Page 68 of Punt

"I hope not," I said. "Someone has to stick around and make us laugh. Speaking of that, did you get those stink bombs?"

Ollie glanced around, eyes wide, before he smiled. "I did. they're in my locker. But?—"

"Save them for a practice day," I said. Everyone deserved a break today. And a hot shower, followed by a massage. Of course, after a win, the press would want to talk to us. I wondered if I could ditch them. I shouldn't be thinking about it, but I wanted to know if Ashley came.

I hit the showers for a quick rinse. Then I'd take a look in the private box. Just to satisfy my curiosity. Not for any other reason.




I didn't quite shout myself hoarse but I wore half moon impressions into my palms from my nails. I'd spent a lot of the last quarter of the game with my hands clenched into fists, on the edge of my seat.

"That was a nail biter," Bec said, eyes wide. "I've seen a lot of intense games, but that was right up there."

I nodded. "No wonder people are so obsessed with football."

The side of her mouth twitched. "Just football, or the players?"

I sat back in my seat and idly watched fans pour out of the stadium. We could leave the box easily enough, but traffic would clog the area for the next hour or so. For that reason, I'd wait for a while.

Not because I hoped to catch a glimpse of Chase.

No way.

Okay, a little bit.

I shifted in my seat. "Both, I guess. I know it's ridiculous. Chase made it clear he's not interested in me. Why would he be?"

If Brandi was his type, I certainly wasn't. She was flashy, blonde and busty. I was none of those things. I was…friend material, that was all. Fuck buddy at best.

"After what happened with that other girl, I think he's a bit gun shy," Bec agreed. "But you two are so good together. You're sweet and smart, and you'd never go behind his back like she did."

"That's for sure," I agreed. If Kris taught me anything, it was the need to be upfront with the other person. If he'd told me he was interested in someone else, I'd have let him go, there and then. If he said he was dissatisfied I could have at least tried to give him what he needed.

Relationships needed honesty. Anything else was a disservice to both people involved.

"I know she hurt him badly," I said. "As much as Kris hurt me. More so, because she spoke to that journalist."

Bec grimaced. "He is horrible. I don't miss working with people like him. He gives the rest of us journalists a bad name."

"It doesn't help when people willingly give him all the dirt," I said ruefully.

"I heard she's up to a million followers," Bec said. "And got an endorsement from a big cosmetic brand."

I wrinkled my nose in disgust. "That really doesn't seem right," I said. "I wish her all the happiness and success she can get, but not at the expense of someone else. From what Chase said, she's smart. She's certainly pretty enough. That should be enough to get her where she wants to be, without stepping on someone else."

I guessed, to her, Chase and guys like him were a shortcut to fame and fortune. Whatever helped people to sleep at night.

"Right." Bec agreed. She reached for the plate of cookies and offered me one.

"No thanks." I shook my head. I glanced around and found us alone. All the other wives, girlfriends and guests of the team had filed out already.

"They've probably gone to watch the press conference," Bec said. She grimaced again. "Hawk will be a while. He always is. He likes to give the press all the time he can. In return, they more or less leave us alone. That's the theory anyway."

"Does it work?" I asked.