Page 27 of Punt

I glanced at Chase. "Through a mutual friend." That much was true. At least, if Kris and Chase were still friends. Something like this could really drive a wedge between them. I wondered if Kris thought about that before he'd fallen into bed with Brandi. He probably wasn't thinking at all. Besides, if he wasn't thinking about me, then he was certainlynotthinking about Chase.

"Ah, the old mutual friend," Bam said with a nod. "Sure is safer than hookin' up with a chick in a bar. Right, Chase?"

Chase shifted uncomfortably in his seat. "Um, yeah. Didn't you meet your last ten or eleven girlfriends in bars?"

"Yep," Bam replied. "And look how they turned out."

"I'm sure it works for plenty of people," I said. Kris and I met through another friend. The guy before him, I met in the gym. Before that, in college. And the two before him. I really wasn't adventurous, was I?

"Yeah, what she said." Bam jerked his head toward me. "That's why I keep lookin'."

"I'm sure you'll find someone," I assured him. I thought about offering to set him up with someone. Maybe Grace from Lacey's PR department? No, they were too alike. Both were outspoken and took no crap from anyone. They'd probably kill each other.

"Eh, that's okay." He waved a hand at me. "I'm happy stayin' single. It's much less of a hassle."

I couldn't argue with that. Sometimes I wondered if life would be simpler without Kris, or anyone else, in it. But still, the heart wants what the heart wants, whether it makes sense or not.

"He says that, but then when he meets a woman he likes, he's all in," Chase said.

"'Til I'm all out," Bam said. "That happens soon after. I get bored too easily."

"You do or they do?" Chase teased.

"Hey," Bam pretended to be stung, but a smile touched the corners of his mouth. "I am never boring, I'll have you know. Abraham, 'Bam" Clinton is the life of the party. All of the parties, all of the time."

"Keep telling yourself that." Chase clapped him on the shoulder.

"I will, 'cause it's true," Bam said.

"What's true?" Ollie Tucker drifted over from the group and propped his arm on Bam's shoulder.

"We were just saying you need to be hit in the face a few times," Bam said without missing a beat. "You're too pretty."

I laughed at the expression on Ollie's face, but Bam wasn't wrong. Ollie was one of the best looking guys I'd ever seen, and he didn't seem to realise it.

"Have you ever modelled?" I asked without thinking.

All eyes swivelled to me.

"You must be talking to me," Bam said. He fluffed the air at the back of his head, which would have been hair if he wore it longer. "I'm pretty hot."

"No," I said. I shook my head. "I mean yes, you are, but I was talking to Ollie."

Chase pointed at Bam and laughed. "You're a funny guy."

Bam sniffed. "I don't see her asking you either."

Chase lowered his hand.

"Actually, if any of you wanted to, we could use some men to model at the spring fashion parade," I said. Getting the Storm Valley Rapids on stage would be quite the coup. I might even score a promotion for it. Not to mention, it would be fun.

"Chase would fall off the catwalk," Bam said. "But it could be good for shits and giggles."

Chase opened and closed his mouth. "I could try," he said. "If Ollie will. No one will notice if I fall, they'll be looking at him."

Ollie blushed. "I…I don't know."

"It's for charity," I said to sweeten the deal.