven’s long red hair is nowhere to be seen. “I don’t want to miss her.”

“We won’t. It’s not busy right now.” She laces her fingers with mine and runs me across the roof toward a very phallic-looking tower where a group of people sail to the top of it and then come flying down again.

I stop short, tugging her backward.

My stomach just dropped to my shoes, and I only watched it happen.

“I’m not going on that.”

Her face falls like an overdone cake. “Oh, come on. It will give you such an incredible rush. There’s nothing like it.”

I lift an eyebrow, raking my eyes down the length of her body. “I can think of something like it.Waybetter than it, as a matter of fact.”

She rolls her eyes and lets out a huff. “What’s the problem? What, are you afraid of heights or something?”

I peek over my shoulder for Heaven. Jesus, she had to be late today, right?

“I just value my life, okay? This shit is high. It’s unnatural to be this high outside of a plane. And accidents happen all the time on rides like this.”

Val smiles. “You are petrified of heights.”

“Nope. I’m up here, right?”

“You won’t even go near the railing of the observation deck.”

“I can observe everything from right here.”

Val cocks her head to the side. “So, you aren’t afraid of going up against a drug cartel, but heights freak you the fuck out?”

“I like to feel the ground under my feet. Sue me.”

She takes my other hand and closes the space between us. With a tilt of her head, she flutters her long dark eyelashes at me. “Don’t be scared. I’ve got you.”