Page 69 of Embracing Darkness

It takes a huge effort for me to get a hold of myself, but in the end, I know she’s right. It won’t help if I storm off and jump the gun.

“He’s just using my mother! He’s playing with her emotions,” I shriek, pacing up and down.

Kate watches me and takes a deep breath. “We need to think hard about what to do next. Telling your mom the truth is probably not an option.”

I bite my lip and nod. Without the other information, about the world of the key carriers, she probably won’t believe me.

“But I can’t just stand by and let it happen.”

Kate and I exchange a glance, both knowing that our options are extremely limited. I can’t just badmouth Charles to my mother. I’d need to give her facts. But I can’t possibly reveal those.

“I need to go to her house anyway,” I say. “If nothing else, to see if he’s changed anything in Frida’s room or taken anything.”

And hopefully in the meantime, I’ll come up with a plan...

Chapter 32

Irun the last stretch to my mother’s house completely out of breath. The adrenaline pumping through me is the only thing keeping me going. After saying goodbye to Kate, I ran straight to the nearest bus stop, but I couldn’t wait. So I ran most of the way, which didn’t get me here any faster in the end, but at least I was moving.

I try to gather my thoughts and focus on what I need to do. I take another deep breath and sprint the last few yards. I unlock the door, slam it behind me, and hurry upstairs.

“Mom?” I call out. “Are you home?” No answer. She’s probably at work.

I open the hidden room and go inside. Still breathing heavily, I look around. At first glance, there’s no indication that anyone was in here. I examine every object and try to remember precisely how it looked the last time I was here. Has the little cupboard been moved? Is something missing from the wall? I just don’t know, and it makes me want to scream.

“I can’t tell if anything’s missing,” I mutter to Yoru, who looks up at me and doesn’t seem to know either. I stand in front of the display wall again and look at each item. Something catches myeye. It’s the article about the retirement home. It has a second hole, as if it’s been removed and then pinned up again. But was the hole already there? And if so, what does it mean?

Suddenly, I hear a noise, and I quickly realize what it is: someone has just unlocked the front door and stepped into the hallway. I hear footsteps and... voices. I hurry to the door, open it, and leave the room. As soon as I close the door, it melts back into the wall as if it were never there.

“You promised,” I hear a man’s voice say. “And I was so looking forward to it. I mean, it’s okay if you don’t feel like cooking today. But you really talked up this chicken dish.” I recognize the voice instantly and get goosebumps.

My mother laughs and says, “I thought we could go out somewhere, maybe down to one of the piers. And then take a walk... That might be nice.”

There’s a brief pause, and I assume they’re kissing. Then Mom continues.

“But if it means that much to you, I’m happy to cook.”

I go downstairs, and it takes all my resolve to hold myself back and not burst into the kitchen. Instead, I step into the room sedately and assume a calm tone of voice. “Hey, Mom, so I did catch you after all. I’m glad.”

I give Charles a friendly smile, which isn’t easy. I feel like lunging at him and dragging him out of the house.

“Teresa, what are you doing here?” he asks in surprise.

I could ask you the same thing, I think. I can’t believe he was just sitting with Mr. Brian discussing their plans, and now he’s already back here to search the room again. There’s a reason he’s insisting that my mother cook for him. It’ll buy him time to snoop around.

“It’s lovely to see you,” says my mother. “What do you say? Want to stay and eat with us? I’m going to cook something nice.”

I absolutely have to get him out of the house, and if I get achance to talk to him alone, I will. It may turn out to be a mistake to reveal to him what I know, but I have to do something. And with any luck, it will make him stay away from my mother for a while.

“You don’t need to create extra work for yourself. Let’s go out. We could get takeout and sit down by the waterfront and talk, get to know each other better.”

I give Charles a smug smile, which seems to annoy him.

But my mother thinks I’m being polite, and she claps her hands together happily. “That’s a nice idea. What do you say, Charles? I can cook for you some other time.”

Charles looks at me sharply. His expression is not as friendly now, although he’s trying his best to keep up appearances. “Sure. Whatever you guys want.”

We grab our jackets and head out. Charles offers to drive us, and I have to overcome my reluctance to get in his car. Mom and Charles talk animatedly, laugh, and seem to be in high spirits. I have to sit on my hands to control myself. The drive seems to take forever, but eventually we reach our destination. Charles parks, and together we walk to the pier.