Page 17 of The Hard Fall

“Everyone gets lonely, hon.” Kenji kissed Tido’s forehead. “Even me. Maceson flirted, let it be known that he was interested, and then turned into a total nightmare when we got together. I couldn’t get out of this relationship fast enough.”

Tido frowned when the doorbell rang. “Are you expecting anyone?”

“No, and if this isn’t life-or-death, someone is going to die,” Kenji grumbled as he eased his delicious body over Tido to stand up. “I’m pissed as hell someone is interrupting our cuddle session.”

He slipped his boxer briefs on and headed toward the door. Tido got up and pulled his underwear on, curious to know who was at the door.

Chapter Five

Kenji whipped the door open, glaring at… “What in the hell are you doing here?”

“Is that any way to treat an old friend?” Elijah asked, hands on hips.

“Old friend?” Kenji casually stepped forward, effectively herding Elijah and Drake back like sheep. He didn’t want them catching a glimpse of Tido, who was lounging naked on his couch. Though Kenji would never harm a mate, he wouldn’t hesitate to poke out some eyes for looking. “We’ve only known each other for a hot minute.”

Drake leaned against the porch post while Elijah stood there with his arms crossed. “Drake tells me you were sniffing Tido. Is that true?”

Kenji crossed his own arms and leaned against the doorframe. “What business is it of yours?”

“He’s our best friend,” Elijah argued.

Drake nodded in agreement. “He’s been fucked over too many times. If you’re just looking to get laid—”

“I’m gonna stop you right there,” Kenji said.

“We’ve known Tido since we were kids, and he’s too good of a friend to let anything happen to him,” Elijah added.

“You think I’d screw him over?”

“Like you said, we’ve only known each other for a hot minute,” Elijah argued. “I don’t know how you are with guys you’re interested in.”

“I thought you said we were old friends?” Kenji watched the two fiercely defend Tido. The determination in their eyes, and the way they stood tall with their arms crossed, was heartwarming and utterly adorable. He felt a warm sense of pride swell within him, knowing that Tido had these kinds of friends. “As a matter of fact, I have him tied up in my basement right now. I’m not releasing him until he admits that Star Wars is far superior to Star Trek.”

Elijah and Drake exchanged a look, their expressions indicating uncertainty as to whether Kenji was speaking the truth or just fucking with them.

Drake glanced at Kenji. “Everyone knows Star Wars is ten times better.”

Elijah slugged Drake in the arm. “Star Trek. Captain Picard is one fine bald man.”

“Dude, he’s like sixty,” Drake said with a scowl.

“And how old is Ajax?” Elijah raised a brow.

“But Ajax doesn’t look his age,” Drake defended.

“All right, all right, I get it. You guys are really invested in this whole Star Trek vs. Star Wars thing. But let me just remind you, the Force is strong with us too. We’re a force to be reckoned with, and we can have some fun with it. So let’s not get into a big debate about which is superior.” Kenji was having too much fun with this. He wasn’t really a fan of either, but he could tell Drake and Elijah were.

Elijah scoffed. “It’s not about the Force. It’s about the kind of guy you are. Tido would never stand for this kind of thing. He’s all about the Prime Directive.”

Drake shook his head. “Nah, man. Tido loves the universe of Star Wars just as much as he loves the universe of Star Trek. He’s not taking sides. He loves them both, and that’s what makes him special.”

Kenji smiled, impressed. “You guys get it, I see. All right, I’ll let you in on a little secret.”

Kenji had their full attention now.

“Don’t make me force you off my porch. If you two are this bored, go fuck with Ajax or Mason.” He walked into the house and slammed the door behind him.

He found his mate was on his side on the couch, laughing his ass off. He wiped tears from his eyes and chuckled.