Page 18 of Punt

"Ahhh. Shame, she seemed to dig you." Hallie let the first half of my beer rest and filled up Ashley's glass from a bottle. No boxed wine for Waves.

"Shit happens sometimes," I said.

"True that." She set the wine on the bar and finished pouring my beer.

I paid for both drinks, nodded my thanks and went back to the booth.

"She's just as bad," I said, my voice low so Hallie couldn't hear. I told Ashley what Hallie said.

"Maybe you're meant to be together," Ashley said tentatively. "Should we let a little bump in the road stop us from living our lives with people we're supposed to be with?"

Little bump? I wasn't sure it was only that. I nodded anyway.

"I suppose we shouldn't. But Brandi seemed relieved to end things. I don't think she could get away fast enough."

"She might be good at covering her feelings," Ashley suggested. "Or relieved that you didn't get angry and throw chairs around." She smiled faintly.

"I guess." I sipped my beer and wondered how much of this conversation was fuelled by alcohol. There was nothing better for bringing out the deepest of desires, even if those were a bad idea. The more I drank, the better the idea of getting back together with Brandi seemed.

"You do love her, don't you?" Ashley asked.

"Yeah, I do. At least, IthinkI do." I frowned. "It felt like love." What did I know, I'd never been in love before, exceptfor football. That was true love. I had no doubt about that. Ever since I was a kid, it was the only thing I wanted to do. The only thing that kept my attention. If I hadn't succeeded at that, I don't know where I'd be. Probably stacking shelves at the local shop, or mowing lawns. Both legitimate ways to make a living, of course, but not a dream job. Not for me anyway. For me, it was all about the game.

"If you love her, isn't she worth fighting for?" Ashley asked. "Or at least…" She frowned.

"At least what?" I tried to cock my head, but it flopped instead. I must have had more to drink than I realised. I couldn't remember how many. Enough to make me very relaxed, but not enough for a raging hangover. Not yet anyway.

"We could make them see what they gave up," she said. "Maybe they'd regret what they did and beg us to take them back."

"Or try to crawl back." I pictured Brandi on her hands and knees, and flushed. It didn't involve her apologising. Not with words. With her mouth though—absolutely.

I blinked and focused on Ashley's face. She really was pretty. Natural, compared to Brandi.

"What did you have in mind?" I asked. "Making them jealous in some way?"

Ashley shifted on her seat. "We could show them we're living our best lives without them." She looked thoughtful. "Do you think they'd buy it if we pretended to be dating? Kris would flip out if he saw us together, looking happy and all that. He'd regret sleeping with her."

"He really would." I knew him well enough to know he'd hate that. If his actions drove Ashley into my arms, he'd be pissed at me. He might do anything to get back into her good books then.

"Brandi might realise what a catch you are," Ashley said.

I was sure she was being polite, but I'd take the compliment with good grace.

"I certainly am," I said. Okay, that wasn't good grace, but I tried to be a decent guy. I was respectful, thoughtful and didn't look like the ass end of a cane toad. Okay, my mother said I didn't. I was a touch accident prone, but no one got hurt. Usually. Well, no one but me.

"I mean, I try," I said more modestly. "So, you wanna pretend we're seeing each other? That means we'll have to be seen together in public." The more public the better. There was no point in doing this if it went unnoticed.

"Let's do it," Ashley said. "It'll be fun. If nothing else, it'll keep us from moping around our apartments eating ice cream and crying over romcoms."

"That's my typical Wednesday night," I joked.

"Then you really need to get out," she said firmly.

"It happens, I know just the place." I leaned in closer and started to explain.