Page 70 of Embracing Darkness

“It’s so lovely by the sea,” says Mom, smiling blissfully at Charles. “I don’t come down here often enough.”

“We can change that,” he replies, bending to kiss her.

I’m overcome with nausea and a chilly shiver. I go to stand close to Mom and interrupt them. “You guys ready to eat?”

“There’s a nice restaurant near here with comfy seats and good music. Oh yeah, and the food is pretty good too,” he says to Mom, looking at her lovingly.

“Oh, that’s a shame,” I butt in again. “I was hoping we could get something to go, and sit outside. Then we can walk along the waterfront and enjoy the fresh air.”

Charles frowns and then nods. “Sure, if you prefer.”

“I think that’s a nice idea,” my mother agrees, so we order hotdogs and take a stroll along the waterfront.

“I hope you’re enjoying the evening,” he says to me as I take a bite out of my hot dog. The sarcasm in his voice doesn’t escape me.

“Totally. It’s really nice being out with you guys and getting to know you a little better. You know what? I’ve been wondering for a while how come a man like you, who’s so charming and eloquent, was still single. I guess Mom got lucky.” Yeah, I can be sarcastic too.

His eyes flash again, and his mouth twitches, as if he’s holding back from saying the wrong thing.

“Everyone deserves some good luck,” my mother answers for him, leaning against his shoulder. “I’m really happy, anyway.”

I feel like I’m about to flip my lid, and I have to force myself to keep my cool. It’s not easy standing by and watching these two being so affectionate.

My mother is saying something to Charles when my phone rings. I take it out and look at the display in surprise.

“Ayden?” I ask after taking the call.

“Teresa,” he sounds tense, and I can hear that he’s on the move. “Listen carefully. For the last few days, I’ve been trying to find out what my dad knows about you and Noah. And I got some answers. The call you overheard between him and Mr. Cunningham... it wasn’t about you. It was about someone else. Do you understand what I’m saying?”

Surprised, I look up and mechanically follow my mom and Charles, who are moving closer to the water.

“It was Charles,” Ayden continues. “Apparently, he’s working with the Noctu. He meets with one of them and supplies them with dying breaths.”

I stop dead in my tracks, and my hand grips my phone tightly. I slowly look up at Charles, who doesn’t fail to notice my horrified expression. He seems to immediately draw the right conclusion.He can see that I know the truth.

“Are you sure?” I mutter.

“There’s no doubt. Keep away from him, okay? Hunters are on their way to arrest him. We’re supposed to make sure he’s not with your mom when it happens. Where are you? I’ll pick you up.”

“I... You’re too late,” I say quietly, as Charles reaches for my phone and takes it away from my ear.

“I can guess who that was. So now you know. Hmm, I honestly didn’t see this coming.”

Mom is standing behind Charles, looking at us both in confusion. “What’s going on?”

He turns to her with a warm smile and says, “It’s alright, darling. I’ve got this.”

And when I see the icy look in his eyes, my blood freezes in my veins.

Chapter 33

Ishould have listened to Arthur. He was right about you getting mixed up in things that don’t concern you.”

Charles raises his hand. His sinister smile strikes fear into my heart.

I see a movement in the background – a key spirit, I realize, and then I have just one thought: I don’t want my mother to watch this man kill me.

Suddenly, four men are approaching us. It’s only because I’ve had a lot of practice that I spot their key spirits. We’re pretty isolated here, I realize. Charles has led us away from the busy pier. There’s nothing around here but an old warehouse and boats moored in the water.