“Mm-hmm,” I mumbled, drifting in and out of what had to be the best dream of my life. I hoped to God I wouldn’t wake to a burned-out fire—freezing, hungry, and alone again. If this was a dream, I didn’t want to wake up from it.
I felt gentle tugging here and there, cool air kissing my skin as it was slowly exposed while he so, so gently sponged my entire body down. A wet, warm piece of fabric moved up and down my breasts, and another deep moan escaped me as my nipples perked.
On some level, I was aware I should be mortified that I lay there naked, sprawled out in front of this stranger, while his hands touched me intimately, even if there was a layer of wet cloth between us, but I wasn’t. I was turned on.
I was more than turned on.
Exhausted, starving, and spent, this should have been the last thing on my mind, but soon it became everything to me, front and center.
The warm cloth ran over the inside of my thighs and gently nudged them to spread, and I obeyed. The cloth moved between my legs, brushed against my clit, and I gasped. An electric jolt moved through me, igniting a pulse in my clit that palpitated in sync with my heartbeat.
I was flipped over, and my bare nipples brushed over something soft and warm. I heard the tinkling sound of water from a piece of cloth first being dipped into a basin and then wrung out right before it was back on my legs, moving upward, to the inside of my legs, then outside, rhythmically. Myskin burned where he rubbed it, and the flesh surrounding it throbbed with the desire to be touched next.
I didn’t think my ass had gotten dirty during my time out there, but he took great pains to gently rub the piece of cloth over my cheeks, and I moaned again as the little pulse in my clit intensified. The warm cloth brushed up and down my back, gently soothing strained muscles, and when he reached between my shoulder blades, I nearly cried as knot after knot loosened.
“I think we’ll wait on the hair until you feel better,” he said and turned me over one more time.
Cool air hit my breasts, my nipples, and the little buds turned taut. So stiff, they were nearly painful as they yearned with desire for him to stroke them, suck on them. Instead, I was lifted. My arms bent, and I felt a large shirt going over me. I nearly cried at being covered, for the absence of his hands on my body. I tried to blame it on my semidreamlike state, but it was more than that. His touch, however innocent it might have been, had stoked a fire that pulsed deep inside me.
A stranger’s voice sounded out, gruff and unintelligible, and all arousal left me when I realized once again that I was alone with God only knew how many strangers—men—and at their mercy. Suddenly, I was glad for whatever shirt Thor had covered me with.
Thor answered in the same alien tongue that didn’t resemble any language I had ever heard, and I had heard many over the course of my short career. But that went on the back burner along with so many other things, I lost count of them, because I detected a deep hoarseness in his voice when he answered the stranger. So hoarse he had to clear it, and with some unjustifiable spark of triumph, I realized that washing my body had affected him as well.
I recognized a couple of words from our small game earlier, likewaterandfood, right before the most incredible smellreached my nose. The aroma was so enticing, my eyes fluttered open, and I managed to lean up on my elbows.
And then I wished I hadn’t. The man who had entered wasn’t a man at all. He didn’t resemble any being from Earth I had ever seen.
No scratch that, he resembled…
I blinked. I had to be dreaming, right? The skin on his body was made of green scales. He was nearly as tall as Thor, but his stature was much slighter, more lizard-like. A tail flicked behind him, reminding me even more of a lizard, except his head was shaped like that of an ape—a beaked ape. He extended a tray filled with steaming bowls to Thor when I noticed his six fingers, all tipped with black claws.
I closed my eyes and leaned back as tears gathered behind them, because I was sure I was only dreaming and that none of this was real.
“Holly,” Thor called out, and I felt the bed dip beneath me with his weight as he sat next to me. How could my mind create all these little details? I fluttered my eyes open again to look at him. “Can you sit up? Sel-Gor brought some food for you."
The aroma made my mouth water, and I raised my upper body with the help of my elbows. Gently, Thor helped me get to a sitting position and scooted me so my back leaned against the rock wall behind me.
“Hold on,” Thor advised and moved off the bed to grab the tray and place it on my lap. My fingers shook when they reached for the spoon. “Do you want me to help you?” Thor asked.
For some reason, even though he had just intimately washed me, I didn’t want him to feed me like an invalid—or maybe it was because of it—so I shook my head and determinedly grabbed the spoon, filled it, and brought it to my mouth.
I barely had time to wonder about the strange material the bowl was made from before my taste buds exploded as the stew hit my tongue.
More tears filled my eyes because it was almost painful to chew on the eruption of flavors and the soft meat. I swallowed with a gulp and dipped my spoon into the stew again. Greedily, I shoveled one bite after another into my mouth, reveling in the warmth of the food hitting my stomach.
“Do you want some tea?” Thor held out a cup to me which was also made from a strange material.
I drank the warm liquid down slowly before attacking the stew again, feeling my stomach expand. After the bowl was half-empty, I looked up at Thor. “I can’t eat another bite.”
“That’s alright. I’ll keep it by the fire so it stays warm for later.”
Fire? Inside a cave? I wasn’t an expert on things like that, but even I knew that the smoke from the fire could kill us all. Alarmed, I looked around and caught sight of Thor standing by a strange-looking open-cube thing. A fire burned inside, but there was no smoke coming out of it. It glowed in a strange, warm, bluish color, illuminating the cave in a cozy luster, though it was not bright enough to be the light source.
Once I began to wonder about light sources, my eyes searched for another, landing on three round balls strategically placed throughout the cave to provide just enough illumination to see. The balls were an iridescent bluish color, too, and unlike any lamp I had ever seen—definitely nothing that belonged in the Paleolithic age.
Before I had a chance to mull this over, I recognized where I was: insidethecave chamber. The one where I foundhisskull.
I swallowed, pushing thoughts of his skull from me, and instead focused on the fact that I was in a place I would be in millions of years from now. Nowthatrealization was a mind scrambler that left me gasping.