Page 44 of Contact

“I’m sorry?”He looked like he was going to move away, but she put a proprietary hand on his shoulder to keep him where he was.

“That was smooth,” she said.“Feel free to do that any time.”

He hesitated.“I don’t know why I did that.”

“You’re following your instincts.Yourhumaninstincts.”Hannah tilted her face up to kiss him, which he eagerly returned.His cock bobbed against her belly, an unbearable tease.“I’m into it.”

He urged her knees apart with one of his own.Her hips bucked involuntarily against his body, wanting more.Her breath caught and her pulse sped up, ticking along in anticipation of what was about to happen.Indecision warred with lust in his expression for a few seconds, and his metallic gaze caught hers.They stared at each other for a moment.She was certain he could hear her heart beating a rapid tattoo.

She was right.“I’ve never seen your vital signs like this,” he murmured.

She bit the inside of her cheek to keep from giggling.“I don’t think they’ve ever been measured,” she replied.Her hips lifted again, encouraging him, and she hooked a leg around his.

“I don’t want to hurt you.”

“You won’t.I’d tell you if you did, anyway.”

“Do you promise?”

She nodded.

He reached between their bodies for his shaft, and Hannah did the same, guiding him.He pushed inside her, drawing a sharp moan from her.The motion was more gentle than she expected, a tease that was driving her out of her mind.His face was a mask of concentration as he fought for control, something she wished he would give up.She stroked his face, thumb gliding over his lips.He bit it, the small pain an unexpected pleasure as he drove himself home, their bodies meeting.

The sensation was so intense, both of them cried out.Rhys was still, eyes locked on hers in surprise.It quickly gave way to lust, and his body trembled above and inside hers.She felt full and a strange but welcome sense of completion, like this was right and supposed to happen.

“Hannah,” he murmured through gritted teeth.“I...”

“Do it,” she urged him.She rolled her hips against him in encouragement, the motion drawing a shudder of pleasure from him.She tightened her leg around his.

“I don’t...”His words died as he thrust inside her.Any retort Hannah might have offered evaporated at the sensation.

As he did it again, all rational thought ceased.Everything around them may as well have not existed as he drove into her.What he lacked in experience, he made up for in enthusiasm.Not that Hannah cared.

His breaths became more labored, came faster, and she knew he was close.She tightened her hold on him, nails digging into his back as his tempo increased.She hadn’t expected to climax again, but the angle at which his body struck hers...She felt the familiar ripples of pleasure course through her and she let them explode, biting into his shoulder to muffle her wail.

She could hardly control her own reflexes as she came down.Rhys was still on his way, and with her last vestiges of strength, she urged her hips to match his rhythm.

It worked.He shuddered above and inside her as he came, a twisted look of pure bliss on his face.She’d never seen that before.She wanted to see it again.

Both of them were quiet for a few moments, the only sounds their breathing and the waterfall a few meters away.Rhys leaned over and kissed her before pulling out of her body and lying on the blanket next to her.

Hannah rolled on her side to face him, propping herself up on one elbow.“That was fun.”

He nodded.“I think I understand what I was missing before.”He kissed her again, then lay back against the wrinkled picnic blanket.Hannah tucked her head on his shoulder, and he wrapped an arm around her.

For the first time in years, she was happy.

For the first time in her life, she thought she might be in love.


They tookanother swim after they had sex, then lay twined together on the blanket for what felt like hours.Rhys’s internal chronometer reminded him that it was only twenty minutes.Every one of his senses and sensors was trained on her.The feel of her weight against his body, her skin on his.The smell of her hair, fragranced with the clean smell of the water they’d played in.If he’d been capable of it, he would have blushed at the memory.

The twin suns were beginning to set when they started for home.This time, Rhys was the one to take Hannah’s hand, not wanting to let her go.It was a curious feeling, one he welcomed, and he scoured the depths of his original’s and incarnations’ memory shards as they strode along the dirt road.Had they ever felt like he did now?He had the vague notion that the original Rhys Hammond slept around quite a bit, had never settled down nor wanted to, and wondered where his ability to fixate on one woman had come from.

But fixate, he did.He never wanted to be apart from her again.He could hardly wait until they returned home and he could see what it was like having sex with her in a real bed.

“What are you thinking?”Hannah asked, squeezing his hand.