Page 68 of Embracing Darkness

I smile gratefully at Kate and try to cast aside my gloomy thoughts. She convinced me to come out with her and take a walk through the city because I’ve been so miserable the last few days, trying to search for a way out of this situation for me and Ayden. She’s probably right: I need to clear my head.

“I know I’m not the best company right now, but I’ll try to forget about my problems for one day.” I turn to her and ask, “Want to go to the mall?”

But her expression is blank. Her eyes are staring at nothing, and her mouth is slightly open, as if she’s paralyzed with fright. But her posture is in stark contrast to this – she’s totally limp, like a lifeless shell. And then I realize what’s happening.

“Kate? Are you having a vision? Do you see something?”

It takes a moment for my voice to get through to her, but then she says, “It’s just a... strange feeling. As if something’s pulling me. Something wants us to go that way.”

She points down a side street. I look at where she’s pointing but see nothing unusual.

“There’s something important there,” she adds quietly. She sounds dreamy.

“Then let’s go,” I say, and we start walking. I mentally summon Yoru and ask him to stick close to us. But I don’t need to. He already senses the tension, the change in me, and takes cover behind a nearby car. He follows me, and Gray follows Kate at a short distance, keeping a lookout for danger. Meanwhile, I keep an eye on my friend and our surroundings. But apart from a fewpassersby, we see nobody.

Kate wanders around in a trance. She seems to know the way, although she still doesn’t know where it will lead. She turns right, then left, and follows a long street. Fortunately, we don’t have to go down any lonely alleyways, so hopefully we won’t be ambushed.

I’m a little surprised when we turn a corner into a really busy shopping strip. There are lots of stores, restaurants, and small bars. Kate walks past the other pedestrians without paying them any mind. She finally stops outside a small eatery and extends her arm mechanically, pointing at it. “We should go there for a drink.”

I look at the little restaurant and wonder what awaits us inside. Kate goes in, and I follow close behind. Our key spirits are already fanning out to find a way inside unseen.

The place is fairly busy, but the tables and seating are set up for privacy. The walls and floor are dark wood, and so are the little booths with their chunky tables. Kate goes to one of the booths and slides right to the end. I sit beside her and wait for something to happen. I’m feeling less anxious now because I doubt we’re in any danger here.

A waiter comes, and we order drinks. Then I lean back and look around. The booths are high, the seats upholstered in dark leather, and there are huge potted plants everywhere that provide extra visual cover and privacy.

“Kate, what are we doing here? What are we waiting for?” I ask quietly, but before she has a chance to reply, I hear a quiet but clear voice.

“Did you get anywhere with the mother? You need to get her to trust you so you can take a good look around.”

My blood freezes in my veins because I recognize the voice at once. “Mr. Brian,” I murmur, and Kate’s face mirrors my stunned expression.

“Don’t worry. Everything’s going according to plan. I was able to search the upstairs rooms last time.”

These words shock me. I sit bolt upright and have to force myself not to jump up. Because the second voice belongs to none other than Charles.

“Did it help to use the hex? Did you find anything?” Mr. Brian probes. The impatience in his voice is unmistakable. “Frida must have hidden the stuff somewhere. I’m certain she left clues for her successor. What else could the paintings be for? I’m convinced there’s something in them. I don’t know if Teresa’s deciphered it yet. So it’s all the more important that you make some progress.”

“I already have,” Charles replies quietly. I have to strain to hear him. “Frida set up a secret room. It must have been protected with a hex, but that was broken. So it wasn’t hard to find it and get inside using the incantation. I guess Frida figured that if her successor managed to break the hex, they’d also know how to protect the room.”

“That’s good news and bad news. It means the girl has already been in there.” Mr. Brian snorts angrily.

“I don’t think she was able to draw the right conclusions from that stuff,” Charles surmises. “A lot of it is still a mystery to me. I’ll need some time to understand it all.”

“Try harder,” Mr. Brian urges. “Remember what’s at stake here. You don’t want the girl to find out the truth, do you?”

“That would be bad for you too,” Charles says with in a cutting tone. “But don’t worry. Everything’s going smoothly. Maggie trusts me, and so does her daughter. I have time to take care of everything.”

“Don’t get careless. You know how much Teresa likes sticking her nose in things that don’t concern her.”

“This will work, I’ll make sure of it.”

I’m paralyzed, and at the same time, I feel electrically charged.I have to do something. But what? I can’t believe it. Charles and Mr. Brian are conspiring together, planning something. And it has something to do with Frida’s room. There must be something really important hidden in there. So important that Charles has inserted himself in my mother’s life. I swallow hard when I think of the enamored look on Mom’s face. She’s so happy. I clench my fists and can barely contain my anger. It’s all a lie! Charles is using her.

I can’t take it anymore. I jump up and run to the door. Out of the corner of my eye I can see Kate following me. She doesn’t look vacant or mechanical anymore. The premonition that led her here seems to have faded.

But there’s a storm raging in me. Fragments of the conversation flash through my mind, reigniting my fury. Once we’re outside, I can’t get away from this place fast enough. I try desperately to clear my head.

“Teresa,” Kate calls after me. “Stop! Try to calm down. Then we can figure out what to do together.”