Page 69 of Punt

"For the most part," she said. "Nothing would deter Harvey Danbury if he sensed something messy he could blow out of proportion." She made a face like she ate something nasty.

"He sounds like he's in need of a life," I said dryly.

Bec snorted. "He really is. I can't imagine someone who does what he does goes home at night, happy with what he's done all day. He's got rich doing it though."

"That's enough for some people," I said, thinking of Brandi again. "Money might keep them warm at night, but it can't cuddle."

Bec smiled. "Or give you orgasms."

"No, but it can buy you things which give you orgasms," I pointed out. "A whole drawer full."

She chuckled. "It's not as much fun as having someone else to help you with that."

I sighed. "That's true." Chase was very, very good at doing that. So good I dreamed about him the night before, and woke up in a lather of sweat. I blushed just thinking about it.

"Will you be at Waves tonight?" Bec asked. "After a game like that, they'll want to celebrate for a while. Although, they'll spend half the night complaining about aches and bruises too. It comes with the territory."

"Does that bother you?" I asked. "That Hawk might get badly hurt someday?"

"Of course." Bec sat back, half eaten cookie in her hand. "Every time he goes out there, I worry he'll get smashed to bits. Sometimes I think they only love to play so they can smash the other guys, because they can't do that otherwise."

"Channelling their inner thug?" I suggested.

Bec snorted a laugh. "Exactly. He gets hurt, but it's never too bad. And it's better he smash guys on the field than off."

"Right," I agreed. "Work out that aggression on the opposition."

"Exactly." Bec nodded and bit into her cookie. "We just take ours out on a bowl of cookie dough, or a treadmill."

"Much safer." I knew plenty of women played football, wrestled or whatever, but it didn't appeal to me as much as cookie dough.

"So, you didn't tell me what you did with the balloons," Bec said.

"Oh." I remembered now I started to tell her about them during the break between the first and second quarters. "I have a friend who's a nurse and drives a van. We put them all in the back and he took them to the kids’ ward at the hospital. From what he said, the kids loved them."

Playing with the things might help to distract them from their illnesses or injuries, if only for a little while.

"What a great idea," Bec enthused. "I'd have grabbed a needle and stabbed them all. Your way is much better."

I shuddered at the idea of all that popping. "That would be a good way to burn off aggression too. If a shit load messier."

"Lucky they weren't condoms," Bec said. "I don't think the children's hospital could take them if they were."

I groaned at the idea. "Even Kris wouldn't be that stupid." Honestly I'm surprised he didn't think of it. He would have found it hilarious, if not romantic. It would be a lot more expensive though. He wouldn't have spent a ton on a gesture like that, no matter how badly he wanted me back. Thank goodness for some small mercies.

"I don't think Chase would go that far either," Bec said. "Bam might though. That guy would do anything for a laugh. Almost anything. He wouldn't throw a game, or jeopardise one."

"None of the guys would be on the team if they didn't take their jobs seriously." I hesitated for a moment, then asked, "Do you ever feel like you come second to football?"

"Sometimes." Bec shrugged. "It's just a part of being in a relationship with a pro athlete. Or—well, anyone. There's times I've been up all night writing and I only realise when Hawk brings me toast and coffee for breakfast. Jobs get intense, y' know?"

"Yeah, I guess so." I travelled all over for mine. Was that really any different?

"We're lucky in a way," Bec said. "Hawk's earnings means when he's done with football, he can retire if he wants to. He won't, he'll coach, because he loves the game so much. But he can be around more for our future kids and me."

It sounded like she and Hawk had their future mapped out, and it sounded wonderful. I didn't even know what might happen in the next minute, much less twenty years from now.

"You have it all figured out," I said, unable to keep the envy from my tone.