Page 26 of Punt

He lowered his beer. "You won't be," he promised. "They like you. I like you. After this is over, I'd like to be friends. I mean, if you do." He cocked his head and gave me a warm, boyish smile.

I bet that look dropped a few panties in his time. Was he aware how adorable he was? I mentally shook off the thought. I shouldn't be thinking about him that way. Kris should be uppermost in my mind right now, no one else.

"I'd like that," I said firmly. "You did say you'd take me for a ride on your bike." A thrill of anticipation and fear trickled down my spine.

He grinned. "I did and I will. You'll love it. There's no bigger rush. Except jumping out of a plane."

I wrinkled my nose. "You've done that?" The idea made me shudder.

"Once or twice." He cocked his head. "You've never done that either?"

"Hell no," I said. "Why would I jump out of a perfectly good plane? Unless it was crashing." Even then, I'd have to be shoved out. Nope, I'd keep to my seat, seatbelt fastened nice and tight.

"Because it's fun." Chase rested his elbow on the table. "And perfectly safe. For the most part."

"Yeah. It's the 'for the most part' bit that worries me," I said dryly. "Accidents happen."

"That's for sure." He grimaced.

I regarded him for a moment. "Should I ask?" I was curious now. What happened to him that he'd make a face like that when I mentioned accidents?

He shook his head. "You don't want to know. Let's just say I have some bad luck sometimes." His expression dropped and he sighed.

"You're thinking of Brandi?" I placed a hand lightly over one of his. His skin was warm and firm. His hands were bigger than Kris'. Why was I noticing details like that? I really needed to reign my mind in.

"It's hard not to," Chase admitted. "I'm sure you think of Kris a lot. I know I do." His mouth twisted to the side a little.

"You're still pissed at him," I said. "Have you spoken to him?"

"I texted to invite him here tonight," Chase said. "He replied that he was busy with something."

My heart skipped. Partly at the idea that I could have seen Kris tonight and partly because I wondered what was so important he blew Chase off. Did it have something to do with Brandi?

Or— "He might be too scared to see you in person," I suggested. "You might still punch him in the face." I was only half-joking.

"If I slept with his girlfriend, I'd probably avoid him too," Chase said.

"I don't think you would ever do that," I said. "Sleep with his girlfriend, I mean."

His eyes lingered on mine for a moment. Did I imagine them darkening?

"I guess not," he said after a moment. "I mean, no, I wouldn't cheat, or be the other guy. Life is way too short for that."

"Ain't that the truth," I agreed. Maybe it was too short to fight for someone who did cheat, but my aching heart told me to try. Life was also too short to give up on things you really want.

"You two are way too deep and meaningful over here," Bam declared. He made his way toward us through the tables. "This is a celebration. Lighten up a little." He grinned.

He'd obviously been drinking, but not enough to be sloppy. Well, nottoosloppy. Cheerful at least.

"We're light," Chase retorted. "Right, Ash?"

"Right," I agreed. "Light as a… something which is really light."

"Like a light?" Bam pointed up at the ceiling.

"Yeah, that works." I laughed. "We're just here having a good time."

"Great," Bam said. "So, how did you meet?"