Page 19 of Punt

Okay, I admit when Chase said he'd pick me up and take me to a ball game, this wasn't what I imagined.

He knocked on my door right on time. Not too early, not too late. I'd be impressed if this was a real date and not pretend. Who was I kidding? Even on a fake date, it was nice of him to be on time.

He was dressed in sweats, not light grey, unfortunately, and a dark blue t-shirt.

Until now, I hadn't appreciated how muscular he was. His biceps and chest strained the fabric of his shirt. He wasn't huge, but he was obviously fit, and made the effort to stay that way.

He smiled at me, crinkling the lines around his brown eyes.

"Ready to go?" he asked.

Did I imagine his eyes traveling up and down my body? Fair's fair, I suppose. I did the same to him.

"I'll just grab my bag." I had worried I was underdressed, but seeing him now, I knew jeans were the perfect choice. Not mint green, of course, but dark blue. They hugged my legs and hips and made my ass look amazing, if I said so myself.

My white t-shirt had a v neck, but not so low my breasts might fall out the front. Low enough for a peek of cleavage. Overthat, I wore a black leather jacket. I'd pulled my hair into a simple ponytail and threw on a touch of makeup.

I swung my small, black leather bag onto my shoulder and shoved my phone inside. I stepped out into the corridor, locked the door behind me and slipped my keys into my bag.

"Nice place," Chase remarked.

"Thanks. My inheritance from my grandmother helped a lot." Of course, I'd rather have her in my life. She'd have a few wise words to say about Kris. A few expletives as well. That used to drive my mother up the wall, but Grandma always said she was too fucking old to give a shit what people thought about her. She just got on with life. Until one day she didn't. She passed away in her sleep. The only sedate thing, according to my father, she ever did.

I wasn't sure if she'd be proud of me for buying a place with the money she left, or disappointed I hadn't used it to go on a year or two of adventures. I was cautious, like my mother, but had no regrets.

"I'm sorry," Chase said. "I didn't realise. Was it a long time ago?"

"Two, nearly three years ago now," I said. Wow, how had that much time passed? I still missed her so much. Losing her left a hole in my heart.

"She wouldn't have approved of Kris. This though—" I flicked a finger between him and me. "She'd think this is hilarious. 'Living well is the best revenge,' she used to say. Let them think they haven't got to you, even though they have. If they think they're in your head, rent free, then they win."

"She sounds smart." Chase led me out to a dark SUV, which looked almost as old as my car.

"She was," I said. I climbed into the passenger seat when he unlocked the door with the button on his keys. Not quite as old as my car then. I should probably have used some inheritancemoney on a new car, but the apartment was a bigger priority at the time.

"Nice ride." I clicked my seatbelt and sat back. It was clean in here, with a lingering scent of him and pizza. A perfect combination.

Thisisfake, I reminded myself.Don't get caught up in this.

"It's my second car," he replied. "The first one caught on fire while I was driving to practice. I keep this old girl because she goes on working." He patted the steering wheel. "I hate to replace things that work, even when I probably should."

"At long as it starts and goes," I said. "That's all anyone really needs in a car."

"Right," he agreed. "I ride my bike more anyway. I just figured the SUV would be better for this."

"You don't think I'd like sitting on the back of a motorbike?" I asked. Assuming he didn't mean bicycle.

"Uh." He stopped at a traffic light and looked over to me. "Brandi hated it. She said it messed up her hair."

I patted mine without thinking. "I keep a hairbrush in my bag. I've always wanted to ride on one." I imagined sitting behind Chase, my arms around his firm body. My hands on his flat stomach, feeling how many abs…

Fake, fake, fake.I pushed the thought away, while insisting my suddenly taut nipples stand down.

He seemed pleasantly surprised. "I'd be happy to let you ride me. I meanmine.Imean,mybike, sometime." He flushed pink.

My face heated too. My mind and clit went there for a moment before I shoved it away again. I should absolutely not get wet for him. That wouldn't be good for anyone.

He was in love with Brandi, and if I really wanted to work things out with Kris, I needed to focus on that. Not thinking about getting naked and sweaty with Chase. Definitely notimagining his face between my thighs, tongue tasting me… No, I shouldn't think any of that.