Page 43 of Contact

Hannah was only too eager to melt into him, to have him touch her.When his tongue touched her lips, demanding entrance, a moan escaped her, and the sound only encouraged him.His hands drifted down her back to her ass, experimentally kneading the flesh there before gripping her hips again.His cock pressed into her belly, a promise of what she hoped was to come next.Her pulse throbbed between her legs, steady as a drumbeat.If it hadn’t been for the water’s support and his hold on her, she might have lost her balance.

He lightly nipped at her lower lip, sending a shudder of pleasure through her.“Thank you for bringing me here,” he said against her mouth.“I can see why you like this place so much.”

“It’s private,” she said.

“Mm-hmm.”His murmur of agreement sent a pleasant vibration through her chest where their skin met.Just as quickly, he moved away, leaving her chilled where they no longer touched.Indecision warred on his face for a second before he crouched, ducking his head underwater.

“Rhys?What the hell?”Hannah didn’t move.She watched as he swam a little, not coming up for air.His belly went low to the pebbles at the pool’s bottom as he slid along it.“What are you doing?”

He returned to the surface, shaking water off his cropped dark hair.“Just experimenting.I wanted to see if I hate this water as much as the flooded bulkheads.”Catching Hannah’s quizzical look, he said, “I don’t.I don’t enjoy having my head underwater, but I can tolerate it when it’s warm and clear.”

“It’s good to know that we might be able to make swimming together a regular part of our activities.”

Something shifted in his expression at the word “together,” a flash of his metallic eyes that looked remarkably human.“It’s you too,” he said.“I enjoy spending time with you.”

“Not just because I like to get naked with you?”she teased.

That remark actually brought a smile to his face, as if he understood what she was trying to do.“I like that too.”He reached for her hand underwater, twining his fingers through hers.“I like everything about you.”

This time, his kiss was more sure, more confident.Hannah twined her arms around his neck, the tips of her breasts scraping against his chest, the sensation causing sparks to trail along her skin.But Rhys surprised her when he pulled away.“I want to try something,” he said.

Hannah cocked her head to the side, waiting.A thrum of anticipation coursed through her.He hadn’t suggested anything like that yet.

“I can breathe underwater,” he said.

She nodded.

“What you did for me,” he continued slowly.“I’d like to...”

Understanding dawned, bright and hot as a flame.“Oh, hell, yes.”Rhys started to crouch, but she put a hand on his shoulder, stopping him.“If the water bothers you, stop,” she said.“I won’t mind.”

He nodded and ducked his head underneath.

Hannah’s hands reached for his hair, stroking the short strands as his mouth gently kissed her belly.The feeling of it and the warm water around her—alien, strange, and thrilling—drew a mewl from her throat and he’d hardly started.He reached for her leg, draping her knee over his shoulder as he knelt on the pebbles.He put one hand where her hip met her ass to steady her and the other on her upper thigh, dangerously close to where she wanted it the most.

His tongue traced along her sensitive skin, a tease that was almost unbearable.Her muscles shook, insides already coiling themselves in excitement at what was in store for her.“Rhys,” she said, voice rough.She hoped he could hear her.“I want...”

His hold grew a little tighter and he gasped against her skin.For a second, she thought he might have to tap out, that being underwater was too much for him, but his mouth found the spot already begging for his attention.She cried out, fingers grasping his hair and her legs shaking against him.“Oh, my God!”

His tongue slid along her core, setting its nerves alight and her body almost rigid.She knew she wouldn’t last long, that she was going to fall apart against his face if he kept doing that.She desperately hoped he wouldn’t stop.

He slid one finger inside her, drawing another cry from her throat.“Like that,” she panted.Her lingering thoughts about whether he could hear her were answered as he slipped another finger into her as his mouth worked her clit.The leg she still stood on buckled in pleasure and she slipped, falling backward in the water.

Rhys stood up like a shot, pulling her back upright.His eyes were glazed over, half-hooded with lust, and she knew she looked the same.His hand slid down her belly, back to her pussy, his fingers sliding inside her.“I wanted to watch,” he murmured.

Hannah’s body arched against his hand as her orgasm ripped through her, coaxing a yell from her that might’ve been heard from outer space.She didn’t care as she rode his hand, Rhys’s eyes never leaving hers as her climax crested over again.It wasn’t until she leaned back in the water, shaking and sated, that he pulled his fingers out of her.

Their gazes caught and held.Hannah let herself float on her back, content to let the water hold her for a moment as she recovered.Rhys watched her, a hungry look on his face.“That was amazing,” she said.“I wasn’t expecting that.”She let out a shaky laugh.

Rhys grabbed her and hauled her against him.His cock jutted against her, a reminder that he still hadn’t found his satisfaction, and he reached under the water, quickly stroking it like he was trying to placate it.She bit back a smile and wrapped her own hand around it, sliding it up and down the sensitive flesh.Now it was his turn to moan, and his eyes drifted shut for a few seconds.His hips pumped against her hand in a pale imitation of what he truly wanted.She wanted that too.

“Come on,” she said.She grabbed his hand and led him out of the water to the blanket they’d used for their meal, sitting down.He did the same, then reached for her face, trailing his fingers along her jaw.She closed her eyes as sparks danced along her skin where he touched it.Goosebumps popped up along her flesh, but whether it was from evaporating water or in anticipation—or both—she couldn’t say.A small, rational voice in the back of her mind told her she should’ve brought towels.

“What are you thinking about?”Rhys asked.

“I’m a little cold,” she admitted.

In a flash, she was flat on her back, Rhys kneeling over her.His hands bracketed either side of her head, his knees on either side of hers.A thrill coursed through her, and she couldn’t keep a smile from her face.Rhys’s expression was shocked, like he couldn’t believe he had just done that.“Smooth,” she murmured.