“Holly?” Thor rushed to my side. “What is it?” Concerned, his hand reached for my cheek, cupped it. His electric-blue eyes bored into mine.
I closed my eyes and pressed my cheek into his hand, thankful for the grounding effect and his soothing presence. I took a couple of deep breaths and opened my eyes again.
“Just a quick anxiety attack.” I tried to chuckle it off, but no laughter left my lips. “It’s all good now. It’s just been… too much.”
“Of course. But you are clean now, warm, and I hope you ate your fill. You should try to get some rest.”
Rest sounded nice. “Will you stay with me?” I asked in a small voice.
I stayed with herfor the rest of the day and the following night. It was the sweetest torture watching her sleep. No, correction—the sweetest torture had been cleansing her body while trying my hardest to be clinical and not to revel in the perfection of her.
Each of her soft moans had gone straight to my loins. There had been nothing I wished for more than to plunge myself into her depths and fuck her to my cock’s content. Touching her soft tits, even with a washcloth between our skin, had made me harder than cryn—a hard metal on Jahrle Even now, lying here next to her, thinking of her… remembering every soft curve, the lusciousness of her perfectly rounded ass, the petals between her legs… hardened me to such a degree that it became almost painful. My balls were swollen with seed ready to be deposited into her warm womb, making me glad I was lying here instead of walking around, which would have been impossible for me at that point.
I listened to her gentle breathing, watched the soft rise and fall of her chest, and marveled at her being here. With me. My one, my szaria. That realization still stunned me to the core.
I knew I needed to fill the others in soon. I imagined they were bursting with questions after I walked into the main chamber, carrying a female, only to go straight to my living quarters.
I wasn’t sure how much they had seen of her, but Sel-Gor, a Yar’O from the planet Yar and the only one left of his kind, had seen more than enough to report back to the others when he brought in the food.
By now, rumors would have raced through the males as they sat by the fire in the main chamber. But as much as I wanted to talk to them, I didn’t want to leave Holly. I promised her I would stay by her side, and I would keep that promise. The males would have to wait until tomorrow.
Normally, my clan always came first, but right now, I wanted to bathe in the discovery of my szaria and assure myself that she would be well. Her feet looked as if she had been walking through hell for weeks, and I shuddered at the thought of her having been out there for that long without me knowing about it. She could have been killed and I wouldn’t have ever known.
The very idea that there might be others like her out there tormented me. I contemplated waking her to ask, but she needed the rest. I tried to soothe my conscience that if there were others like her they would be just as resilient, and hoped a few hours more wouldn’t make a difference.
Eventually, though, the guilt of not doing everything I could to help search for other females who could possibly be out there, got the better of me, and I stepped outside my chamber to the narrow entrance that kept it semiprivate. I stood where I could keep an eye on her and would be able to hear if she as much as stirred, while I called down the narrow cave passage for Xano.
As if he had been lurking nearby on the off chance I might call on him, he appeared almost instantly.
“Thor’Steyn?” he asked, and I admired his composure. I would have instantly peppered him with questions had our roles been reversed.
“I’m sure you heard about the female I found,” I began.
Xano nodded. “It’s the talk of the cave.”
“She was alone as far as I could tell, but I haven’t had a chance to fully talk to her yet. She’s exhausted, injured, malnourished, but resting now. I want you to take a few warriors and search the forest where I found her for any traces of others nearby.”
“It will be done,” Xano acknowledged.
Briefly, I described where I found Holly, making sure to mention the dead daggerbeast.
“We will retrieve its fur,” He assured me. “I will also have some food brought to you.”
As if on cue, my stomach growled, and I realized I hadn’t eaten all day, thinking it was probably late after zenith—the time when the sun stood the highest in the sky. I nodded and returned to my chamber, noticing how Xano tried to hide his curiosity by barely allowing himself a quick glimpse into my area.
“If she is strong enough, I will introduce her to the clan tomorrow,” I promised.
“As you wish,” Xano called from over his shoulder as he retreated down the passageway that connected mine and some of the other chambers to the main cavern. The entire cave system was like a giant maze, but after five years, we navigated it with ease.
On the bed, Holly hadn’t stirred, but I still made sure plenty of furs covered her even though the heating cube did an excellent job of keeping the chill out and the space warm. The nights were cold in the mountains, and the inside of the cave never warmed up much, not even at the height of the hot season. The heatingcube, along with some other gadgets, were a few of the things we took with us when we fled the downed spaceship, and I thanked the gods every day for giving us the foresight to do so. The only place in the cave system to safely light a fire was in the main chamber, leaving the others to freeze in the winter if it hadn’t been for the cubes.
As promised, one of my warriors, Oredeon, came by not much later with another tray filled with food. Wordlessly, he took the old one back with him, and I grinned when he almost stumbled over one of the protruding rocks on the ground while trying to get a better glimpse of Holly.
I hoped she would be up to meeting the rest of my clan tomorrow, otherwise, I worried they would die of curiosity. Oredeon never brought food to my chamber. On the rare occasions I requested it, it was always Sel-Gor, our cook, who did so.
With his slight build, Sel-Gor wasn’t much of a fighter, even though he could hold his own with his impenetrable scales; he preferred to cook and clean for us, just happy to be a member of our clan. All of us had lost so much, had been hunted to near extinction, but Sel-Gor truly was the last of his world, and I couldn’t even begin to fathom how that must weigh on him.